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synced 2025-03-18 10:45:09 +00:00
Hi Carlo, ## TLDR - Maybe made the fitbit component support multiple devices. (see disclaimer and instructions below!) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## Long version... I've been looking in to sleep monitoring and was looking at getting fitbits for my other-half and myself, but it's only any use spending the money if I can monitor us both with homeassistant. As such, I did a bit of research and saw the various threads that show the current component is only working with one device. So, I decided to have a look at amending it. Problem being, I can't test it because I don't have the devices to test it on, and I'm not buying the devices until I know it works. ## Disclaimer I am not a python programmer, I'm just learning the platform now, but I get the logic so I've fumbled through! It appears to be working as far as I can test it without the devices here. If this breaks anything I'm really really sorry! Make sure you follow the instructions below for some safeguarding! ## Instructions 1 - Make a backup copy of your current fitbit.conf somewhere away from your homeassistant instance. 2 - Delete your current local copy of fitbit.conf, and add this PR to your custom_components folder 3 - Change your configuration.yaml (or appropriate package/include) to: ``` sensor: - platform: fitbit filename: carlo.conf - platform: fitbit filename: wife.conf ``` plus whatever monitored conditions you want and your clock preference if relevant. 4 -Restart homeassistant 5 - You should get a configurator card for the two entities, copy the contents of your old fitbit.conf in to carlo.conf , sort out the details for your wife's in to hers. 6 - Let me know!!! ## If it all goes wrong Delete this custom component, reinstate your original fitbit.conf, revert your configuration.yaml (or appropriate include/package). ##Disclaimer 2 If it doesn't work, I might not be able to do much more as I am not a python programmer, but let me know because it might be something I can work out. If it does work I'll get another couple of people to test and then submit it as an update for the integrated component.
Bear Stone Smart Home Configuration
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This is the main directory of the Repo. You will find more helpful ReadMe files in the directoies as you browse them. Not all but each day I add more. I use a configuration type called split configuration. So my main configuration.yaml file is broken out into many different files located in the directories. Be sure to visit the package directory where practically self contained YAML files exist that you can easily drop into your configurations to be up and running fast with various automations and components. You can also subscribe via RSS to every commit I make in this repo by clicking the Feed icon on the bottom of this page.
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