############################################################################### # @author : Mahasri Kalavala # @date : 04/15/2017 # @package : Trash & Recycle # @description : Trash & Recycle Pickup Scheduler and Reminder ############################################################################### homeassistant: customize: sensor.trash_day: friendly_name: Is it Trash Day today? icon: mdi:delete-variant sensor.recycle_day: friendly_name: Is it Recycle Day today? icon: mdi:recycle sensor.trash_pickup_day: friendly_name: Trash Pickup Day icon: mdi:calendar-today hidden: true sensor.recycle_pickup_day: friendly_name: Recycle Pickup Day icon: mdi:calendar-today hidden: true sensor.recycle_pickup_week: friendly_name: Recycle Pickup Week icon: mdi:calendar-today hidden: true sensor.current_week: friendly_name: Current Week is icon: mdi:calendar-question group.trash_schedule: friendly_name: Trash Schedule icon: mdi:delete-variant group.recycle_schedule: friendly_name: Trash Schedule icon: mdi:recycle ############################################################################### # UI Elements ############################################################################### input_select: trash_pickup_day: name: Current Trash Pickup Day (Evey Week) options: - Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Sunday - unknown icon: mdi:delete-variant recycle_pickup_day: name: Current Recycle Pickup Day (Every Other Week) options: - Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Sunday - unknown icon: mdi:recycle recycle_pickup_week: name: Select Recycle Pickup Week based on Current Week above options: - Even Weeks - Odd Weeks - unknown icon: mdi:recycle ############################################################################### # Sensor Definitions ############################################################################### sensor: - platform: time_date display_options: - time - date - date_time - time_date - time_utc - platform: mqtt state_topic: "/home/trashpickupday" name: "Trash Pickup Day" value_template: "{{ value }}" qos: 1 - platform: mqtt state_topic: "/home/recyclepickupday" name: "Recycle Pickup Day" value_template: "{{ value }}" qos: 1 - platform: mqtt state_topic: "/home/recyclepickupweek" name: "Recycle Pickup Week" value_template: "{{ value }}" qos: 1 ############################################################################### # Sensor to hold info about current week is an odd week or an even week of the year ############################################################################### - platform: template sensors: current_week: value_template: >- {% set year = states.sensor.date_time.state.split(',')[0].split('-')[0] %} {% set month = states.sensor.date_time.state.split(',')[0].split('-')[1] %} {% set date = states.sensor.date_time.state.split(',')[0].split('-')[2] %} {% set today = strptime(year ~ '-' ~ month ~ '-' ~ date , '%Y-%m-%d') %} {%- if (as_timestamp(today) | timestamp_custom('%U', true) | int ) % 2 == 0 -%} Even Week (Week# {{ as_timestamp(today) | timestamp_custom('%U', true) }}) {%- else -%} Odd Week (Week# {{ as_timestamp(today) | timestamp_custom('%U', true) }}) {%- endif -%} ############################################################################### # Trash - Pickup schedule is EVERY week. # Set the day to a day before the actual day leaving time for reminders ############################################################################### - platform: template sensors: trash_day: value_template: >- {% set year = states.sensor.date_time.state.split(',')[0].split('-')[0] %} {% set month = states.sensor.date_time.state.split(',')[0].split('-')[1] %} {% set date = states.sensor.date_time.state.split(',')[0].split('-')[2] %} {% set today = strptime(year ~ '-' ~ month ~ '-' ~ date , '%Y-%m-%d') %} {%- set pickupDay = states.sensor.trash_pickup_day.state | lower -%} {%- if as_timestamp(today)| timestamp_custom('%A', true) | lower == pickupDay -%} yes {%- else -%} no {%- endif -%} ############################################################################### # Recycle - Pickup schedule is every other week. # Set the day to a day before the actual day leaving time for reminders ############################################################################### - platform: template sensors: recycle_day: