ESPHome ratgdo

ESPHome ratgdo Web UI Documentation

Name State Actions Explanation
Button OFF A sensor indicating when the wall panel button is pressed to toggle the door.
Client ID 1234
A unique identifier used to generate security + 2.0 codes
Closing duration 0.0 s
The amount of time it takes for the door to close (learned after one door cycle)
Door OPEN | CLOSED Discrete controls for the door.
  • - open the door, ignore if alreay opened.
  • - stop the door, only if door is moving.
  • - close the door, ignore if already closed.
Dry contact close OFF | ON The state of the ratgdo trigger door close input.
  • OFF - input is floating
  • ON - input is connected to GND
Dry contact light OFF | ON The state of the ratgdo trigger light input.
  • OFF - input is floating
  • ON - input is connected to GND
Dry contact open OFF | ON The state of the ratgdo trigger door open input.
  • OFF - input is floating
  • ON - input is connected to GND
Learn OFF | ON Put the GDO in learn mode (same as pressing the learn button)
Light OFF | ON Toggle the GDO's light on or off.
Lock remotes UNLOCKED Lockout the wireless remotes.
  • - lock the remotes. Wireless remotes will be ignored by the GDO.
  • - unlock the remotes. The GDO will respond to commands from wireless remotes.
Motion OFF | ON ON - Motion was detected by the wall control panel (on Sec + 1.0, triggers when the light turns on)
Motor OFF | ON Indicates whether the GDO motor is running or not.
Obstruction OFF | ON Indicates whether the obstruction sensor beam is blocked by an object or not.
Opening duration 0.0 s
The amount of time it takes for the door to open (learned after one door cycle)
Openings 200 openings The number of times the GDO has cycled
Paired Devices 6 The number of clients which are paired with the GDO.
Query Paired Devices Send a query to the GDO to get the number of paired devices.
Query openings Send a query to the GDO to get the current Openings count. This value is automatically updated during normal status updates.
Query status Get the current physical status of the garage door, light, wireless lockout, learn, openings, etc.
Restart Restart ratgdo
Rolling code counter 22 codes
The current rolling code counter for Security + 2.0, it's increemnted for each operation.
Safe mode boot Restarts the device in a safe mode, useful if the device is missbehaving/crashing in a way that is preventing an Over-The-Air update to be performed.
Sync Manually sync the ratgdo client with the GDO. If the GDO isn't responding to commands from ratgdo, a sync should force them to be on the same rolling code counter.
Toggle door Cycles the door regardless of it's current state.