#include "secplus1.h" #include "ratgdo.h" #include "esphome/core/gpio.h" #include "esphome/core/log.h" #include "esphome/core/scheduler.h" namespace esphome { namespace ratgdo { namespace secplus1 { static const char* const TAG = "ratgdo_secplus1"; void Secplus1::setup(RATGDOComponent* ratgdo, Scheduler* scheduler, InternalGPIOPin* rx_pin, InternalGPIOPin* tx_pin) { this->ratgdo_ = ratgdo; this->scheduler_ = scheduler; this->tx_pin_ = tx_pin; this->rx_pin_ = rx_pin; this->sw_serial_.begin(1200, SWSERIAL_8E1, rx_pin->get_pin(), tx_pin->get_pin(), true); this->traits_.set_features(HAS_DOOR_STATUS | HAS_LIGHT_TOGGLE | HAS_LOCK_TOGGLE); } void Secplus1::loop() { auto rx_cmd = this->read_command(); if (rx_cmd) { this->handle_command(rx_cmd.value()); } auto tx_cmd = this->pending_tx(); if ( (millis() - this->last_tx_) > 200 && // don't send twice in a period (millis() - this->last_rx_) > 50 && // time to send it tx_cmd && // have pending command !(this->is_0x37_panel_ && tx_cmd.value() == CommandType::TOGGLE_LOCK_PRESS) && this->wall_panel_emulation_state_ != WallPanelEmulationState::ENABLED) { this->do_transmit_if_pending(); } } void Secplus1::dump_config() { ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Protocol: SEC+ v1"); } void Secplus1::sync() { this->wall_panel_emulation_start_ = millis(); this->door_state = DoorState::UNKNOWN; this->light_state = LightState::UNKNOWN; this->scheduler_->cancel_timeout(this->ratgdo_, "wall_panel_emulation"); this->wall_panel_emulation(); this->scheduler_->set_timeout(this->ratgdo_, "", 45000, [=] { if (this->door_state == DoorState::UNKNOWN) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Triggering sync failed actions."); this->ratgdo_->sync_failed = true; } }); } void Secplus1::set_enable_emulation_mode(bool state) { this->wall_panel_emulation_state_ = state ? WallPanelEmulationState::ENABLED : WallPanelEmulationState::DISABLED; this->wall_panel_emulation(); } void Secplus1::wall_panel_emulation(size_t index) { if (this->wall_panel_emulation_state_ == WallPanelEmulationState::DISABLED) { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Emulation mode is disabled"); } else if (this->wall_panel_emulation_state_ == WallPanelEmulationState::ENABLED) { // ESP_LOG2(TAG, "[Wall panel emulation] Sending byte: [%02X]", secplus1_states[index]); if (index < 15 || !this->do_transmit_if_pending()) { this->transmit_byte(secplus1_states[index]); // gdo response simulation for testing // auto resp = secplus1_states[index] == 0x39 ? 0x00 : // secplus1_states[index] == 0x3A ? 0x5C : // secplus1_states[index] == 0x38 ? 0x52 : 0xFF; // if (resp != 0xFF) { // this->transmit_byte(resp, true); // } index += 1; if (index == 18) { index = 15; } } this->scheduler_->set_timeout(this->ratgdo_, "wall_panel_emulation", 250, [=] { this->wall_panel_emulation(index); }); } } void Secplus1::light_action(LightAction action) { ESP_LOG1(TAG, "Light action: %s", LightAction_to_string(action)); if (action == LightAction::UNKNOWN) { return; } if ( action == LightAction::TOGGLE || (action == LightAction::ON && this->light_state == LightState::OFF) || (action == LightAction::OFF && this->light_state == LightState::ON)) { this->toggle_light(); } } void Secplus1::lock_action(LockAction action) { ESP_LOG1(TAG, "Lock action: %s", LockAction_to_string(action)); if (action == LockAction::UNKNOWN) { return; } if ( action == LockAction::TOGGLE || (action == LockAction::LOCK && this->lock_state == LockState::UNLOCKED) || (action == LockAction::UNLOCK && this->lock_state == LockState::LOCKED)) { this->toggle_lock(); } } void Secplus1::door_action(DoorAction action) { ESP_LOG1(TAG, "Door action: %s, door state: %s", DoorAction_to_string(action), DoorState_to_string(this->door_state)); if (action == DoorAction::UNKNOWN) { return; } const uint32_t double_toggle_delay = 1000; if (action == DoorAction::TOGGLE) { this->toggle_door(); } else if (action == DoorAction::OPEN) { if (this->door_state == DoorState::CLOSED || this->door_state == DoorState::CLOSING) { this->toggle_door(); } else if (this->door_state == DoorState::STOPPED) { this->toggle_door(); // this starts closing door this->on_door_state_([=](DoorState s) { if (s == DoorState::CLOSING) { // this changes direction of the door on some openers, on others it stops it this->toggle_door(); this->on_door_state_([=](DoorState s) { if (s == DoorState::STOPPED) { this->toggle_door(); } }); } }); } } else if (action == DoorAction::CLOSE) { if (this->door_state == DoorState::OPEN) { this->toggle_door(); } else if (this->door_state == DoorState::OPENING) { this->toggle_door(); // this switches to stopped // another toggle needed to close this->on_door_state_([=](DoorState s) { if (s == DoorState::STOPPED) { this->toggle_door(); } }); } else if (this->door_state == DoorState::STOPPED) { this->toggle_door(); } } else if (action == DoorAction::STOP) { if (this->door_state == DoorState::OPENING) { this->toggle_door(); } else if (this->door_state == DoorState::CLOSING) { this->toggle_door(); // this switches to opening // another toggle needed to stop this->on_door_state_([=](DoorState s) { if (s == DoorState::OPENING) { this->toggle_door(); } }); } } } void Secplus1::toggle_light() { this->enqueue_transmit(CommandType::TOGGLE_LIGHT_PRESS); } void Secplus1::toggle_lock() { this->enqueue_transmit(CommandType::TOGGLE_LOCK_PRESS); } void Secplus1::toggle_door() { this->enqueue_transmit(CommandType::TOGGLE_DOOR_PRESS); this->enqueue_transmit(CommandType::QUERY_DOOR_STATUS); if (this->door_state == DoorState::STOPPED || this->door_state == DoorState::OPEN || this->door_state == DoorState::CLOSED) { this->door_moving_ = true; } } Result Secplus1::call(Args args) { using Tag = Args::Tag; if (args.tag == Tag::set_enable_emulation_mode) { this->set_enable_emulation_mode(args.value.set_enable_emulation_mode.enable_emulation_mode); } return {}; } optional Secplus1::read_command() { static bool reading_msg = false; static uint32_t msg_start = 0; static uint16_t byte_count = 0; static RxPacket rx_packet; if (!reading_msg) { while (this->sw_serial_.available()) { uint8_t ser_byte = this->sw_serial_.read(); this->last_rx_ = millis(); if (ser_byte < 0x30 || ser_byte > 0x3A) { ESP_LOG2(TAG, "[%d] Ignoring byte [%02X], baud: %d", millis(), ser_byte, this->sw_serial_.baudRate()); byte_count = 0; continue; } rx_packet[byte_count++] = ser_byte; ESP_LOG2(TAG, "[%d] Received byte: [%02X]", millis(), ser_byte); reading_msg = true; if (ser_byte == 0x37 || (ser_byte >= 0x30 && ser_byte <= 0x35)) { rx_packet[byte_count++] = 0; reading_msg = false; byte_count = 0; ESP_LOG2(TAG, "[%d] Received command: [%02X]", millis(), rx_packet[0]); return this->decode_packet(rx_packet); } break; } } if (reading_msg) { while (this->sw_serial_.available()) { uint8_t ser_byte = this->sw_serial_.read(); this->last_rx_ = millis(); rx_packet[byte_count++] = ser_byte; ESP_LOG2(TAG, "[%d] Received byte: [%02X]", millis(), ser_byte); if (byte_count == RX_LENGTH) { reading_msg = false; byte_count = 0; this->print_rx_packet(rx_packet); return this->decode_packet(rx_packet); } } if (millis() - this->last_rx_ > 100) { // if we have a partial packet and it's been over 100ms since last byte was read, // the rest is not coming (a full packet should be received in ~20ms), // discard it so we can read the following packet correctly ESP_LOGW(TAG, "[%d] Discard incomplete packet: [%02X ...]", millis(), rx_packet[0]); reading_msg = false; byte_count = 0; } } return {}; } void Secplus1::print_rx_packet(const RxPacket& packet) const { ESP_LOG2(TAG, "[%d] Received packet: [%02X %02X]", millis(), packet[0], packet[1]); } void Secplus1::print_tx_packet(const TxPacket& packet) const { ESP_LOG2(TAG, "[%d] Sending packet: [%02X %02X]", millis(), packet[0], packet[1]); } optional Secplus1::decode_packet(const RxPacket& packet) const { CommandType cmd_type = to_CommandType(packet[0], CommandType::UNKNOWN); return RxCommand { cmd_type, packet[1] }; } // unknown meaning of observed command-responses: // 40 00 and 40 80 // 53 01 // C0 3F // F8 3F // FE 3F void Secplus1::handle_command(const RxCommand& cmd) { if (cmd.req == CommandType::QUERY_DOOR_STATUS) { DoorState door_state; auto val = cmd.resp & 0x7; // 000 0x0 stopped // 001 0x1 opening // 010 0x2 open // 100 0x4 closing // 101 0x5 closed // 110 0x6 stopped if (val == 0x2) { door_state = DoorState::OPEN; } else