2022-11-29 19:50:52 -05:00
# ###############################################################################
# # @author : Mahasri Kalavala
# # @date : 04/15/2017
# # @package : Batteries
# # @description : Status about various baterries (iphones, sensors...etc)
# ###############################################################################
# homeassistant:
# customize:
# group.batteries:
# order: 2
2019-04-17 18:46:06 -04:00
2022-11-29 19:50:52 -05:00
# sensor.suresh_iphone_battery_state:
# hidden: true
# sensor.mallika_iphone_battery_state:
# hidden: true
# sensor.srinika_iphone_battery_state:
# hidden: true
# sensor.hasika_iphone_battery_state:
# hidden: true
2019-04-17 18:46:06 -04:00
2022-11-29 19:50:52 -05:00
# sensor.suresh_iphone_battery_ot:
# hidden: true
# sensor.mallika_iphone_battery_ot:
# hidden: true
# sensor.srinika_iphone_battery_ot:
# hidden: true
# sensor.hasika_iphone_battery_ot:
# hidden: true
2019-04-17 18:46:06 -04:00
2022-11-29 19:50:52 -05:00
# sensor.hasika_iphone_wifi_state:
# friendly_name: Hasika Phone Wi-Fi Status
# sensor.mallika_iphone_wifi_state:
# friendly_name: Mallika Phone Wi-Fi Status
# sensor.srinika_iphone_wifi_state:
# friendly_name: Srinika Phone Wi-Fi Status
# sensor.suresh_iphone_wifi_state:
# friendly_name: Suresh Phone Wi-Fi Status
2019-04-17 18:46:06 -04:00
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# sensor:
# - platform: mqtt
# state_topic: "owntracks/mallika/mallika"
# name: "Mallika iPhone Battery (OT)"
# unit_of_measurement: "%"
# value_template: "{{ value_json.batt }}"
2019-08-18 20:21:05 -04:00
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# - platform: mqtt
# state_topic: "owntracks/suresh/suresh"
# name: "Suresh iPhone Battery (OT)"
# unit_of_measurement: "%"
# value_template: "{{ value_json.batt }}"
2019-08-18 20:21:05 -04:00
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# - platform: mqtt
# state_topic: "owntracks/srinika/srinika"
# name: "Srinika iPhone Battery (OT)"
# unit_of_measurement: "%"
# value_template: "{{ value_json.batt }}"
2019-08-18 20:21:05 -04:00
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# - platform: mqtt
# state_topic: "owntracks/hasika/hasika"
# name: "Hasika iPhone Battery (OT)"
# unit_of_measurement: "%"
# value_template: "{{ value_json.batt }}"
2019-04-17 18:46:06 -04:00
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# - platform: mqtt
# state_topic: "owntracks/mallika/mallika"
# name: "Mallika iPhone Battery State"
# value_template: >
# {% if value_json.charging == 1 %}
# Charging
# {% else %}
# Not Charging
# {% endif %}
# icon: "mdi:battery-charging"
2019-04-17 18:46:06 -04:00
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# - platform: mqtt
# state_topic: "owntracks/suresh/suresh"
# name: "Suresh iPhone Battery State"
# value_template: >
# {% if value_json.charging == 1 %}
# Charging
# {% else %}
# Not Charging
# {% endif %}
# icon: "mdi:battery-charging"
2019-08-18 20:21:05 -04:00
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# - platform: mqtt
# state_topic: "owntracks/srinika/srinika"
# name: "Srinika iPhone Battery State"
# value_template: >
# {% if value_json.charging == 1 %}
# Charging
# {% else %}
# Not Charging
# {% endif %}
# icon: "mdi:battery-charging"
2019-04-17 18:46:06 -04:00
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# - platform: mqtt
# state_topic: "owntracks/hasika/hasika"
# name: "Hasika iPhone Battery State"
# value_template: >
# {% if value_json.charging == 1 %}
# Charging
# {% else %}
# Not Charging
# {% endif %}
# icon: "mdi:battery-charging"
2019-04-17 18:46:06 -04:00
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# - platform: mqtt
# state_topic: "owntracks/mallika/mallika"
# name: "Mallika iPhone Wifi State"
# value_template: >
# {% if value_json.conn == "w" %}
# Connected
# {% else %}
# Not Connected
# {% endif %}
# icon: "mdi:wifi"
2019-04-17 18:46:06 -04:00
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# - platform: mqtt
# state_topic: "owntracks/suresh/suresh"
# name: "Suresh iPhone Wifi State"
# value_template: >
# {% if value_json.conn == "w" %}
# Connected
# {% else %}
# Not Connected
# {% endif %}
# icon: "mdi:wifi"
2019-04-17 18:46:06 -04:00
