############################################################################### # @author : Mahasri Kalavala # @date : 09/20/2018 # @package : xiaomi_magic_cubes # @description : Xiaomi Aqara Magic Cube Automations ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # XIAOMI AQARA MAGIC CUBE AUTOMATIONS # # http://patorjk.com/software/taag/#p=display&h=2&v=2&f=Big&t=Test # ################################################################################ automation: ################################################################################ # ______ _ _ _____ # | ____| (_) | | __ \ # | |__ __ _ _ __ ___ _| |_ _ | |__) |___ ___ _ __ ___ # | __/ _` | '_ ` _ \| | | | | | | _ // _ \ / _ \| '_ ` _ \ # | | | (_| | | | | | | | | |_| | | | \ \ (_) | (_) | | | | | | # |_| \__,_|_| |_| |_|_|_|\__, | |_| \_\___/ \___/|_| |_| |_| # __/ | # |___/ ################################################################################ # Flip 90: Toggle Family Room Lights - alias: Family Room Cube Event flip90 initial_state: true trigger: platform: event event_type: xiaomi_aqara.cube_action event_data: entity_id: binary_sensor.cube_158d0002794cd6 action_type: flip90 condition: - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.light_automations state: "on" action: - service_template: light.toggle entity_id: light.hue_color_lamp_1, light.hue_color_lamp_2, light.hue_color_lamp_3 # Flip 180: Lights ON Family Room Lights FULL brightness - alias: Family Room Cube Event flip180 initial_state: true trigger: platform: event event_type: xiaomi_aqara.cube_action event_data: entity_id: binary_sensor.cube_158d0002794cd6 action_type: flip180 condition: - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.light_automations state: "on" action: - service: light.turn_on entity_id: light.hue_color_lamp_1, light.hue_color_lamp_2, light.hue_color_lamp_3 data: rgb_color: [255, 251, 245] brightness: 254 color_temp: 162 # Move: Toggle Kitchen Light - alias: Family Room Cube Event Move initial_state: true trigger: platform: event event_type: xiaomi_aqara.cube_action event_data: entity_id: binary_sensor.cube_158d0002794cd6 action_type: move condition: - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.light_automations state: "on" action: - service: switch.toggle entity_id: switch.kitchen # Double Tap: Turn OFF Downstairs Lights - alias: Family Room Cube Event Tap Twice initial_state: true trigger: platform: event event_type: xiaomi_aqara.cube_action event_data: entity_id: binary_sensor.cube_158d0002794cd6 action_type: tap_twice condition: - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.light_automations state: "on" action: - service: light.turn_on data_template: entity_id: light.hue_color_lamp_1, light.hue_color_lamp_2, light.hue_color_lamp_3 rgb_color: - "{{ range(0,255) |random }}" - "{{ range(0,255) |random }}" - "{{ range(0,255) |random }}" # Shake: Toggle Do Not Disturb Mode - alias: Family Room Cube Event Shake initial_state: true trigger: platform: event event_type: xiaomi_aqara.cube_action event_data: entity_id: binary_sensor.cube_158d0002794cd6 action_type: shake_air condition: - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.light_automations state: "on" action: - service: script.toggle_do_not_disturb ################################################################################ # ______ _ _____ # | ____| | | | __ \ # | |__ _ __ ___ _ __ | |_ | |__) |___ ___ _ __ ___ # | __| '__/ _ \| '_ \| __| | _ // _ \ / _ \| '_ ` _ \ # | | | | | (_) | | | | |_ | | \ \ (_) | (_) | | | | | | # |_| |_| \___/|_| |_|\__| |_| \_\___/ \___/|_| |_| |_| # Flip 90: Toggle Front Room Lights - alias: Front Room Cube Event flip90 initial_state: true trigger: platform: event event_type: xiaomi_aqara.cube_action event_data: entity_id: binary_sensor.cube_158d00027c0276 action_type: flip90 condition: - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.light_automations state: "on" action: - service_template: switch.toggle entity_id: switch.front_room # Move: Toggle Office Room Light - alias: Front Room Cube Event Move initial_state: true trigger: platform: event event_type: xiaomi_aqara.cube_action event_data: entity_id: binary_sensor.cube_158d00027c0276 action_type: move condition: - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.light_automations state: "on" action: - service: switch.toggle entity_id: switch.office_room # Shake: Toggle Do Not Disturb Mode - alias: Front Room Cube Event Shake initial_state: true trigger: platform: event event_type: xiaomi_aqara.cube_action event_data: entity_id: binary_sensor.cube_158d00027c0276 action_type: shake_air condition: - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.light_automations state: "on" action: - service: script.toggle_do_not_disturb ############################################################################### # _____ _ _ _ _ _____ # / ____| (_) (_) | ( ) | __ \ # | (___ _ __ _ _ __ _| | ____ _|/ ___ | |__) |___ ___ _ __ ___ # \___ \| '__| | '_ \| | |/ / _` | / __| | _ // _ \ / _ \| '_ ` _ \ # ____) | | | | | | | | < (_| | \__ \ | | \ \ (_) | (_) | | | | | | # |_____/|_| |_|_| |_|_|_|\_\__,_| |___/ |_| \_\___/ \___/|_| |_| |_| # Flip 90: Toggle Srinika's Room Lights - alias: Srinika Room Cube Event flip90 initial_state: true trigger: platform: event event_type: xiaomi_aqara.cube_action event_data: entity_id: binary_sensor.cube_158d00027cf60d action_type: flip90 condition: - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.light_automations state: "on" action: - service_template: switch.toggle entity_id: switch.guest_bedroom # Shake: Toggle Do Not Disturb Mode - alias: Srinika Room Cube Event Shake initial_state: true trigger: platform: event event_type: xiaomi_aqara.cube_action event_data: entity_id: binary_sensor.cube_158d00027cf60d action_type: shake_air condition: - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.light_automations state: "on" action: - service: script.toggle_do_not_disturb ############################################################################## # _ _ _ _ _ _____ # | | | | (_) | ( ) | __ \ # | |__| | __ _ ___ _| | ____ _|/ ___ | |__) |___ ___ _ __ ___ # | __ |/ _` / __| | |/ / _` | / __| | _ // _ \ / _ \| '_ ` _ \ # | | | | (_| \__ \ | < (_| | \__ \ | | \ \ (_) | (_) | | | | | | # |_| |_|\__,_|___/_|_|\_\__,_| |___/ |_| \_\___/ \___/|_| |_| |_| # Flip 90: Toggle Hasika's Room Lights - alias: Hasika Room Cube Event flip90 initial_state: true trigger: platform: event event_type: xiaomi_aqara.cube_action event_data: entity_id: binary_sensor.cube_158d00027ce15c action_type: flip90 condition: - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.light_automations state: "on" action: - service_template: switch.toggle entity_id: switch.kids_bedroom # Shake: Toggle Do Not Disturb Mode - alias: Hasika Room Cube Event Shake initial_state: true trigger: platform: event event_type: xiaomi_aqara.cube_action event_data: entity_id: binary_sensor.cube_158d00027ce15c action_type: shake_air condition: - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.light_automations state: "on" action: - service: script.toggle_do_not_disturb ################################################################################ # _____ _ _ _____ # / ____| | | | | __ \ # | (___ | |_ _ _ __| |_ _ | |__) |___ ___ _ __ ___ # \___ \| __| | | |/ _` | | | | | _ // _ \ / _ \| '_ ` _ \ # ____) | |_| |_| | (_| | |_| | | | \ \ (_) | (_) | | | | | | # |_____/ \__|\__,_|\__,_|\__, | |_| \_\___/ \___/|_| |_| |_| # __/ | # |___/ # Flip 90: Toggle Study Room Lights - alias: Study Room Cube Event Flip90 initial_state: true trigger: platform: event event_type: xiaomi_aqara.cube_action event_data: entity_id: binary_sensor.cube_158d000276e3e8 action_type: flip90 condition: - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.light_automations state: "on" action: - service: switch.toggle entity_id: switch.prayer_room # Shake: Toggle Do Not Disturb Mode - alias: Study Room Cube Event Shake initial_state: true trigger: platform: event event_type: xiaomi_aqara.cube_action event_data: entity_id: binary_sensor.cube_158d000276e3e8 action_type: shake_air condition: - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.light_automations state: "on" action: - service: script.toggle_do_not_disturb ################################################################################ # __ __ _ ____ _ # | \/ | | | | _ \ | | # | \ / | __ _ ___| |_ ___ _ __ | |_) | ___ __| |_ __ ___ ___ _ __ ___ # | |\/| |/ _` / __| __/ _ \ '__| | _ < / _ \/ _` | '__/ _ \ / _ \| '_ ` _ \ # | | | | (_| \__ \ || __/ | | |_) | __/ (_| | | | (_) | (_) | | | | | | # |_| |_|\__,_|___/\__\___|_| |____/ \___|\__,_|_| \___/ \___/|_| |_| |_| # Flip 90: All Lights OFF (upstairs and downstairs) - alias: Master Bedroom Cube Event Flip90 initial_state: true trigger: platform: event event_type: xiaomi_aqara.cube_action event_data: entity_id: binary_sensor.cube_158d000278eb6a action_type: flip90 condition: - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.light_automations state: "on" action: - service: homeassistant.turn_off entity_id: group.downstairs_lights - service: homeassistant.turn_off entity_id: group.upstairs_lights # Flip 180: Toggle Lights - alias: Master Bedroom Cube Event Flip180 initial_state: true trigger: platform: event event_type: xiaomi_aqara.cube_action event_data: entity_id: binary_sensor.cube_158d000278eb6a action_type: flip180 condition: - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.light_automations state: "on" action: - service: light.toggle entity_id: light.master_bedroom_1 - service: light.toggle entity_id: light.master_bedroom_2 # Move: Turn ON Master Bedroom Lights - alias: Master Bedroom Cube Event Move initial_state: true trigger: platform: event event_type: xiaomi_aqara.cube_action event_data: entity_id: binary_sensor.cube_158d000278eb6a action_type: move condition: - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.light_automations state: "on" action: - service: light.turn_on entity_id: light.master_bedroom_1 - service: light.turn_on entity_id: light.master_bedroom_2 # Double Tap: Turn OFF Downstairs Lights - alias: Master Bedroom Cube Event Tap Twice initial_state: true trigger: platform: event event_type: xiaomi_aqara.cube_action event_data: entity_id: binary_sensor.cube_158d000278eb6a action_type: tap_twice condition: - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.light_automations state: "on" action: - service: light.turn_on data_template: entity_id: light.master_bedroom_1 rgb_color: - "{{ range(0,255) |random }}" - "{{ range(0,255) |random }}" - "{{ range(0,255) |random }}" - service: light.turn_on data_template: entity_id: light.master_bedroom_2 rgb_color: - "{{ range(0,255) |random }}" - "{{ range(0,255) |random }}" - "{{ range(0,255) |random }}" # Shake: Toggle Do Not Disturb Mode - alias: Master Bedroom Cube Event Shake initial_state: true trigger: platform: event event_type: xiaomi_aqara.cube_action event_data: entity_id: binary_sensor.cube_158d000278eb6a action_type: shake_air condition: - condition: state entity_id: input_boolean.light_automations state: "on" action: - service: script.toggle_do_not_disturb ################################################################################ # _____ _ _ _ # | __ \ | | | | | # | | | | ___ ___ _ __| |__ ___| | | # | | | |/ _ \ / _ \| '__| '_ \ / _ \ | | # | |__| | (_) | (_) | | | |_) | __/ | | # |_____/ \___/ \___/|_| |_.__/ \___|_|_| # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # Doorbell Automations - # When we are home, play the door bell # When we are not home, play dog sounds ################################################################################ - alias: Doorbell Single Press initial_state: true trigger: platform: event event_type: xiaomi_aqara.click event_data: entity_id: binary_sensor.wall_switch_158d00045622d9 click_type: "single" action: - service_template: > {% if states('input_boolean.home_mode_away') == 'off' %} script.play_ringtone {% else %} script.play_dog_sounds {% endif %} - alias: Doorbell Double Press initial_state: true trigger: platform: event event_type: xiaomi_aqara.click event_data: entity_id: binary_sensor.wall_switch_158d00045622d9 click_type: "double" action: - service_template: > {% if states('input_boolean.home_mode_away') == 'off' %} script.play_ringtone {% else %} script.play_dog_sounds {% endif %} - alias: Doorbell Long Press initial_state: true trigger: platform: event event_type: xiaomi_aqara.click event_data: entity_id: binary_sensor.wall_switch_158d00045622d9 click_type: "long" action: - service_template: > {% if states('input_boolean.home_mode_away') == 'off' %} script.play_fav_song {% else %} script.play_dog_sounds {% endif %}