###################################################################################################### ### Script for Sending Notifications to Mobile Phones # This script (`notify_engine`) and its variant (`notify_engine_two_button`) are designed to send # customized notifications to specified recipients in Home Assistant. # - The script dynamically chooses the notification service based on the 'who' parameter, # allowing targeting individuals like Stacey, Carlo, or groups like family or parents. # - Notifications include a title and a composite message from 'value1', 'value2', and 'value3'. # - The script can optionally attach camera snapshots, specify notification groups, and set interruption levels. # Usage: # To call this script, specify the action as `script.notify_engine` or `script.notify_engine_two_button` # and provide the necessary data parameters: # - 'title': The notification title. # - 'value1', 'value2', 'value3': Components of the message. # - 'who': Recipient identifier (e.g., 'stacey', 'carlo', 'paige', 'family', 'parents'). # - 'camera_entity': Camera entity ID for snapshots (optional). # - 'group': Notification group (optional, defaults to 'information'). # - 'level': Interruption level for the notification (optional, defaults to 'active'). # The 'notify_engine_two_button' variant includes additional parameters for two interactive buttons: # - 'title1', 'title2': Titles for the action buttons. # - 'action1', 'action2': Actions to be performed when buttons are pressed. # - 'icon1', 'icon2': Icons for the buttons (optional). # - 'destructive1', 'destructive2': Boolean flags to mark buttons as destructive (optional). # Author: @CCOSTAN # Original Repository: https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig # Video Tutorial for Android Compatibility: https://youtu.be/mK1wdpxhLbM ###################################################################################################### notify_engine: sequence: - condition: or conditions: - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.text_notifications state: 'on' - service: > {% if who == 'stacey' %} notify.mobile_app_stacey_iphone11 {% elif who == 'carlo' %} notify.mobile_app_carlo_xsmax {% elif who == 'parents' %} notify.ios_parents {% elif who == 'family' %} notify.ios_family {% else %} notify.ios_family {% endif %} data: title: "{{ title }}" message: "{{ value1 }} {{ value2 }} {{ value3 }}" data: group: "{{ group|default('information'),true }}" push: interuption_level: "{{ level|default('active'),true }}" entity_id: "{{ camera_entity|default('', true) }}" notify_engine_two_button: sequence: - condition: or conditions: - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.text_notifications state: 'on' - service: > {% if who == 'stacey' %} notify.mobile_app_stacey_iphone11 {% elif who == 'carlo' %} notify.mobile_app_carlo_xsmax {% elif who == 'parents' %} notify.ios_parents {% elif who == 'family' %} notify.ios_family {% else %} notify.ios_family {% endif %} data: message: "{{ value1 }} {{ value2 }} {{ value3 }}" title: "{{ title|default('', true) }}" data: actions: - title: "{{ title1|default('', true) }}" action: "{{ action1 }}" icon: "{{ icon1|default ('sfsymbols:house.circle', true) }}" destructive: "{{ destructive1|default('false', true) }}" - title: "{{ title2|default('', true) }}" action: "{{ action2 }}" icon: "{{ icon2|default ('sfsymbols:house.circle', true) }}" destructive: "{{ destructive2|default('false', true) }}" group: "{{ group|default('information'),true }}"