2022-04-05 11:22:07 -04:00

101 lines
3.5 KiB

"""Platform to present any Tuya DP as an enumeration."""
import logging
from functools import partial
import voluptuous as vol
from homeassistant.components.select import DOMAIN, SelectEntity
from homeassistant.const import CONF_DEVICE_CLASS, STATE_UNKNOWN
from .common import LocalTuyaEntity, async_setup_entry
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
CONF_OPTIONS = "select_options"
CONF_OPTIONS_FRIENDLY = "select_options_friendly"
def flow_schema(dps):
"""Return schema used in config flow."""
return {
vol.Required(CONF_OPTIONS): str,
vol.Optional(CONF_OPTIONS_FRIENDLY): str,
class LocaltuyaSelect(LocalTuyaEntity, SelectEntity):
"""Representation of a Tuya Enumeration."""
def __init__(
"""Initialize the Tuya sensor."""
super().__init__(device, config_entry, sensorid, _LOGGER, **kwargs)
self._state = STATE_UNKNOWN
self._state_friendly = ""
self._valid_options = self._config.get(CONF_OPTIONS).split(";")
# Set Display options
self._display_options = []
display_options_str = ""
if CONF_OPTIONS_FRIENDLY in self._config:
display_options_str = self._config.get(CONF_OPTIONS_FRIENDLY).strip()
_LOGGER.debug("Display Options Configured: %s", display_options_str)
if display_options_str.find(";") >= 0:
self._display_options = display_options_str.split(";")
elif len(display_options_str.strip()) > 0:
# Default display string to raw string
_LOGGER.debug("No Display options configured - defaulting to raw values")
self._display_options = self._valid_options
"Total Raw Options: %s - Total Display Options: %s",
if len(self._valid_options) > len(self._display_options):
# If list of display items smaller than list of valid items,
# then default remaining items to be the raw value
"Valid options is larger than display options - \
filling up with raw values"
for i in range(len(self._display_options), len(self._valid_options)):
def current_option(self) -> str:
"""Return the current value."""
return self._state_friendly
def options(self) -> list:
"""Return the list of values."""
return self._display_options
def device_class(self):
"""Return the class of this device."""
return self._config.get(CONF_DEVICE_CLASS)
async def async_select_option(self, option: str) -> None:
"""Update the current value."""
option_value = self._valid_options[self._display_options.index(option)]
_LOGGER.debug("Sending Option: " + option + " -> " + option_value)
await self._device.set_dp(option_value, self._dp_id)
def status_updated(self):
"""Device status was updated."""
state = self.dps(self._dp_id)
self._state_friendly = self._display_options[self._valid_options.index(state)]
self._state = state
async_setup_entry = partial(async_setup_entry, DOMAIN, LocaltuyaSelect, flow_schema)