diff --git a/config/group/switches.yaml b/config/group/switches.yaml
index 205ad03e..4ab62dbf 100755
--- a/config/group/switches.yaml
+++ b/config/group/switches.yaml
@@ -21,11 +21,6 @@ Interior Switches:
     - switch.living_room_tv_outlet
     - switch.office_lamp_switch_socket
     - switch.front_office_lamp
-    - switch.smart_power_strip_socket_1
-    - switch.smart_power_strip_socket_2
-    - switch.smart_power_strip_socket_3
-    - switch.smart_power_strip_socket_4
-    - switch.smart_power_strip_usb_1
 Kitchen Accents:
diff --git a/config/packages/glances.yaml b/config/packages/glances.yaml
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..08393078
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/packages/glances.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# Setting up Glances Integration for home assistant to track ProxMox stats
+# Original Repo : https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig
+  - platform: template
+    sensors:
+      proxmox_garage_avg_temp:
+        friendly_name: "Proxmox Garage Average Temperature"
+        unit_of_measurement: "°F"
+        value_template: >-
+          {{ (
+            (states('sensor.proxmox1_package_id_0_temperature') | float(0) + 
+             states('sensor.proxmox1_pch_skylake_1_temperature') | float(0) + 
+             states('sensor.proxmox1_core_0_temperature') | float(0) + 
+             states('sensor.proxmox1_core_1_temperature') | float(0) + 
+             states('sensor.proxmox1_core_2_temperature') | float(0) + 
+             states('sensor.proxmox1_core_3_temperature') | float(0) + 
+             states('sensor.proxmox1_acpitz_1_temperature') | float(0) + 
+             states('sensor.proxmox1_acpitz_2_temperature') | float(0) + 
+             states('sensor.proxmox2_package_id_0_temperature') | float(0) + 
+             states('sensor.proxmox2_pch_skylake_1_temperature') | float(0) + 
+             states('sensor.proxmox2_core_0_temperature') | float(0) + 
+             states('sensor.proxmox2_core_1_temperature') | float(0) + 
+             states('sensor.proxmox2_core_2_temperature') | float(0) + 
+             states('sensor.proxmox2_core_3_temperature') | float(0) + 
+             states('sensor.proxmox2_acpitz_1_temperature') | float(0) + 
+             states('sensor.proxmox2_acpitz_2_temperature') | float(0)
+            ) / 16 ) | round(1) }}
+  - alias: "Garage Proxmox High Temperature Warning"
+    id: proxmox-garage-high-temp-warning-automation
+    trigger:
+      - platform: numeric_state
+        entity_id: sensor.proxmox_garage_avg_temp
+        above: 145  # Adjust threshold as needed
+    action:
+      - service: script.notify_engine
+        data:
+          title: "🔥 Proxmox Garage Alert!"
+          value1: "The average temperature of your Proxmox servers is above 90°F!"
+          who: 'carlo'
+          group: 'information'