############################################################################### # @author : Jeffrey Stone # @date : 04/11/2020 # @package : Audio # @description : Audio related configuration. # # In order to use this package you will need a couple of things. # # Add to your configuration.yaml: # media_extractor: # # If you are running Hassio or Home Assistant as it is called now you will need a server that hosts local audio files if you want to leverage those ############################################################################### # automation: # # Turn off Input Booleans when audio stops - Based on ha_speaker state. # - id: reset_ib_when_stopped # alias: Reset Input Booleans When Stopped # initial_state: true # trigger: # - platform: state # entity_id: media_player.ha_speaker # to: "off" # action: # - service: homeassistant.turn_off # entity_id: group.disney_audio script: youtube_audio: sequence: - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.audible_notifications state: 'on' - condition: state entity_id: sensor.family_status state: Home - service: media_player.turn_on entity_id: media_player.ha_speaker - service: media_player.volume_set data_template: entity_id: media_player.ha_speaker volume_level: > {{ volume }} - service: media_extractor.play_media entity_id: media_player.ha_speaker data_template: media_content_type: video/youtube media_content_id: > {{ media }}