############################################################################### # @author : Mahasri Kalavala # @date : 04/15/2017 # @package : Home Assistant # @description : Bunch of Sensors that are system or environment related ############################################################################### homeassistant: shell_command: stop_hass: >- hassctl stop restart_hass: >- hassctl restart update_hass: >- hassctl update-hass && hassctl config && hassctl restart speedtestdotnet: scan_interval: hours: 1 monitored_conditions: - ping - download - upload sensor: - platform: uptime name: Home Assistant Up Time - platform: rest resource: http://icanhazip.com name: external_ip value_template: "{{ value }}" scan_interval: 86400 - platform: systemmonitor resources: - type: disk_free arg: / - type: memory_free - type: processor_use - type: ipv4_address arg: ens160 - type: last_boot - platform: mqtt state_topic: "iotlink/domain/winsvr2016/lwt" name: "Windows Server" value_template: "{{ value }}" - platform: mqtt state_topic: "iotlink/domain/winsvr2016/windows-monitor/stats/cpu/usage" name: "Windows Server CPU Usage" value_template: "{{ value }}" - platform: mqtt state_topic: "iotlink/domain/winsvr2016/windows-monitor/stats/memory/used" name: "Windows Server Memory Used" value_template: "{{ value }}" - platform: mqtt state_topic: "iotlink/domain/winsvr2016/windows-monitor/stats/memory/available" name: "Windows Server Memory Available" value_template: "{{ value }}" - platform: mqtt state_topic: "iotlink/domain/winsvr2016/windows-monitor/stats/system/idle-time" name: "Windows Server Idle Time" value_template: "{{ value }}"