################################### ## LOG IFTTT Stuff - Rachio ################################### - alias: 'Log Sprinkler Activity' hide_entity: True trigger: - platform: event event_type: rachio_water_stops action: - service: logbook.log data: name: "Rachio Sprinkler:" message: "The Lawn was watered just now." - service: mqtt.publish data_template: payload: '{{ states("sensor.date") }}' topic: 'ifttt/rachio/watering_time' retain: true - service: script.tweet_engine_image data_template: tweet: > {{ [ "Just finished watering the lawn with @_Rachio.", "The lawn looked thirsty so I watered it.", "My lawn looks great and we definately do not water it nearly as much as everyone else. (http://amzn.to/2eoPKBW)", "No rain in the forecast? @_Rachio knows & chose to water the lawn.", ".@CCostan does not even think about watering the lawn. Me and @_Rachio take care of that." ] | random + " #SavingWater"}} image: >- {{ [ "/config/www/custom_ui/floorplan/images/branding/sleeping.png", "/config/www/custom_ui/floorplan/images/branding/sprinkler.png", "/config/www/custom_ui/floorplan/images/branding/sprinkler2.png" ] | random }}