#include "ratgdo.h" #include "secplus2.h" #include "esphome/core/log.h" #include "esphome/core/scheduler.h" #include "esphome/core/gpio.h" extern "C" { #include "secplus.h" } namespace esphome { namespace ratgdo { namespace secplus2 { static const char* const TAG = "ratgdo_secplus2"; void Secplus2::setup(RATGDOComponent* ratgdo, Scheduler* scheduler, InternalGPIOPin* rx_pin, InternalGPIOPin* tx_pin) { this->ratgdo_ = ratgdo; this->scheduler_ = scheduler; this->tx_pin_ = tx_pin; this->rx_pin_ = rx_pin; this->sw_serial_.begin(9600, SWSERIAL_8N1, rx_pin->get_pin(), tx_pin->get_pin(), true); this->sw_serial_.enableIntTx(false); this->sw_serial_.enableAutoBaud(true); } void Secplus2::loop() { if (this->transmit_pending_) { if (!this->transmit_packet()) { return; } } auto cmd = this->read_command(); if (cmd) { this->handle_command(*cmd); } } void Secplus2::dump_config() { ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Rolling Code Counter: %d", *this->rolling_code_counter_); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Client ID: %d", this->client_id_); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Protocol: SEC+ v2"); } void Secplus2::light_action(LightAction action) { if (action == LightAction::UNKNOWN) { return; } this->send_command(Command(CommandType::LIGHT, static_cast(action))); } void Secplus2::lock_action(LockAction action) { if (action == LockAction::UNKNOWN) { return; } this->send_command(Command(CommandType::LOCK, static_cast(action))); } void Secplus2::door_action(DoorAction action) { if (action == DoorAction::UNKNOWN) { return; } this->door_command(action); } void Secplus2::query_action(QueryAction action) { if (action == QueryAction::STATUS) { this->send_command(CommandType::GET_STATUS); } else if (action == QueryAction::OPENINGS) { this->send_command(CommandType::GET_OPENINGS); } } ProtocolArgs Secplus2::call(ProtocolArgs args) { using Tag = ProtocolArgs::Tag; if (args.tag == Tag::get_rolling_code_counter) { return ProtocolArgs(RollingCodeCounter{std::addressof(this->rolling_code_counter_)}); } else if (args.tag == Tag::set_rolling_code_counter) { this->set_rolling_code_counter(args.value.set_rolling_code_counter.counter); } else if (args.tag == Tag::increment_rolling_code_counter) { this->increment_rolling_code_counter(args.value.increment_rolling_code_counter.increment); } else if (args.tag == Tag::set_client_id) { this->set_client_id(args.value.set_client_id.client_id); } return {}; } void Secplus2::door_command(DoorAction action) { this->send_command(Command(CommandType::DOOR_ACTION, static_cast(action), 1, 1), false, [=]() { this->scheduler_->set_timeout(this->ratgdo_, "", 150, [=] { this->send_command(Command(CommandType::DOOR_ACTION, static_cast(action), 0, 1)); }); }); } void Secplus2::query_status() { this->send_command(CommandType::GET_STATUS); } void Secplus2::query_openings() { this->send_command(CommandType::GET_OPENINGS); } void Secplus2::query_paired_devices() { const auto kinds = { PairedDevice::ALL, PairedDevice::REMOTE, PairedDevice::KEYPAD, PairedDevice::WALL_CONTROL, PairedDevice::ACCESSORY }; uint32_t timeout = 0; for (auto kind : kinds) { timeout += 200; this->scheduler_->set_timeout(this->ratgdo_, "", timeout, [=] { this->query_paired_devices(kind); }); } } void Secplus2::query_paired_devices(PairedDevice kind) { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Query paired devices of type: %s", PairedDevice_to_string(kind)); this->send_command(CommandType::GET_PAIRED_DEVICES, static_cast(kind)); } // wipe devices from memory based on get paired devices nibble values void Secplus2::clear_paired_devices(PairedDevice kind) { if (kind == PairedDevice::UNKNOWN) { return; } ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Clear