diff --git a/config/packages/twitter.yaml b/config/packages/twitter.yaml index 5e8d2df3..0fa09563 100755 --- a/config/packages/twitter.yaml +++ b/config/packages/twitter.yaml @@ -202,6 +202,7 @@ automation: "The current UV index is {{states.sensor.dark_sky_uv_index.state}} and the Moon is {{states.sensor.moon.state}}. #Space", "Home Assistant has been running for {{states.sensor.ha_uptime.state}}. (https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig)", "My @getspectrum internet download speed is about {{states.sensor.speedtest_download.state}} Mbit/s and I am a #cordcutter. @TabloTV", + "Yesterday we watched about {{states.sensor.tv_time.attributes.value}}inutes of television. @YouTube & @TabloTV on the @Roku", "I am keeping track of the current #Tesla stock price. It is {{ states.sensor.tesla.state | round }} dollars. #Solar", "I am keeping track of the current #Bitcoin prices. It is {{ states.sensor.bitcoin.state | round }} dollars. #BTC", "There are {{states.sensor.bear_stone.state}} #Minecraft users online at the momemt. #KidStat",