if (val == 0x5) { door_state = DoorState::CLOSED; } else if (val == 0x0 || val == 0x6) { door_state = DoorState::STOPPED; } else if (val == 0x1) { door_state = DoorState::OPENING; } else if (val == 0x4) { door_state = DoorState::CLOSING; } else { door_state = DoorState::UNKNOWN; } if (this->maybe_door_state != door_state) { this->on_door_state_.trigger(door_state); } if (!this->is_0x37_panel_ && door_state != this->maybe_door_state) { this->maybe_door_state = door_state; ESP_LOG1(TAG, "Door maybe %s, waiting for 2nd status message to confirm", DoorState_to_string(door_state)); } else { this->maybe_door_state = door_state; this->door_state = door_state; if (this->door_state == DoorState::STOPPED || this->door_state == DoorState::OPEN || this->door_state == DoorState::CLOSED) { this->door_moving_ = false; } this->ratgdo_->received(door_state); } } else if (cmd.req == CommandType::QUERY_DOOR_STATUS_0x37) { this->is_0x37_panel_ = true; auto cmd = this->pending_tx(); if (cmd && cmd.value() == CommandType::TOGGLE_LOCK_PRESS) { this->do_transmit_if_pending(); } else { // inject door status request if (door_moving_ || (millis() - this->last_status_query_ > 10000)) { this->transmit_byte(static_cast(CommandType::QUERY_DOOR_STATUS)); this->last_status_query_ = millis(); } } } else if (cmd.req == CommandType::QUERY_OTHER_STATUS) { LightState light_state = to_LightState((cmd.resp >> 2) & 1, LightState::UNKNOWN); if (!this->is_0x37_panel_ && light_state != this->maybe_light_state) { this->maybe_light_state = light_state; } else { this->light_state = light_state; this->ratgdo_->received(light_state); } LockState lock_state = to_LockState((~cmd.resp >> 3) & 1, LockState::UNKNOWN); if (!this->is_0x37_panel_ && lock_state != this->maybe_lock_state) { this->maybe_lock_state = lock_state; } else { this->lock_state = lock_state; this->ratgdo_->received(lock_state); } } else if (cmd.req == CommandType::OBSTRUCTION) { ObstructionState obstruction_state = cmd.resp == 0 ? ObstructionState::CLEAR : ObstructionState::OBSTRUCTED; this->ratgdo_->received(obstruction_state); } else if (cmd.req == CommandType::TOGGLE_DOOR_RELEASE) { if (cmd.resp == 0x31) { this->wall_panel_starting_ = true; } } else if (cmd.req == CommandType::TOGGLE_LIGHT_PRESS) { // motion was detected, or the light toggle button was pressed // either way it's ok to trigger motion detection if (this->light_state == LightState::OFF) { this->ratgdo_->received(MotionState::DETECTED); } } else if (cmd.req == CommandType::TOGGLE_DOOR_PRESS) { this->ratgdo_->received(ButtonState::PRESSED); } else if (cmd.req == CommandType::TOGGLE_DOOR_RELEASE) { this->ratgdo_->received(ButtonState::RELEASED); } } bool Secplus1::do_transmit_if_pending() { auto cmd = this->pop_pending_tx(); if (cmd) { this->enqueue_command_pair(cmd.value()); this->transmit_byte(static_cast(cmd.value())); } return cmd; } void Secplus1::enqueue_command_pair(CommandType cmd) { auto now = millis(); if (cmd == CommandType::TOGGLE_DOOR_PRESS) { this->enqueue_transmit(CommandType::TOGGLE_DOOR_RELEASE, now + 500); } else if (cmd == CommandType::TOGGLE_LIGHT_PRESS) { this->enqueue_transmit(CommandType::TOGGLE_LIGHT_RELEASE, now + 500); } else if (cmd == CommandType::TOGGLE_LOCK_PRESS) { this->enqueue_transmit(CommandType::TOGGLE_LOCK_RELEASE, now + 3500); }; } void Secplus1::enqueue_transmit(CommandType cmd, uint32_t time) { if (time == 0) { time = millis(); } this->pending_tx_.push(TxCommand { cmd, time }); } optional Secplus1::pending_tx() { if (this->pending_tx_.empty()) { return {}; } auto cmd = this->pending_tx_.top(); if (cmd.time > millis()) { return {}; } return cmd.request; } optional Secplus1::pop_pending_tx() { auto cmd = this->pending_tx(); if (cmd) { this->pending_tx_.pop(); } return cmd; } void Secplus1::transmit_byte(uint32_t value) { bool enable_rx = (value == 0x38) || (value == 0x39) || (value == 0x3A); if (!enable_rx) { this->sw_serial_.enableIntTx(false); } this->sw_serial_.write(value); this->last_tx_ = millis(); if (!enable_rx) { this->sw_serial_.enableIntTx(true); } ESP_LOG2(TAG, "[%d] Sent byte: [%02X]", millis(), value); } } // namespace secplus1 } // namespace ratgdo } // namespace esphome