'It is almost bedtime. That means you should be heading for the bathtub. Time to get clean.',
'I cannot communicate with the bathtub. Or I would have started the water for you already. So you will have to start the bath, <emphasis>yourself</emphasis>',
'My sensors are detecting a <emphasis>strange</emphasis> smell. I am running diagnostics. But in the mean time, <emphasis>you</emphasis> should start a bath.',
'I hate to say it but, it is time to get cleaned up.',
'Did you ever hear the one about the kid who never took a bath? <break time="2s"/>Yeah, me <emphasis>either</emphasis>. So we should keep it that way. Bath time now, <emphasis>sir</emphasis>.',
'The count down clock has started. Time to get cleaned up, and get your pajamas on.'
]| random }}
{% if is_state('sensor.school_tomorrow', 'on') %}
{{['Because you have school tomorrow. ',
'Because you have to get up early tomorrow for school.',
'Because you want to be ready for school tomorrow.'
]| random }}
{% else %}
{% set month=states("sensor.date").split('-')[1] | int %}
{%- if is_state('input_boolean.school_in_session', 'off') -%}
{{['Looks like tomorrow is another day of summer vacation. ',
'You are still on summer break tomorrow. ',
'Summer vacation does not last forever, but it is not over yet. '
]| random }}
{% else %}
Oh, and it appears you do not have school tomorrow
{% endif %}
{{['so you can sleep in late tomorrow. ',
' so there is not a reason to get up early tomorrow. ',
'so we can sleep in tomorrow. '
]| random }}
{% endif %}
{% if states.sensor.school_start_days2go.state | int < 10 and states.sensor.school_start_days2go.state | int > 1 -%}
{{['I hate to say it, but ',
'All good things must come to an end.'
]| random }}
There are only {{ states.sensor.school_start_days2go.state }} days
{{['left of summer vacation. ',
' left of summer break.',
'Until School starts again.'
]| random }}
{% elif states.sensor.school_start_days2go.state | int == 1 -%}
Tomorrow is the first day of school. Are you ready?
{%- endif %}
{% if states.sensor.school_end_days2go.state | int < 10 and states.sensor.school_end_days2go.state | int > 0 -%}
{{['School is almost over for the year.',
'You have made it to the end of the school year.',
'You are almost done with school.'
]| random }}
There are only {{ states.sensor.school_end_days2go.state }} days
{{['left in the school year ',
' left of school.',
'Until the last day of school.'
]| random }}
{% elif states.sensor.school_end_days2go.state | int == 0 -%}
Tomorrow is the first day of summer. Are you ready?
{%- endif %}
{{['I have configured Skylers room for sleep prep. ',
'The lighting in Skylers room has been adjusted in preparation for bed.',
'I have executed the Pre bed routine for Skylers room.'
]| random }}
{%- endmacro -%}
{# a macro that removes all newline characters, empty spaces, and returns formatted text #}
{%- macro cleanup(data) -%}
{%- for item in data.split("\n") if item | trim != "" -%}