2022-11-29 19:50:52 -05:00
# - platform: mqtt
# state_topic: "owntracks/srinika/srinika"
# name: "Srinika iPhone Wifi State"
# value_template: >
# {% if value_json.conn == "w" %}
# Connected
# {% else %}
# Not Connected
# {% endif %}
# icon: "mdi:wifi"
2019-04-17 18:46:06 -04:00
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# - platform: mqtt
# state_topic: "owntracks/hasika/hasika"
# name: "Hasika iPhone Wifi State"
# value_template: >
# {% if value_json.conn == "w" %}
# Connected
# {% else %}
# Not Connected
# {% endif %}
# icon: "mdi:wifi"
2019-04-17 18:46:06 -04:00
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# - platform: mqtt
# state_topic: "owntracks/mallika/mallika"
# name: "Mallika Driving Speed"
# value_template: "{{ value_json.vel |int|round}}"
# unit_of_measurement: miles
2019-04-17 18:46:06 -04:00
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# - platform: mqtt
# state_topic: "owntracks/suresh/suresh"
# name: "Suresh Driving Speed"
# value_template: "{{ value_json.vel |int|round}}"
# unit_of_measurement: miles
2019-04-17 18:46:06 -04:00
2022-11-29 19:50:52 -05:00
# - platform: mqtt
# state_topic: "owntracks/srinika/srinika"
# name: "Srinika Driving Speed"
# value_template: "{{ value_json.vel |int|round}}"
# unit_of_measurement: miles
2019-04-17 18:46:06 -04:00
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# - platform: mqtt
# state_topic: "owntracks/hasika/hasika"
# name: "Hasika Driving Speed"
# value_template: "{{ value_json.vel |int|round}}"
# unit_of_measurement: miles
2019-04-17 18:46:06 -04:00
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# - platform: template
# sensors:
# suresh_iphone_battery_ot:
# unit_of_measurement: "%"
# value_template: >
# {% if states('sensor.suresh_iphone_battery_ot') != "unknown" %}
# {{ states('sensor.suresh_iphone_battery_ot')| int }}
# {% else %}
# 0
# {% endif %}
# icon_template: >-
# {% if states('sensor.suresh_iphone_battery_ot') != "unknown" %}
# {% set battery_level = states('sensor.suresh_iphone_battery_ot')|int (-1)%}
# {% set battery_round = (battery_level|int / 10)|int * 10 %}
# {% if states('sensor.suresh_iphone_battery_state') | lower == "charging" %}
# {% if battery_level == -1 %}
# mdi:battery-unknown
# {% else %}
# {% if battery_round >= 100 %}
# mdi:battery-charging-100
# {% elif battery_round > 0 %}
# mdi:battery-charging-{{ battery_round }}
# {% else %}
# mdi:battery-alert
# {% endif %}
# {% endif %}
# {% else %}
# {% if battery_level == -1 %}
# mdi:battery-unknown
# {% else %}
# {% if battery_round >= 100 %}
# mdi:battery
# {% elif battery_round > 0 %}
# mdi:battery-{{ battery_round }}
# {% else %}
# mdi:battery-alert
# {% endif %}
# {% endif %}
# {% endif %}
# {% else %}
# mdi:battery-alert
# {% endif %}
2019-04-17 18:46:06 -04:00
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# - platform: template
# sensors:
# mallika_iphone_battery_ot:
# unit_of_measurement: "%"
# value_template: "{{ states('sensor.mallika_iphone_battery_ot')|int(-1) }}"
# icon_template: >-
# {% if states('sensor.mallika_iphone_battery_ot') != "unknown" %}
# {% set battery_level = states('sensor.mallika_iphone_battery_ot')|int (-1)%}
# {% set battery_round = (battery_level|int / 10)|int * 10 %}
# {% if states('sensor.mallika_iphone_battery_state') | lower == "charging" %}
# {% if battery_level == -1 %}
# mdi:battery-unknown
# {% else %}
# {% if battery_round >= 100 %}
# mdi:battery-charging-100
# {% elif battery_round > 0 %}
# mdi:battery-charging-{{ battery_round }}
# {% else %}
# mdi:battery-alert
# {% endif %}
# {% endif %}
# {% else %}
# {% if battery_level == -1 %}
# mdi:battery-unknown
# {% else %}
# {% if battery_round >= 100 %}
# mdi:battery
# {% elif battery_round > 0 %}
# mdi:battery-{{ battery_round }}
# {% else %}
# mdi:battery-alert
# {% endif %}
# {% endif %}
# {% endif %}
# {% else %}
# mdi:battery-alert
# {% endif %}
2019-08-18 20:21:05 -04:00
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# - platform: template
