/* MultiDelegate.h - A queue or event multiplexer based on the efficient Delegate class Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Dirk O. Kaar. All rights reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef __MULTIDELEGATE_H #define __MULTIDELEGATE_H #include #if defined(ESP8266) || defined(ESP32) || !defined(ARDUINO) #include #else #include "circular_queue/ghostl.h" #endif #if defined(ESP8266) #include using esp8266::InterruptLock; #elif defined(ARDUINO) class InterruptLock { public: InterruptLock() { noInterrupts(); } ~InterruptLock() { interrupts(); } }; #else #include #endif namespace { template< typename Delegate, typename R, bool ISQUEUE = false, typename... P> struct CallP { static R execute(Delegate& del, P... args) { return del(std::forward(args...)); } }; template< typename Delegate, bool ISQUEUE, typename... P> struct CallP { static bool execute(Delegate& del, P... args) { del(std::forward(args...)); return true; } }; template< typename Delegate, typename R, bool ISQUEUE = false> struct Call { static R execute(Delegate& del) { return del(); } }; template< typename Delegate, bool ISQUEUE> struct Call { static bool execute(Delegate& del) { del(); return true; } }; } namespace delegate { namespace detail { template< typename Delegate, typename R, bool ISQUEUE = false, size_t QUEUE_CAPACITY = 32, typename... P> class MultiDelegatePImpl { public: MultiDelegatePImpl() = default; ~MultiDelegatePImpl() { *this = nullptr; } MultiDelegatePImpl(const MultiDelegatePImpl&) = delete; MultiDelegatePImpl& operator=(const MultiDelegatePImpl&) = delete; MultiDelegatePImpl(MultiDelegatePImpl&& md) { first = md.first; last = md.last; unused = md.unused; nodeCount = md.nodeCount; md.first = nullptr; md.last = nullptr; md.unused = nullptr; md.nodeCount = 0; } MultiDelegatePImpl(const Delegate& del) { add(del); } MultiDelegatePImpl(Delegate&& del) { add(std::move(del)); } MultiDelegatePImpl& operator=(MultiDelegatePImpl&& md) { first = md.first; last = md.last; unused = md.unused; nodeCount = md.nodeCount; md.first = nullptr; md.last = nullptr; md.unused = nullptr; md.nodeCount = 0; return *this; } MultiDelegatePImpl& operator=(std::nullptr_t) { if (last) last->mNext = unused; if (first) unused = first; while (unused) { auto to_delete = unused; unused = unused->mNext; delete(to_delete); } return *this; } MultiDelegatePImpl& operator+=(const Delegate& del) { add(del); return *this; } MultiDelegatePImpl& operator+=(Delegate&& del) { add(std::move(del)); return *this; } protected: struct Node_t { ~Node_t() { mDelegate = nullptr; // special overload in Delegate } Node_t* mNext = nullptr; Delegate mDelegate; }; Node_t* first = nullptr; Node_t* last = nullptr; Node_t* unused = nullptr; size_t nodeCount = 0; // Returns a pointer to an unused Node_t, // or if none are available allocates a new one, // or nullptr if limit is reached Node_t* IRAM_ATTR get_node_unsafe() { Node_t* result = nullptr; // try to get an item from unused items list if (unused) { result = unused; unused = unused->mNext; } // if no unused items, and count not too high, allocate a new one else if (nodeCount < QUEUE_CAPACITY) { #if defined(ESP8266) || defined(ESP32) result = new (std::nothrow) Node_t; #else result = new Node_t; #endif if (result) ++nodeCount; } return result; } void recycle_node_unsafe(Node_t* node) { node->mDelegate = nullptr; // special overload in Delegate node->mNext = unused; unused = node; } #ifndef ARDUINO std::mutex mutex_unused; #endif public: class iterator : public std::iterator { public: Node_t* current = nullptr; Node_t* prev = nullptr; const Node_t* stop = nullptr; iterator(MultiDelegatePImpl& md) : current(md.first), stop(md.last) {} iterator() = default; iterator(const iterator&) = default; iterator& operator=(const iterator&) = default; iterator& operator=(iterator&&) = default; operator bool() const { return current && stop; } bool operator==(const iterator& rhs) const { return current == rhs.current; } bool operator!=(const iterator& rhs) const { return !operator==(rhs); } Delegate& operator*() const { return current->mDelegate; } Delegate* operator->() const { return ¤t->mDelegate; } iterator& operator++() // prefix { if (current && stop != current) { prev = current; current = current->mNext; } else current = nullptr; // end return *this; } iterator& operator++(int) // postfix { iterator tmp(*this); operator++(); return tmp; } }; iterator begin() { return iterator(*this); } iterator end() const { return iterator(); } const Delegate* add(const Delegate& del) { return add(Delegate(del)); } const Delegate* add(Delegate&& del) { if (!del) return nullptr; #ifdef ARDUINO InterruptLock lockAllInterruptsInThisScope; #else std::lock_guard lock(mutex_unused); #endif Node_t* item = ISQUEUE ? get_node_unsafe() : #if defined(ESP8266) || defined(ESP32) new (std::nothrow) Node_t; #else new Node_t; #endif if (!item) return nullptr; item->mDelegate = std::move(del); item->mNext = nullptr; if (last) last->mNext = item; else first = item; last = item; return &item->mDelegate; } iterator erase(iterator it) { if (!it) return end(); #ifdef ARDUINO InterruptLock lockAllInterruptsInThisScope; #else std::lock_guard lock(mutex_unused); #endif auto to_recycle = it.current; if (last == it.current) last = it.prev; it.current = it.current->mNext; if (it.prev) { it.prev->mNext = it.current; } else { first = it.current; } if (ISQUEUE) recycle_node_unsafe(to_recycle); else delete to_recycle; return it; } bool erase(const Delegate* const del) { auto it = begin(); while (it) { if (del == &(*it)) { erase(it); return true; } ++it; } return false; } operator bool() const { return first; } R operator()(P... args) { auto it = begin(); if (!it) return {}; static std::atomic fence(false); // prevent recursive calls #if defined(ARDUINO) && !defined(ESP32) if (fence.load()) return {}; fence.store(true); #else if (fence.exchange(true)) return {}; #endif R result; do { result = CallP::execute(*it, args...); if (result && ISQUEUE) it = erase(it); else ++it; #if defined(ESP8266) || defined(ESP32) // running callbacks might last too long for watchdog etc. optimistic_yield(10000); #endif } while (it); fence.store(false); return result; } }; template< typename Delegate, typename R = void, bool ISQUEUE = false, size_t QUEUE_CAPACITY = 32> class MultiDelegateImpl : public MultiDelegatePImpl { public: using MultiDelegatePImpl::MultiDelegatePImpl; R operator()() { auto it = this->begin(); if (!it) return {}; static std::atomic fence(false); // prevent recursive calls #if defined(ARDUINO) && !defined(ESP32) if (fence.load()) return {}; fence.store(true); #else if (fence.exchange(true)) return {}; #endif R result; do { result = Call::execute(*it); if (result && ISQUEUE) it = this->erase(it); else ++it; #if defined(ESP8266) || defined(ESP32) // running callbacks might last too long for watchdog etc. optimistic_yield(10000); #endif } while (it); fence.store(false); return result; } }; template< typename Delegate, typename R, bool ISQUEUE, size_t QUEUE_CAPACITY, typename... P> class MultiDelegate; template< typename Delegate, typename R, bool ISQUEUE, size_t QUEUE_CAPACITY, typename... P> class MultiDelegate : public MultiDelegatePImpl { public: using MultiDelegatePImpl::MultiDelegatePImpl; }; template< typename Delegate, typename R, bool ISQUEUE, size_t QUEUE_CAPACITY> class MultiDelegate : public MultiDelegateImpl { public: using MultiDelegateImpl::MultiDelegateImpl; }; template< typename Delegate, bool ISQUEUE, size_t QUEUE_CAPACITY, typename... P> class MultiDelegate : public MultiDelegatePImpl { public: using MultiDelegatePImpl::MultiDelegatePImpl; void operator()(P... args) { auto it = this->begin(); if (!it) return; static std::atomic fence(false); // prevent recursive calls #if defined(ARDUINO) && !defined(ESP32) if (fence.load()) return; fence.store(true); #else if (fence.exchange(true)) return; #endif do { CallP::execute(*it, args...); if (ISQUEUE) it = this->erase(it); else ++it; #if defined(ESP8266) || defined(ESP32) // running callbacks might last too long for watchdog etc. optimistic_yield(10000); #endif } while (it); fence.store(false); } }; template< typename Delegate, bool ISQUEUE, size_t QUEUE_CAPACITY> class MultiDelegate : public MultiDelegateImpl { public: using MultiDelegateImpl::MultiDelegateImpl; void operator()() { auto it = this->begin(); if (!it) return; static std::atomic fence(false); // prevent recursive calls #if defined(ARDUINO) && !defined(ESP32) if (fence.load()) return; fence.store(true); #else if (fence.exchange(true)) return; #endif do { Call::execute(*it); if (ISQUEUE) it = this->erase(it); else ++it; #if defined(ESP8266) || defined(ESP32) // running callbacks might last too long for watchdog etc. optimistic_yield(10000); #endif } while (it); fence.store(false); } }; } } /** The MultiDelegate class template can be specialized to either a queue or an event multiplexer. It is designed to be used with Delegate, the efficient runtime wrapper for C function ptr and C++ std::function. @tparam Delegate specifies the concrete type that MultiDelegate bases the queue or event multiplexer on. @tparam ISQUEUE modifies the generated MultiDelegate class in subtle ways. In queue mode (ISQUEUE == true), the value of QUEUE_CAPACITY enforces the maximum number of simultaneous items the queue can contain. This is exploited to minimize the use of new and delete by reusing already allocated items, thus reducing heap fragmentation. In event multiplexer mode (ISQUEUE = false), new and delete are used for allocation of the event handler items. If the result type of the function call operator of Delegate is void, calling a MultiDelegate queue removes each item after calling it; a Multidelegate event multiplexer keeps event handlers until explicitly removed. If the result type of the function call operator of Delegate is non-void, in a MultiDelegate queue the type-conversion to bool of that result determines if the item is immediately removed or kept after each call: if true is returned, the item is removed. A Multidelegate event multiplexer keeps event handlers until they are explicitly removed. @tparam QUEUE_CAPACITY is only used if ISQUEUE == true. Then, it sets the maximum capacity that the queue dynamically allocates from the heap. Unused items are not returned to the heap, but are managed by the MultiDelegate instance during its own lifetime for efficiency. */ template< typename Delegate, bool ISQUEUE = false, size_t QUEUE_CAPACITY = 32> class MultiDelegate : public delegate::detail::MultiDelegate { public: using delegate::detail::MultiDelegate::MultiDelegate; }; #endif // __MULTIDELEGATE_H