  {#- returns "true" if the name ends with 's' -#}
  {%- macro plural(name) -%}
    {{- "true" if name.endswith("s") else "false" -}}
  {%- endmacro -%}

  {#- Alerts low battery (below 50% at night), ONLY when the phone is not pluggedin -#}
  {%- macro low_battery_check() -%}
   {%- set level = 50 -%}
   {%- for item in states.device_tracker if 'life360_' in item.entity_id and state_attr(item.entity_id, "battery") |lower != "none" -%}
     {%- if item.attributes.battery|int < level -%}
       {%- if state_attr(item.entity_id, "battery_charging" ) != true %}
         {{- item.attributes.friendly_name | replace("life360", "") |title }}'s iPhone battery is at {{ item.attributes.battery }} percent.
       {%- endif %}
     {%- endif %}
   {%- endfor -%}
  {%- endmacro -%}

  {#- Provides Light Status -#}
  {%- macro light_status() -%}
  {%- set lights_switches = ["switch.basement_left",
                            "switch.backyard_light"] %}
  {%- for item in lights_switches -%}
    {%- if states[item.split('.')[0]][item.split('.')[1]].state == "on" -%}
      {%- set friendly_name = states[item.split('.')[0]][item.split('.')[1]].attributes.friendly_name %}
      {%- if plural(friendly_name) == "true" %}
        {{- friendly_name }} are ON.
      {%- else -%}
        {{- friendly_name }} is ON.
      {%- endif -%}
    {%- endif -%}
  {%- endfor -%}
  {%- endmacro -%}

  {#- Provides Home Security System Status -#}
  {%- macro alarm_status() -%}
    {%- if states('alarm_control_panel.home') | lower == "disarmed" -%}
      Your home security system is switched OFF. You may want to turn it ON.
    {%- elif states('alarm_control_panel.home') | lower == "armed_away" -%}
      Your home security system is set to away mode.
    {%- elif states('alarm_control_panel.home') | lower == "armed_home" -%}
      Your home security system is ON, and your home is secured.
    {%- endif %}
  {%- endmacro -%}

  {#- Provides Trash and Recycle Reminder -#}
  {%- macro trash_recycle_status() -%}
    {%- set flag = false -%}
    {%- if states('sensor.trash_day') | lower == "yes" -%}
      Your trash will be picked up tomorrow. Did you leave the trash bin outside?.
      {%- set flag = true -%}
    {%- endif %}
    {%- if states('sensor.recycle_day') | lower == "yes" -%}
      {%- if flag -%}
        Also, your recycle stuff will be picked up tomorrow as well! Please leave both recycle bin and trash cans outside if you haven't!.
      {%- else -%}
        Your recycle stuff will be picked up tomorrow. Please leave the recycle bin outside if you haven't done so!.
      {%- endif -%}
    {%- endif %}
  {%- endmacro -%}

  {%- macro outside_weather() -%}
    {%- if states('sensor.dark_sky_minutely_summary') != "unknown" -%}
      Outside, it is going to be {{states('sensor.dark_sky_minutely_summary')}}.
    {%- endif -%}
    {%- if states('sensor.dark_sky_apparent_temperature') != "unknown" %}
    The temperature outside is around {{ states('sensor.dark_sky_apparent_temperature') | round(0)}} degrees.
    {%- endif -%}
  {%- endmacro -%}

  {%- macro pihole() -%}
    {%- if states('sensor.ads_blocked_today') |int > 100 -%}
      Our internet blocking system has blocked {{states('sensor.ads_blocked_today') }} ads today.
    {%- endif -%}
  {%- endmacro -%}

  {%- macro charging_status() -%}
    {%- for item in states if "life360_" in item.entity_id and item.attributes.battery_charging != True %}
      {%- if loop.first %}{% elif loop.last %} and {% else %}, {% endif -%}{{- item.name.split(' ')[1] |title -}}
    {%- endfor -%}
  {%- endmacro -%}

  {%- macro battery_status() -%}
    {% set value = charging_status() %}
    {% if ' and ' in value or ',' in value %}
      {{ value }}'s phones are not plugged in.
    {% elif value != '' %}
      {{ value }}'s phone is not plugged in.
    {% endif %}
  {%- endmacro -%}

