mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 16:48:03 +00:00
194 lines
8.2 KiB
Executable File
194 lines
8.2 KiB
Executable File
"common": {
"about": "About",
"appdaemon": "AppDaemon",
"appdaemon_apps": "AppDaemon Apps",
"background_task": "Background task running, this page will reload when it's done.",
"check_log_file": "Check your log file for more details.",
"continue": "Continue",
"disabled": "Disabled",
"documentation": "Documentation",
"hacs_is_disabled": "HACS is disabled",
"installed": "installed",
"integration": "Integration",
"integrations": "Integrations",
"manage": "manage",
"plugin": "Plugin",
"plugins": "Plugins",
"python_script": "Python Script",
"python_scripts": "Python Scripts",
"repositories": "Repositories",
"settings": "settings",
"theme": "Theme",
"themes": "Themes",
"version": "Version"
"config": {
"abort": {
"single_instance_allowed": "Only a single configuration of HACS is allowed."
"error": {
"auth": "Personal Access Token is not correct."
"step": {
"user": {
"data": {
"appdaemon": "Enable AppDaemon apps discovery & tracking",
"python_script": "Enable python_scripts discovery & tracking",
"sidepanel_icon": "Side panel icon",
"sidepanel_title": "Side panel title",
"theme": "Enable Themes discovery & tracking",
"token": "GitHub Personal Access Token"
"description": "If you need help with the configuration have a look here: https:\/\/hacs.xyz\/docs\/configuration\/start\/",
"title": "HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)"
"title": "HACS (Home Assistant Community Store)"
"confirm": {
"add_to_lovelace": "Are you sure you want to add this to your Lovelace resources?",
"bg_task": "Action is disabled while background tasks is running.",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"continue": "Are you sure you want to continue?",
"delete": "Are you sure you want to delete \"{item}\"?",
"delete_installed": "'{item}' is installed, you need to uninstall it before you can delete it.",
"exist": "{item} already exists",
"generic": "Are you sure?",
"home_assistant_is_restarting": "Hold on, Home Assistant is now restarting.",
"home_assistant_version_not_correct": "You are running Home Assistant version '{haversion}', but this repository requires minimum version '{minversion}' to be installed.",
"no": "No",
"no_upgrades": "No upgrades pending",
"ok": "OK",
"overwrite": "Doing this will overwrite it.",
"reload_data": "This reloads the data of all repositories HACS knows about, this will take some time to finish.",
"restart_home_assistant": "Are you sure you want to restart Home Assistant?",
"uninstall": "Are you sure you want to uninstall \"{item}\"?",
"upgrade_all": "This will upgrade all of these repositories, make sure that you have read the release notes for all of them before proceeding.",
"yes": "Yes"
"options": {
"step": {
"user": {
"data": {
"appdaemon": "Enable AppDaemon apps discovery & tracking",
"country": "Filter with country code.",
"debug": "Enable debug.",
"experimental": "Enable experimental features",
"not_in_use": "Not in use with YAML",
"release_limit": "Number of releases to show.",
"sidepanel_icon": "Side panel icon",
"sidepanel_title": "Side panel title"
"repository_banner": {
"config_flow": "This integration supports config_flow, that means that you now can go to the integration section of your UI to configure it.",
"config_flow_title": "UI Configuration supported",
"integration_not_loaded": "This integration is not loaded in Home Assistant.",
"no_restart_required": "No restart required",
"not_loaded": "Not loaded",
"plugin_not_loaded": "This plugin is not added to your Lovelace resources.",
"restart": "You need to restart Home Assistant.",
"restart_pending": "Restart pending"
"repository": {
"add_to_lovelace": "Add to Lovelace",
"authors": "Authors",
"available": "Available",
"back_to": "Back to",
"changelog": "Change log",
"downloads": "Downloads",
"flag_this": "Flag this",
"frontend_version": "Frontend version",
"github_stars": "GitHub stars",
"goto_integrations": "Go to integrations",
"hide": "Hide",
"hide_beta": "Hide beta",
"install": "Install",
"installed": "Installed",
"lovelace_copy_example": "Copy the example to your clipboard",
"lovelace_instruction": "When you add this to your lovelace configuration use this",
"lovelace_no_js_type": "Could not determine the type of this plugin, check the repository.",
"newest": "newest",
"note_appdaemon": "you still need to add it to your 'apps.yaml' file",
"note_installed": "When installed, this will be located in",
"note_integration": "you still need to add it to your 'configuration.yaml' file",
"note_plugin": "you still need to add it to your lovelace configuration ('ui-lovelace.yaml' or the raw UI config editor)",
"open_issue": "Open issue",
"open_plugin": "Open plugin",
"reinstall": "Reinstall",
"repository": "Repository",
"restart_home_assistant": "Restart Home Assistant",
"show_beta": "Show beta",
"uninstall": "Uninstall",
"update_information": "Update information",
"upgrade": "Update"
"settings": {
"add_custom_repository": "ADD CUSTOM REPOSITORY",
"adding_new_repo": "Adding new repository '{repo}'",
"adding_new_repo_category": "With category '{category}'.",
"bg_task_custom": "Custom repositories are hidden while background tasks is running.",
"category": "Category",
"compact_mode": "Compact mode",
"custom_repositories": "CUSTOM REPOSITORIES",
"delete": "Delete",
"display": "Display",
"grid": "Grid",
"hacs_repo": "HACS repo",
"hidden_repositories": "hidden repositories",
"missing_category": "You need to select a category",
"open_repository": "Open repository",
"reload_data": "Reload data",
"reload_window": "Reload window",
"repository_configuration": "Repository configuration",
"save": "Save",
"table": "Table",
"table_view": "Table view",
"unhide": "unhide",
"upgrade_all": "Upgrade all"
"store": {
"ascending": "ascending",
"clear_new": "Clear all new repositories",
"descending": "descending",
"last_updated": "Last updated",
"name": "Name",
"new_repositories": "New Repositories",
"pending_upgrades": "Pending upgrades",
"placeholder_search": "Please enter a search term...",
"sort": "sort",
"stars": "Stars",
"status": "Status"
"time": {
"ago": "ago",
"day": "day",
"days": "days",
"hour": "hour",
"hours": "hours",
"minute": "minute",
"minutes": "minutes",
"month": "month",
"months": "months",
"one": "One",
"one_day_ago": "one day ago",
"one_hour_ago": "one hour ago",
"one_minute_ago": "one minute ago",
"one_month_ago": "one month ago",
"one_second_ago": "one second ago",
"one_year_ago": "one year ago",
"second": "second",
"seconds": "seconds",
"x_days_ago": "{x} days ago",
"x_hours_ago": "{x} hours ago",
"x_minutes_ago": "{x} minutes ago",
"x_months_ago": "{x} months ago",
"x_seconds_ago": "{x} seconds ago",
"x_years_ago": "{x} years ago",
"year": "year",
"years": "years"
} |