/************************************ * Rage * Against * The * Garage * Door * Opener * * Copyright (C) 2022 Paul Wieland * * GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE ************************************/ #pragma once #include "esphome/core/component.h" #include "esphome/core/hal.h" #include "esphome/core/preferences.h" #include "observable.h" #include "callbacks.h" #include "enum.h" #include "ratgdo_state.h" #include "protocol.h" namespace esphome { class InternalGPIOPin; namespace ratgdo { class RATGDOComponent; typedef Parented RATGDOClient; const float DOOR_POSITION_UNKNOWN = -1.0; const float DOOR_DELTA_UNKNOWN = -2.0; const uint16_t PAIRED_DEVICES_UNKNOWN = 0xFF; struct RATGDOStore { int obstruction_low_count = 0; // count obstruction low pulses static void IRAM_ATTR HOT isr_obstruction(RATGDOStore* arg) { arg->obstruction_low_count++; } }; using protocol::Args; using protocol::Result; class RATGDOComponent : public Component { public: void setup() override; void loop() override; void dump_config() override; void init_protocol(); void obstruction_loop(); float start_opening { -1 }; observable opening_duration { 0 }; float start_closing { -1 }; observable closing_duration { 0 }; observable openings { 0 }; // number of times the door has been opened observable paired_total { PAIRED_DEVICES_UNKNOWN }; observable paired_remotes { PAIRED_DEVICES_UNKNOWN }; observable paired_keypads { PAIRED_DEVICES_UNKNOWN }; observable paired_wall_controls { PAIRED_DEVICES_UNKNOWN }; observable paired_accessories { PAIRED_DEVICES_UNKNOWN }; observable door_state { DoorState::UNKNOWN }; observable door_position { DOOR_POSITION_UNKNOWN }; unsigned long door_start_moving { 0 }; float door_start_position { DOOR_POSITION_UNKNOWN }; float door_move_delta { DOOR_DELTA_UNKNOWN }; observable light_state { LightState::UNKNOWN }; observable lock_state { LockState::UNKNOWN }; observable obstruction_state { ObstructionState::UNKNOWN }; observable motor_state { MotorState::UNKNOWN }; observable button_state { ButtonState::UNKNOWN }; observable motion_state { MotionState::UNKNOWN }; observable learn_state { LearnState::UNKNOWN }; OnceCallbacks door_state_received; observable sync_failed { false }; void set_output_gdo_pin(InternalGPIOPin* pin) { this->output_gdo_pin_ = pin; } void set_input_gdo_pin(InternalGPIOPin* pin) { this->input_gdo_pin_ = pin; } void set_input_obst_pin(InternalGPIOPin* pin) { this->input_obst_pin_ = pin; } Result call_protocol(Args args); void received(const DoorState door_state); void received(const LightState light_state); void received(const LockState lock_state); void received(const ObstructionState obstruction_state); void received(const LightAction light_action); void received(const MotorState motor_state); void received(const ButtonState button_state); void received(const MotionState motion_state); void received(const LearnState light_state); void received(const Openings openings); void received(const TimeToClose ttc); void received(const PairedDeviceCount pdc); void received(const BatteryState pdc); // door void door_toggle(); void door_open(); void door_close(); void door_stop(); void door_action(DoorAction action); void ensure_door_action(DoorAction action, uint32_t delay = 1500); void door_move_to_position(float position); void set_door_position(float door_position) { this->door_position = door_position; } void set_opening_duration(float duration); void set_closing_duration(float duration); void schedule_door_position_sync(float update_period = 500); void door_position_update(); void cancel_position_sync_callbacks(); // light void light_toggle(); void light_on(); void light_off(); LightState get_light_state() const; // lock void lock_toggle(); void lock(); void unlock(); // Learn & Paired void activate_learn(); void inactivate_learn(); void query_paired_devices(); void query_paired_devices(PairedDevice kind); void clear_paired_devices(PairedDevice kind); // button functionality void query_status(); void query_openings(); void sync(); // children subscriptions void subscribe_rolling_code_counter(std::function&& f); void subscribe_opening_duration(std::function&& f); void subscribe_closing_duration(std::function&& f); void subscribe_openings(std::function&& f); void subscribe_paired_devices_total(std::function&& f); void subscribe_paired_remotes(std::function&& f); void subscribe_paired_keypads(std::function&& f); void subscribe_paired_wall_controls(std::function&& f); void subscribe_paired_accessories(std::function&& f); void subscribe_door_state(std::function&& f); void subscribe_light_state(std::function&& f); void subscribe_lock_state(std::function&& f); void subscribe_obstruction_state(std::function&& f); void subscribe_motor_state(std::function&& f); void subscribe_button_state(std::function&& f); void subscribe_motion_state(std::function&& f); void subscribe_sync_failed(std::function&& f); void subscribe_learn_state(std::function&& f); protected: RATGDOStore isr_store_ {}; Protocol* protocol_; bool obstruction_from_status_ { false }; InternalGPIOPin* output_gdo_pin_; InternalGPIOPin* input_gdo_pin_; InternalGPIOPin* input_obst_pin_; }; // RATGDOComponent } // namespace ratgdo } // namespace esphome