homeassistant: # Input DateTime Options: # I set the minutes to something that is divisible by 5, so that the automations # can check once every 5 minutes without any performance penalty ############################################################################### input_datetime: summer_bed_time: name: Summer Bed Time has_date: false has_time: true initial: "23:00:00" summer_wakeup_time: name: Summer Wakeup Time has_date: false has_time: true initial: "06:00:00" autumn_bed_time: name: Autumn Bed Time has_date: false has_time: true initial: "22:00:00" autumn_wakeup_time: name: Autumn Wakeup Time has_date: false has_time: true initial: "05:30:00" winter_bed_time: name: Winter Bed Time has_date: false has_time: true initial: "22:00:00" winter_wakeup_time: name: Winter Wakeup Time has_date: false has_time: true initial: "05:30:00" spring_bed_time: name: Spring Bed Time has_date: false has_time: true initial: "22:00:00" spring_wakeup_time: name: Spring Wakeup Time has_date: false has_time: true initial: "05:30:00" input_number: calendar_remind_before_days: name: Calendar Remind Before Days min: 1 max: 15 step: 1 mode: box battery_alert_threshold: name: Notify Low Battery if goes below min: 1 max: 100 step: 1 mode: box guest_bathroom_exhaust_timer_duration: name: Guest Bathroom Shower Exhaust Timer Duration min: 5 max: 240 step: 5 mode: box master_bathroom_shower_exhaust_timer_duration: name: Master Bathroom Shower Exhaust Timer Duration min: 5 max: 240 step: 5 mode: box master_bathroom_toilet_exhaust_timer_duration: name: Master Bathroom Toilet Exhaust Timer Duration min: 5 max: 240 step: 5 mode: box master_bathroom_toilet_lights: name: Master Bathroom Toilet Lights Duration min: 5 max: 240 step: 5 mode: box guest_bathroom_lights: name: Guest Bathroom Lights Duration min: 5 max: 240 step: 5 mode: box master_bathroom_lights: name: Master Bathroom Lights Duration min: 5 max: 240 step: 5 mode: box garage_lights: name: Garage Lights Duration min: 5 max: 240 step: 5 mode: box garage_shop_lights: name: Garage Shop Lights Duration min: 5 max: 240 step: 5 mode: box ######################### CLOSET LIGHTS hasika_bedroom_closet_lights: name: Hasika Closet Lights Duration min: 5 max: 120 step: 5 mode: box srinika_bedroom_closet_lights: name: Srinika Closet Lights Duration min: 5 max: 120 step: 5 mode: box sensor: - platform: template sensors: wakeup_hour: friendly_name: Wakeup Hour value_template: > {% if states('sensor.season') | lower == "summer" %} {{ states('input_datetime.summer_wakeup_time').split(':')[0] }} {% elif states('sensor.season') | lower == "autumn" %} {{ states('input_datetime.autumn_wakeup_time').split(':')[0] }} {% elif states('sensor.season') | lower == "winter" %} {{ states('input_datetime.winter_wakeup_time').split(':')[0] }} {% elif states('sensor.season') | lower == "spring" %} {{ states('input_datetime.spring_wakeup_time').split(':')[0] }} {% else %} 6 {% endif %} wakeup_minute: friendly_name: Wakeup Minute value_template: > {% if states('sensor.season') | lower == "summer" %} {{ states('input_datetime.summer_wakeup_time').split(':')[1] }} {% elif states('sensor.season') | lower == "autumn" %} {{ states('input_datetime.autumn_wakeup_time').split(':')[1] }} {% elif states('sensor.season') | lower == "winter" %} {{ states('input_datetime.winter_wakeup_time').split(':')[1] }} {% elif states('sensor.season') | lower == "spring" %} {{ states('input_datetime.spring_wakeup_time').split(':')[1] }} {% else %} 0 {% endif %} bedtime_hour: friendly_name: Bedtime Hour value_template: > {% if states('sensor.season') | lower == "summer" %} {{ states('input_datetime.summer_bed_time').split(':')[0] }} {% elif states('sensor.season') | lower == "autumn" %} {{ states('input_datetime.autumn_bed_time').split(':')[0] }} {% elif states('sensor.season') | lower == "winter" %} {{ states('input_datetime.winter_bed_time').split(':')[0] }} {% elif states('sensor.season') | lower == "spring" %} {{ states('input_datetime.spring_bed_time').split(':')[0] }} {% else %} 0 {% endif %} bedtime_minute: friendly_name: Bedtime Minute value_template: > {% if states('sensor.season') | lower == "summer" %} {{ states('input_datetime.summer_bed_time').split(':')[1] }} {% elif states('sensor.season') | lower == "autumn" %} {{ states('input_datetime.autumn_bed_time').split(':')[1] }} {% elif states('sensor.season') | lower == "winter" %} {{ states('input_datetime.winter_bed_time').split(':')[1] }} {% elif states('sensor.season') | lower == "spring" %} {{ states('input_datetime.spring_bed_time').split(':')[1] }} {% else %} 0 {% endif %} # Input Booleans Options ############################################################################### input_boolean: do_not_disturb: name: Do Not Disturb initial: off icon: mdi:do-not-disturb movie_time: name: "Movie Time" icon: mdi:movie-roll stream_camera2chromecast: name: Stream Cameras to Chromecast icon: mdi:cctv home_security: name: Home Security System icon: mdi:verified home_assistant_status: name: Home Status icon: mdi:home-assistant working_in_garage: name: Working in Garage icon: mdi:worker working_in_office_room: name: Working in Office Room icon: mdi:worker hourly_report: name: Hourly Report icon: mdi:file-chart nightly_report: name: Nightly Report icon: mdi:file-chart enjoyable_weather_reminders: name: Remind me to enjoy Good Weather icon: mdi:weather-sunny security_system_alerts: name: Security System Alerts icon: mdi:security trash_alerts: name: Trash Alerts icon: mdi:recycle garage_door_notifications: name: Garage Door Alerts icon: mdi:garage zone_alerts: name: Zone Alerts icon: mdi:map-marker battery_alerts: name: Battery Alerts icon: mdi:battery camera_alerts: name: Camera Alerts icon: mdi:camera dummy: name: "Dummy Input Boolean!" icon: mdi:sticker-emoji initial: on light_automations: name: Light Automations icon: mdi:lightbulb-on # Notifications telegram_notifications: name: Telegram Notifications icon: mdi:message firetv_notifications: name: FireTV Notifications icon: mdi:television email_notifications: name: Email Notifications icon: mdi:email voice_notifications: name: Voice Notifications icon: mdi:volume-off led_notifications: name: LED Notifications icon: mdi:led-strip ############################################################################### # _ _ _ # /\ | | | | (_) # / \ _ _| |_ ___ _ __ ___ __ _| |_ _ ___ _ __ ___ # / /\ \| | | | __/ _ \| '_ ` _ \ / _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \/ __| # / ____ \ |_| | || (_) | | | | | | (_| | |_| | (_) | | | \__ \ # /_/ \_\__,_|\__\___/|_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|___/ # ############################################################################### automation: # Do not disturb for 2 hours # Simply turns ON the Do Not Disturb Flag ad resets # after 2 hours. The Do Not Disturb flag is used in # voice_notify script ###################################################### - alias: Do Not Disturb For 2 hours initial_state: true trigger: - platform: state entity_id: input_boolean.do_not_disturb to: "on" for: hours: 2 minutes: 0 action: - service: input_boolean.turn_off entity_id: input_boolean.do_not_disturb ###################################################### # Reset Movie time after 3 hours - alias: Reset Movie Time After 3 Hours initial_state: true trigger: - platform: state entity_id: input_boolean.movie_time to: "on" for: hours: 3 action: - service: input_boolean.turn_off entity_id: input_boolean.movie_time # Notify me when DO NOT DISTURB mode is changed ###################################################### - alias: Do Not Disturb State Change initial_state: true trigger: - platform: state entity_id: input_boolean.do_not_disturb action: - service: script.notify_family data_template: message: "The Do Not Disturb Mode is {{ trigger.to_state.state |upper }}." notify_options: - led # Hourly Reports ###################################################### - alias: Hourly Report During Day Time initial_state: true trigger: platform: time_pattern hours: "/01" minutes: 05 seconds: 00 condition: - condition: template value_template: '{{ states.input_boolean.hourly_report.state == "on" }}' - condition: template value_template: > {% set hour = now().hour | int %} {% if hour > 7 and hour < 21 %} true {% else %} false {% endif %} action: - service: script.home_status