Just a couple of updates on the Chevy and some more twitter smarts.

This commit is contained in:
ccostan 2018-01-27 17:25:59 -05:00
parent c8ce78244b
commit 77bc102334
2 changed files with 3 additions and 1 deletions

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ group:
name: Chevy Bolt EV
control: hidden
- device_tracker.Carlo_Bolt_EV
- device_tracker.Carlo_Bolt
- binary_sensor.mychevy_plugged_in
- sensor.mychevy_charge_mode
- sensor.mychevy_charging

@ -158,6 +158,8 @@ automation:
{{ [
"The number of Doorbell presses yesterday was {{states.sensor.doorbell_presses.state}}",
"The #Landscaping lights where on for about {{states.sensor.landscaping_light_time.attributes.value}} yesterday.",
"I have spoken for about {{states.sensor.speech_time.attributes.value}}inutes in the last 24 hours.",
"When you add it all up, I have spoken for about {{states.sensor.speech_time.attributes.value}}inutes in the last 24 hours!",
"So far, I have prevented {{states.sensor.pihole_ads_blocked_today.state}} ads from hitting the network via Pi-hole! http://www.pi-hole.net",
"Pi-hole (http://www.pi-hole.net) has serviced {{states.sensor.pihole_dns_queries_today.state}} DNS requests today! #PiZero",
"{{states.sensor.doorbell_presses.state}} people came to the door today and pressed the bell.",