  {#- Provides Garage Doors Status -#}
  {%- macro single_car_garage_door_status() -%} 
    {% if states('binary_sensor.door_window_sensor_158d0004248d5b') |lower == "on" %}
      {{ states.binary_sensor.door_window_sensor_158d0004248d5b.attributes.friendly_name }} is OPEN
    {% endif %}
  {%- endmacro -%}

  {%- macro two_car_garage_door_status() -%} 
    {% if states('binary_sensor.door_window_sensor_158d0004231f7b') |lower == "on" %}
      {{ states.binary_sensor.door_window_sensor_158d0004231f7b.attributes.friendly_name }} is OPEN
    {% endif %}
  {%- endmacro -%}

  {%- macro tesla_status() %}
    {%- if states("binary_sensor.tesla_model_3_charger_sensor") != "unknown" -%}
      Your Tesla Car is {{ 'not' if states('binary_sensor.tesla_model_3_charger_sensor') == "off" }} plugged in.
    {% endif %}

    {%- if states("sensor.tesla_model_3_battery_sensor") != "unknown" and states("sensor.tesla_model_3_range_sensor") != "unknown" and states('sensor.tesla_model_3_battery_sensor') | int > 0  -%}
      Tesla Car battery is at {{ states('sensor.tesla_model_3_battery_sensor') }}%, and you can drive about {{ (states.sensor.tesla_model_3_range_sensor.state | int) | round(0) }} miles.
    {% endif %}
  {%- endmacro %}

  {#- Check for low humidity levels in autumn, winter and high levels during rest of the year -#}
  {%- macro humidity_status() -%}
    {%- if states('sensor.season') | lower == "autumn" or states('sensor.season') | lower == "winter" %}
      {%- if states('sensor.dining_room_thermostat_humidity') | int < 30 -%}
        Home humidity is less than 30%.
      {%- endif -%}
    {% else %}
      {%- if states('sensor.dining_room_thermostat_humidity') | default(0) | int > 60 -%}
        Home humidity is more than 60%.
      {%- endif -%}
    {%- endif -%}
  {%- endmacro -%}

  {%- macro clean_up(data) -%}
    {%- for item in data.split("\n")  if item | trim != "" -%}
      {{ item | trim }} {% endfor -%}
  {%- endmacro -%}

  {%- macro getGreeting() -%}
    {%- if greeting | default('yes', true ) == "yes" -%}
      {% if now().hour|int < 12 %}
        Have a great day!
      {% elif now().hour|int < 18 %}
        Enjoy your afternoon!
      {% elif now().hour|int < 20 %}
        Enjoy your evening!
      {% else %}
        Have a good night!
      {% endif %}
    {%- endif -%}
  {%- endmacro -%}

  {#- Main macro that runs all other macros and combines the information -#}
  {%- macro run_script() -%}
   It is {% if now().hour > 12 %}{{ now().hour | int - 12 }}: {{- now().minute }} PM{% else %}{{ now().hour }}: {{- now().minute }} PM{% endif %}. Here is the status of your home.{{- alarm_status() -}}
   {%- set battery_output = low_battery_check() -%}
   {%- if battery_output | trim != "" -%}
   {{- battery_output -}} Please make sure you put the phones to charge.
   {%- endif -%}

   {%- set light_output = light_status() -%}
   {%- if light_output | trim == "" -%}
   All the lights in the house are OFF.
   {%- else -%}
   {{- light_output -}}
   {%- endif -%}

   {%- set single_car_garage = single_car_garage_door_status() -%}
   {%- set two_car_garage = two_car_garage_door_status() -%}
   {%- if single_car_garage | trim == "" and two_car_garage | trim == "" -%}
     The garage doors are closed.
   {%- elif single_car_garage | trim != "" and two_car_garage | trim != "" -%}
     Warning! Both garage doors are OPEN.
   {% else %}
     Warning! {{ single_car_garage }} {{ two_car_garage }}
   {%- endif -%}
   {%- set trash_output = trash_recycle_status() -%}{{- trash_recycle_status() -}}
   {{- battery_status() -}}
   {{- tesla_status() -}}
   {{- humidity_status() -}}
   {{- outside_weather() }} Everything else looks good. {{ getGreeting() }}
  {%- endmacro -%}

  {{- clean_up(run_script()) -}}