# sensors:
# srinika_iphone_battery_ot:
# unit_of_measurement: "%"
# value_template: "{{ states('sensor.srinika_iphone_battery_ot')|int(-1) }}"
# icon_template: >-
# {% if states('sensor.srinika_iphone_battery_ot') != "unknown" %}
# {% set battery_level = states('sensor.srinika_iphone_battery_ot')|int (-1)%}
# {% set battery_round = (battery_level|int / 10)|int * 10 %}
# {% if states('sensor.srinika_iphone_battery_state') | lower == "charging" %}
# {% if battery_level == -1 %}
# mdi:battery-unknown
# {% else %}
# {% if battery_round >= 100 %}
# mdi:battery-charging-100
# {% elif battery_round > 0 %}
# mdi:battery-charging-{{ battery_round }}
# {% else %}
# mdi:battery-alert
# {% endif %}
# {% endif %}
# {% else %}
# {% if battery_level == -1 %}
# mdi:battery-unknown
# {% else %}
# {% if battery_round >= 100 %}
# mdi:battery
# {% elif battery_round > 0 %}
# mdi:battery-{{ battery_round }}
# {% else %}
# mdi:battery-alert
# {% endif %}
# {% endif %}
# {% endif %}
# {% else %}
# mdi:battery-alert
# {% endif %}
2019-08-18 20:21:05 -04:00
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# - platform: template
# sensors:
# hasika_iphone_battery_ot:
# unit_of_measurement: "%"
# value_template: "{{ states('sensor.hasika_iphone_battery_ot')|int(-1) }}"
# icon_template: >-
# {% if states('sensor.hasika_iphone_battery_ot') != "unknown" %}
# {% set battery_level = states('sensor.hasika_iphone_battery_ot')|int (-1)%}
# {% set battery_round = (battery_level|int / 10)|int * 10 %}
# {% if states('sensor.hasika_iphone_battery_state') | lower == "charging" %}
# {% if battery_level == -1 %}
# mdi:battery-unknown
# {% else %}
# {% if battery_round >= 100 %}
# mdi:battery-charging-100
# {% elif battery_round > 0 %}
# mdi:battery-charging-{{ battery_round }}
# {% else %}
# mdi:battery-alert
# {% endif %}
# {% endif %}
# {% else %}
# {% if battery_level == -1 %}
# mdi:battery-unknown
# {% else %}
# {% if battery_round >= 100 %}
# mdi:battery
# {% elif battery_round > 0 %}
# mdi:battery-{{ battery_round }}
# {% else %}
# mdi:battery-alert
# {% endif %}
# {% endif %}
# {% endif %}
# {% else %}
# mdi:battery-alert
# {% endif %}
2019-04-17 18:46:06 -04:00
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# ###############################################################################
# # _ _ _
# # /\ | | | | (_)
# # / \ _ _| |_ ___ _ __ ___ __ _| |_ _ ___ _ __ ___
# # / /\ \| | | | __/ _ \| '_ ` _ \ / _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \/ __|
# # / ____ \ |_| | || (_) | | | | | | (_| | |_| | (_) | | | \__ \
# # /_/ \_\__,_|\__\___/|_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|___/
# #
# ###############################################################################
2019-04-17 18:46:06 -04:00
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# automation:
# #
# # This automation alerts family members when they are "moving" - meaning either in driving from work,
# # kids got on the school bus, and bus is moving...etc
# # This will only announces/ alert when someone is at home.
# #
# - alias: Alert When Moving
# trigger:
# platform: numeric_state
# entity_id:
# - sensor.suresh_driving_speed
# - sensor.mallika_driving_speed
# - sensor.srinika_driving_speed
# - sensor.hasika_driving_speed
# above: 8
# condition:
# - condition: template
# value_template: >
# {%- if state_attr('automation.alert_when_moving', 'last_triggered') -%}
# {{ (as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(state_attr('automation.alert_when_moving', 'last_triggered'))) > 300 }}
# {%- else -%}
# true
# {%- endif -%}
# - condition: template
# value_template: "{{ states('input_boolean.home_mode_away') == 'off' }}"
# - condition: template
# value_template: "{{ states('alarm_control_panel.home') | lower != 'armed_away' }}"
# action:
# - service: script.voice_notify
# data_template:
# message: >-
# {% set apostrophe = "\'" %}
# {{ trigger.entity_id.split('.')[1].split('_')[0] |title ~ apostrophe ~ 's' }} vehicle is in motion.
# - service: script.notify_me
# data_template:
# message: >-
# {% set apostrophe = "\'" %}
# {{ trigger.entity_id.split('.')[1].split('_')[0] |title ~ apostrophe ~ 's' }} vehicle is going at {{ trigger.to_state.state |round *2 }} mph.
