# Original Repo : https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig
# Tracking stocks with Yahoo Finance Custom Component
# https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2020/10/how-to-track-stocks-in-home-assistant-using-a-custom-component.html

    hours: 4
    - TSLA
    - VMW
    - AMZN

# sensor:
#   - platform: alpha_vantage
#     scan_interval: 2400
#     api_key: !secret vantage_api
#     symbols:
#       - name: Tesla
#         currency: USD
#         symbol: TSLA
#       - name: VMware
#         currency: USD
#         symbol: VMW
#       - name: Amazon
#         currency: USD
#         symbol: AMZN
#   - platform: coinmarketcap
#     currency_id: 1027
#   - platform: coinmarketcap
#     currency_id: 1

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