> {% macro getIntro() %} {{ [ "Pardom me, Skylar,, ", "Good morning Skylar, This is your digital assistant, Jarvis ", "This is your cruise director with your morning announcements.", ] | random }} {% endmacro %} {% macro getDressed() %} {% if is_state("sensor.birthday_skylar", "0") %} First, Happy Birthday Skylar! Second, even birthday boys have to get dressed. So get to it. {% else %} If you haven't gotten dressed, {{ [ "It is time to get dressed. ", "It is time to put some real clothes on. ", "it is now time to change your underwear.", ] | random }} {% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro getSchoolDay() %} {% if is_state("calendar.skylar_school", "on") %} Because you have school today! {% if states.calendar.skylar_school.attributes.description == "early-release" %} And guess what? It is early release! {% endif %} # {% if is_state("sensor.weekday", "fri") %} # Plus, it is fun Friday! # {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro getEvents() %} {% if is_state("calendar.skylar_events", "on") %} You have {{ states.calendar.skylar_events.attributes.message }} today! # {% if is_state("sensor.weekday", "fri") %} # Plus, it is fun Friday! # {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro getClothesSuggestion() %} {% if is_state("sensor.clothing_forecast", "Freezing") %} It is going to be freezing today so I suggest wearing long pants, and a heavy coat. {% elif is_state("sensor.clothing_forecast","Cold") %} It is going to be cold today so I suggest wearing long pants and a light jacket. {% elif is_state("sensor.clothing_forecast", "Chilly") %} It is going to be chilly today so I suggest wearing at least long pants. {% elif is_state("sensor.clothing_forecast", "Nice") %} It is going to be nice today so I suggest wearing shorts. {% elif is_state("sensor.clothing_forecast", "Toasty") %} It is going to be a bit warm today so I suggest wearing shorts. {% elif is_state("sensor.clothing_forecast", "Hot") %} It is going to be hot today so I suggest wearing shorts. {% else %} {% endif %} {% endmacro %} {# a macro that removes all newline characters, empty spaces, and returns formatted text #} {%- macro cleanup(data) -%} {%- for item in data.split("\n") if item | trim != "" -%} {{ item | trim }} {% endfor -%} {%- endmacro -%} {# a macro to call all macros :) #} {%- macro mother_of_all_macros() -%} {{ getIntro() }} {{ getDressed() }} {{ getSchoolDay() }} {{ getEvents() }} {{ getClothesSuggestion() }} {%- endmacro -%} {# Call the macro #} {{- cleanup(mother_of_all_macros()) -}}