2019-04-17 18:46:06 -04:00
2022-11-29 19:50:52 -05:00
# ###############################################################################
# # Automation: Notify of iPhone Low Battery
# ###############################################################################
# - alias: Notify Low battery
# initial_state: true
# trigger:
# platform: numeric_state
# entity_id:
2022-11-29 20:48:51 -05:00
# - device_tracker.life360_suresh
# - device_tracker.life360_mallika
# - device_tracker.life360_srinika
# - device_tracker.life360_hasika
2022-11-29 19:50:52 -05:00
# value_template: "{{ state.attributes.battery }}"
# below: 25
# condition:
# - condition: template
# value_template: "{{ states('input_boolean.battery_notifications') == 'on' }}"
# action:
# - service: script.notify_me
# data_template:
# message: "{{ trigger.to_state.attributes.friendly_name.split(' ')[1] | title }}'s phone battery is : {{ trigger.to_state.attributes.battery }}%."
# - service: script.voice_notify
# data_template:
# message: "{{ trigger.to_state.attributes.friendly_name.split(' ')[1] }}'s phone battery is : {{ trigger.to_state.attributes.battery }}%."
# - service: script.led_message
# data_template:
# message: "{{ trigger.to_state.attributes.friendly_name.split(' ')[1] }}'s phone battery is : {{ trigger.to_state.attributes.battery }}%."
2019-04-17 18:46:06 -04:00
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# # - alias: Alert Low Battery
# # trigger:
# # - platform: template
# # value_template: >
# # {% set ns = namespace(lowBattery=false) %}
# # {%- for x in states if x.attributes and x.attributes.battery_level and x.attributes.battery_level |int <= 24 %}
# # {% set ns.lowBattery = true %}{% endfor %}
# # {{ ns.lowBattery }}
# # condition:
# # - condition: template
# # value_template: "{{ ((trigger.to_state.state | int) < states('sensor.battery_alert_threshold') | int) }}"
# # action:
# # - service: script.voice_notify
# # data_template:
# # message: >
# # {% set ns = namespace(lowBattery="") %}
# # {%- for x in states if x.attributes and x.attributes.battery_level and x.attributes.battery_level |int <= 24 %}
# # {%- if loop.first %}The {% elif loop.last %} and the {% else %}, the {% endif -%}
# # {% set ns.lowBattery = ns.lowBattery ~ ',' ~ x.name %}
# # {%- endfor %}
# # {{ ns.lowBattery -}}
# # {{- ' battery is ' if ns.lowBattery.split(',')|count == 2 else ' batteries are ' -}} less than 25 percent.
# # - service: script.led_message
# # data_template:
# # message: "{{ trigger.to_state.attributes.friendly_name.split(' ')[1] }}'s phone battery is : {{ trigger.to_state.attributes.battery }}%."
2019-04-17 18:46:06 -04:00
2022-11-29 19:50:52 -05:00
# - alias: Check Wi-Fi Status of iPhones At Home
# initial_state: true
# trigger:
# - platform: state
# entity_id:
2022-11-29 20:48:51 -05:00
# - device_tracker.life360_mallika
# - device_tracker.life360_suresh
# - device_tracker.life360_srinika
# - device_tracker.life360_hasika
2022-11-29 19:50:52 -05:00
# from: "not_home"
# to: "home"
# for: "00:05:00"
# condition:
# condition: or
# conditions:
# - condition: state
# entity_id: sensor.hasika_iphone_wifi_state
# state: "Not Connected"
# - condition: state
# entity_id: sensor.mallika_iphone_wifi_state
# state: "Not Connected"
# - condition: state
# entity_id: sensor.srinika_iphone_wifi_state
# state: "Not Connected"
# - condition: state
# entity_id: sensor.suresh_iphone_wifi_state
# state: "Not Connected"
# action:
# - service: script.notify_me
# data_template:
# message: >
# {% set member = trigger.entity_id.split('.')[1].split('_')[0] %}
# {{ member | title }}'s iPhone is not connected to Wi-Fi at home!
# - service: script.voice_notify
# data_template:
# message: >
# {% set member = trigger.entity_id.split('.')[1].split('_')[0] %}
# {{ member | title }}'s iPhone is not connected to Wi-Fi at home!