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2019-04-17 18:46:06 -04:00
# # ##############################################################################
# # @author : Mahasri Kalavala
# # @date : 04/15/2017
# # @package : Random Chuck Norris Facts
2019-12-20 10:32:28 -05:00
# # @description : Daily dose of Chuck Norris.
# # It is intentionally set to query once a day.
2019-04-17 18:46:06 -04:00
# # Know your limits, too much of Chuck Norris is not good!
2019-12-20 10:32:28 -05:00
# #
2019-04-17 18:46:06 -04:00
# # These are facts, and not jokes. DO NOT JOKE ABOUT CHUCK NORRIS!
# # ##############################################################################
# homeassistant:
# customize:
# sensor.fact_of_the_day:
# hidden: true
# sensor:
# - platform: rest
# name: fact_of_the_day
# resource: http://api.icndb.com/jokes/random?firstName=Chuck&lastName=Norris&limitTo=[nerdy]
# value_template: '{{ value_json.value.joke }}'
# scan_interval: 86400
# automation:
# - alias: Chuck Norris Fact At Startup
# initial_state: true
# trigger:
# - platform: homeassistant
# event: start
# action:
# - delay:
# seconds: 15
# - service: persistent_notification.create
# data:
# title: 'Chuck Norris fact:'
2019-12-20 10:32:28 -05:00
# message: '{{ states('sensor.fact_of_the_day') }}'