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import{_ as e,n as t,t as n,a as i,cL as a,x as r,l,cP as s,cW as c,r as o,db as p}from"./card-e5d55e5b.js";let u=class extends i{constructor(){super(...arguments),this._refInput=a()}get value(){return this._refInput.value?.value?new Date(this._refInput.value.value):null}reset(){this._refInput.value&&(this._refInput.value.value="")}render(){const e=()=>{const e=this._refInput.value?.value;p(this,"date-picker:change",{date:e?new Date(e):null})};return r`<input
</frigate-card-icon>`}static get styles(){return o(":host {\n display: inline-block;\n position: relative;\n width: var(--mdc-icon-size, 24px);\n height: var(--mdc-icon-size, 24px);\n}\n\ninput {\n display: block;\n height: 100%;\n width: 100%;\n position: absolute;\n padding: 0px;\n border: 0px;\n}\n\n/**\n * Hack warning: Safari on iOS does not support showPicker with\n * datetime-local:\n * https://caniuse.com/mdn-api_htmlinputelement_showpicker_datetime_local_input\n *\n * The hack is to render the input element in front of the icon, with an\n * opacity of 0. This only works if the underlying input element accepts the\n * click at the exact place the user happens to click. From trial and error,\n * this seems to work better than expected / quite reliably, but had the user\n * manually changed icon sizes with Safari iOS their experience may vary.\n */\n@supports (-webkit-touch-callout: none) {\n input {\n opacity: 0;\n z-index: 1;\n }\n}\n@supports not (-webkit-touch-callout: none) {\n input {\n visibility: hidden;\n }\n}\nfrigate-card-icon {\n display: block;\n height: 100%;\n width: 100%;\n position: absolute;\n}")}};e([t({attribute:!1})],u.prototype,"icon",void 0),u=e([n("frigate-card-date-picker")],u);export{u as F};