# Ignore everything explicitly * # Whitelist files/folders with !, these will not be ignored. !*.yaml !.gitignore !*.md !packages/ !templates/ !binary_sensors/ !sensors/ !switches/ !lights/ !python_scripts/ !alerts/ # Then because I'm paranoid... # Ignore folders. .storage .cloud .google.token icloud/ www/ tts/ deps/ hadashboards/ intents/ # Ignore these dot and conf files *.conf *.log *.db *.xml *.sqlite *.txt .HA_VERSION *DS_Store ._* .uuid eero.session eero_tracker_instantiate.py Icon .dropbox .google.token .homekit.state .spotify-token-cache # Ensure these YAML files are ignored, otherwise your secret data/credentials will leak. ip_bans.yaml secrets.yaml known_devices.yaml entity_registry.yaml zones.yaml sensors/location.yaml google_calendars.yaml packages/events.yaml packages/presence.yaml known_devices.yaml-old.yaml packages/zigbe2mqtt.yaml