value1: "The Juice Box Charger is pulling {{ states('sensor.carlojuice_amps') }} AMPs. This is above the safety mark of 30. Please unplug charger immediately."
who: 'parents'
- service: script.speech_engine
value1: "The Juice Box Charger is pulling {{ states('sensor.carlojuice_amps') }} AMPs. This is above the safety mark of 30. Please unplug charger immediately."
"The #Chevy Bolt Charged for {{(states.sensor.carlojuice_charge_time.state | int /60) | round() }} minutes and Juiced up {{states.sensor.carlojuice_energy_added.state |int /1000}} KwHs.",
"The last charging session was {{(states.sensor.carlojuice_charge_time.state | int /60) | round() }} minutes. Added {{states.sensor.carlojuice_energy_added.state |int /1000}} KwHs ",
"The Juice Box Pro added {{states.sensor.carlojuice_energy_added.state |int /1000}} KwHs to the #Chevy #BoltEV in {{(states.sensor.carlojuice_charge_time.state | int /60) | round() }} minutes."