paired devices of type: %s", PairedDevice_to_string(kind)); if (kind == PairedDevice::ALL) { this->scheduler_->set_timeout(this->ratgdo_, "", 200, [=] { this->send_command(CommandType::CLEAR_PAIRED_DEVICES, static_cast(PairedDevice::REMOTE)-1); }); // wireless this->scheduler_->set_timeout(this->ratgdo_, "", 400, [=] { this->send_command(CommandType::CLEAR_PAIRED_DEVICES, static_cast(PairedDevice::KEYPAD)-1); }); // keypads this->scheduler_->set_timeout(this->ratgdo_, "", 600, [=] { this->send_command(CommandType::CLEAR_PAIRED_DEVICES, static_cast(PairedDevice::WALL_CONTROL)-1); }); // wall controls this->scheduler_->set_timeout(this->ratgdo_, "", 800, [=] { this->send_command(CommandType::CLEAR_PAIRED_DEVICES, static_cast(PairedDevice::ACCESSORY)-1); }); // accessories this->scheduler_->set_timeout(this->ratgdo_, "", 1000, [=] { this->query_status(); }); this->scheduler_->set_timeout(this->ratgdo_, "", 1200, [=] { this->query_paired_devices(); }); } else { this->send_command(CommandType::CLEAR_PAIRED_DEVICES, static_cast(kind) - 1); // just requested device this->scheduler_->set_timeout(this->ratgdo_, "", 200, [=] { this->query_status(); }); this->scheduler_->set_timeout(this->ratgdo_, "", 400, [=] { this->query_paired_devices(kind); }); } } // Learn functions void Secplus2::activate_learn() { // Send LEARN with nibble = 0 then nibble = 1 to mimic wall control learn button this->learn_poll_status_ = true; this->send_command(Command{CommandType::LEARN, 0}); this->scheduler_->set_timeout(this->ratgdo_, "", 150, [=] { this->send_command(Command{CommandType::LEARN, 1}); }); this->scheduler_->set_timeout(this->ratgdo_, "", 500, [=] { this->query_status(); }); } void Secplus2::inactivate_learn() { // Send LEARN twice with nibble = 0 to inactivate learn and get status to update switch state this->send_command(Command{CommandType::LEARN, 0}); this->scheduler_->set_timeout(this->ratgdo_, "", 150, [=] { this->send_command(Command{CommandType::LEARN, 0}); }); this->scheduler_->set_timeout(this->ratgdo_, "", 500, [=] { this->query_status(); }); } optional Secplus2::read_command() { static bool reading_msg = false; static uint32_t msg_start = 0; static uint16_t byte_count = 0; static WirePacket rx_packet; static uint32_t last_read = 0; if (!reading_msg) { while (this->sw_serial_.available()) { uint8_t ser_byte = this->sw_serial_.read(); last_read = millis(); if (ser_byte != 0x55 && ser_byte != 0x01 && ser_byte != 0x00) { ESP_LOG2(TAG, "Ignoring byte (%d): %02X, baud: %d", byte_count, ser_byte, this->sw_serial_.baudRate()); byte_count = 0; continue; } msg_start = ((msg_start << 8) | ser_byte) & 0xffffff; byte_count++; // if we are at the start of a message, capture the next 16 bytes if (msg_start == 0x550100) { ESP_LOG1(TAG, "Baud: %d", this->sw_serial_.baudRate()); rx_packet[0] = 0x55; rx_packet[1] = 0x01; rx_packet[2] = 0x00; reading_msg = true; break; } } } if (reading_msg) { while (this->sw_serial_.available()) { uint8_t ser_byte = this->sw_serial_.read(); last_read = millis(); rx_packet[byte_count] = ser_byte; byte_count++; // ESP_LOG2(TAG, "Received byte (%d): %02X, baud: %d", byte_count, ser_byte, this->sw_serial_.baudRate()); if (byte_count == PACKET_LENGTH) { reading_msg = false; byte_count = 0; this->print_packet("Received packet: ", rx_packet); return this->decode_packet(rx_packet); } } if (millis() - last_read > 100) { // if we have a partial packet and it's been over 100ms since last byte was read, // the rest is not coming (a full packet should be received in ~20ms), // discard it so we can read the following packet correctly ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Discard incomplete packet, length: %d", byte_count); reading_msg = false; byte_count = 0; } } return {}; } void Secplus2::print_packet(const char* prefix, const WirePacket& packet) const { ESP_LOG2(TAG, "%s: [%02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X]", prefix, packet[0], packet[1], packet[2], packet[3], packet[4], packet[5], packet[6], packet[7], packet[8], packet[9], packet[10], packet[11], packet[12], packet[13], packet[14], packet[15], packet[16], packet[17], packet[18]); } optional Secplus2::decode_packet(const WirePacket& packet) const { uint32_t rolling = 0; uint64_t fixed = 0; uint32_t data = 0; decode_wireline(packet, &rolling, &fixed, &data); uint16_t cmd = ((fixed >> 24) & 0xf00) | (data & 0xff); data &= ~0xf000; // clear parity nibble if ((fixed & 0xFFFFFFFF) == this->client_id_) { // my commands ESP_LOG1(TAG, "[%ld] received mine: rolling=%07" PRIx32 " fixed=%010" PRIx64 " data=%08" PRIx32, millis(), rolling, fixed, data); return {}; } else { ESP_LOG1(TAG, "[%ld] received rolling=%07" PRIx32 " fixed=%010" PRIx64 " data=%08" PRIx32, millis(), rolling, fixed, data); } CommandType cmd_type = to_CommandType(cmd, CommandType::UNKNOWN); uint8_t nibble = (data >> 8) & 0xff; uint8_t byte1 = (data >> 16) & 0xff; uint8_t byte2 = (data >> 24) & 0xff; ESP_LOG1(TAG, "cmd=%03x (%s) byte2=%02x byte1=%02x nibble=%01x", cmd, CommandType_to_string(cmd_type), byte2, byte1, nibble); return Command{cmd_type, nibble, byte1, byte2}; } void Secplus2::handle_command(const Command& cmd) { if (cmd.type == CommandType::STATUS) { this->ratgdo_->received(to_DoorState(cmd.nibble, DoorState::UNKNOWN)); this->ratgdo_->received(to_LightState((cmd.byte2 >> 1) & 1, LightState::UNKNOWN)); this->ratgdo_->received(to_LockState((cmd.byte2 & 1), LockState::UNKNOWN)); // ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Obstruction: reading from byte2, bit2, status=%d", ((byte2 >> 2) & 1) == 1); this->ratgdo_->received(to_ObstructionState((cmd.byte1 >> 6) & 1, ObstructionState::UNKNOWN)); auto learn_state = to_LearnState((cmd.byte2 >> 5) & 1, LearnState::UNKNOWN); if (this->learn_state_ != learn_state) { if (learn_state == LearnState::ACTIVE && this->learn_poll_status_) { this->scheduler_->set_timeout(this->ratgdo_, "learn_poll", 1000, [=] { this->query_status(); }); } else { this->scheduler_->cancel_timeout(this->ratgdo_, "learn_poll"); this->learn_poll_status_ = true; } if (learn_state == LearnState::INACTIVE) { this->query_paired_devices(); } this->learn_state_ = learn_state; this->ratgdo_->received(learn_state); } } else if (cmd.type == CommandType::LIGHT) { this->ratgdo_->received(to_LightAction(cmd.nibble, LightAction::UNKNOWN)); } else if (cmd.type == CommandType::MOTOR_ON) { this->ratgdo_->received(MotorState::ON); } else if (cmd.type == CommandType::DOOR_ACTION) { auto button_state = (cmd.byte1 & 1) == 1 ? ButtonState::PRESSED : ButtonState::RELEASED; this->ratgdo_->received(button_state); } else if (cmd.type == CommandType::MOTION) { this->ratgdo_->received(MotionState::DETECTED); } else if (cmd.type == CommandType::OPENINGS) { this->ratgdo_->received(Openings { static_cast((cmd.byte1 << 8) | cmd.byte2), cmd.nibble}); } else if (cmd.type == CommandType::SET_TTC) { this->ratgdo_->received(TimeToClose { static_cast((cmd.byte1 << 8) | cmd.byte2) }); } else if (cmd.type == CommandType::PAIRED_DEVICES) { PairedDeviceCount pdc; pdc.kind = to_PairedDevice(cmd.nibble, PairedDevice::UNKNOWN); if (pdc.kind == PairedDevice::ALL) { pdc.count = cmd.byte2; } else if (pdc.kind == PairedDevice::REMOTE) { pdc.count = cmd.byte2; } else if (pdc.kind == PairedDevice::KEYPAD) { pdc.count = cmd.byte2; } else if (pdc.kind == PairedDevice::WALL_CONTROL) { pdc.count = cmd.byte2; } else if (pdc.kind == PairedDevice::ACCESSORY) { pdc.count = cmd.byte2; } this->ratgdo_->received(pdc); } else if (cmd.type == CommandType::LEARN) { if (cmd.nibble == 1) { // LEARN sent from wall control, it will poll status every second. // otherwise if ratgdo or gdo initiated ratgdo needs to poll this->learn_poll_status_ = false; } } } void Secplus2::send_command(Command command, bool increment) { ESP_LOG1(TAG, "Send command: %s, data: %02X%02X%02X", CommandType_to_string(command.type), command.byte2, command.byte1, command.nibble); if (!this->transmit_pending_) { // have an untransmitted packet this->encode_packet(command, this->tx_packet_); if (increment) { this->increment_rolling_code_counter(); } } else { // unlikely this would happed (unless not connected to GDO), we're ensuring any pending packet // is transmitted each loop before doing anyting else if (this->transmit_pending_start_ > 0) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Have untransmitted packet, ignoring command: %s", CommandType_to_string(command.type)); } else { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Not connected to GDO, ignoring command: %s", CommandType_to_string(command.type)); } } this->transmit_packet(); } void Secplus2::send_command(Command command, bool increment, std::function&& on_sent) { this->command_sent_.then(on_sent); this->send_command(command, increment); } void Secplus2::encode_packet(Command command, WirePacket& packet) { auto cmd = static_cast(command.type); uint64_t fixed = ((cmd & ~0xff) << 24) | this->client_id_; uint32_t data = (static_cast(command.byte2) << 24) | (static_cast(command.byte1) << 16) | (static_cast(command.nibble) << 8) | (cmd & 0xff); ESP_LOG2(TAG, "[%ld] Encode for transmit rolling=%07" PRIx32 " fixed=%010" PRIx64 " data=%08" PRIx32, millis(), *this->rolling_code_counter_, fixed, data); encode_wireline(*this->rolling_code_counter_, fixed, data, packet); } bool Secplus2::transmit_packet() { auto now = micros(); while (micros() - now < 1300) { if (this->rx_pin_->digital_read()) { if (!this->transmit_pending_) { this->transmit_pending_ = true; this->transmit_pending_start_ = millis(); ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Collision detected, waiting to send packet"); } else { if (millis() - this->transmit_pending_start_ < 5000) { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Collision detected, waiting to send packet"); } else { this->transmit_pending_start_ = 0; // to indicate GDO not connected state } } return false; } delayMicroseconds(100); } this->print_packet("Sending packet", this->tx_packet_); // indicate the start of a frame by pulling the 12V line low for at leat 1 byte followed by // one STOP bit, which indicates to the receiving end that the start of the message follows // The output pin is controlling a transistor, so the logic is inverted this->tx_pin_->digital_write(true); // pull the line low for at least 1 byte delayMicroseconds(1300); this->tx_pin_->digital_write(false); // line high for at least 1 bit delayMicroseconds(130); this->sw_serial_.write(this->tx_packet_, PACKET_LENGTH); this->transmit_pending_ = false; this->transmit_pending_start_ = 0; this->command_sent_(); return true; } void Secplus2::increment_rolling_code_counter(int delta) { this->rolling_code_counter_ = (*this->rolling_code_counter_ + delta) & 0xfffffff; } void Secplus2::set_rolling_code_counter(uint32_t counter) { ESP_LOGV(TAG, "Set rolling code counter to %d", counter); this->rolling_code_counter_ = counter; } observable& Secplus2::get_rolling_code_counter() { return this->rolling_code_counter_; } void Secplus2::set_client_id(uint64_t client_id) { this->client_id_ = client_id & 0xFFFFFFFF; } } // namespace secplus2 } // namespace ratgdo } // namespace esphome