value_template: >- {% set year = states.sensor.date_time.state.split(',')[0].split('-')[0] %} {% set month = states.sensor.date_time.state.split(',')[0].split('-')[1] %} {% set date = states.sensor.date_time.state.split(',')[0].split('-')[2] %} {% set today = strptime(year ~ '-' ~ month ~ '-' ~ date , '%Y-%m-%d') %} {%- set pickupDay = states.sensor.recycle_pickup_day.state | lower -%} {% if states.input_select.recycle_pickup_week.state | lower == "even weeks" %} {%- set evenWeekPickup = "true" %} {% else %} {%- set evenWeekPickup = "false" %} {% endif %} {%- macro day_of_week(timestamp) -%} {{ as_timestamp(timestamp)| timestamp_custom('%A', true) | lower }} {%- endmacro %} {%- macro week_number_of_year() -%} {{ as_timestamp(today) | timestamp_custom('%U', true) | int }} {%- endmacro %} {%- macro is_it_this_week() -%} {%- if as_timestamp(today) | timestamp_custom('%U', true) | int % 2 == 0 -%} {%- if evenWeekPickup == "true" -%} true {%- else -%} false {%- endif -%} {%- else -%} {%- if evenWeekPickup == "true" -%} false {%- else -%} true {%- endif -%} {%- endif -%} {%- endmacro -%} {%- macro is_it_today() -%} {%- if is_it_this_week() == "true" -%} {%- if day_of_week(today) | lower == pickupDay -%} yes {%- else -%} no {%- endif -%} {%- else -%} no {%- endif -%} {%- endmacro -%} {{- is_it_today() -}} ############################################################################### # _ _ _ # /\ | | | | (_) # / \ _ _| |_ ___ _ __ ___ __ _| |_ _ ___ _ __ ___ # / /\ \| | | | __/ _ \| '_ ` _ \ / _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \/ __| # / ____ \ |_| | || (_) | | | | | | (_| | |_| | (_) | | | \__ \ # /_/ \_\__,_|\__\___/|_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|___/ # ############################################################################### automation: ############################################################################### # The schedule can be changed via UI. The updated schedules are saved in MQTT # The input_selects don't maintain state automatically - hence this code # These automations are hidden - no interaction with user is required. # Save & Restore Functionality ############################################################################### - alias: Trash Pickup Day Changed initial_state: true trigger: platform: state entity_id: input_select.trash_pickup_day action: - service: mqtt.publish data_template: topic: "/home/trashpickupday" retain: true payload: "{{ states.input_select.trash_pickup_day.state }}" - alias: Recycle Pickup Day Changed initial_state: true trigger: platform: state entity_id: input_select.recycle_pickup_day action: - service: mqtt.publish data_template: topic: "/home/recyclepickupday" retain: true payload: "{{ states.input_select.recycle_pickup_day.state }}" - alias: Recycle Pickup Week Changed initial_state: true trigger: platform: state entity_id: input_select.recycle_pickup_week action: - service: mqtt.publish data_template: topic: "/home/recyclepickupweek" retain: true payload: "{{ states.input_select.recycle_pickup_week.state }}" - alias: Restore Trash Recycle Settings on Startup initial_state: true trigger: platform: homeassistant event: start action: - delay: minutes: 1 - service: input_select.select_option data_template: entity_id: input_select.trash_pickup_day option: "{{states.sensor.trash_pickup_day.state}}" - service: input_select.select_option data_template: entity_id: input_select.recycle_pickup_day option: "{{states.sensor.recycle_pickup_day.state}}" - service: input_select.select_option data_template: entity_id: input_select.recycle_pickup_week option: "{{states.sensor.recycle_pickup_week.state}}" ############################################################################### # Reminder code - Reminds 5 times every hour starting 4 PM # Conditions: Only notifies when someone is at home ############################################################################### - alias: Trash and Recycle Pickup Reminder initial_state: true trigger: - platform: time at: "16:00:00" - platform: time at: "17:00:00" - platform: time at: "18:00:00" - platform: time at: "19:00:00" - platform: time at: "20:00:00" - platform: time at: "21:00:00" condition: condition: and conditions: - condition: template value_template: "{{ states('input_boolean.trash_reminders') == 'on' }}" - condition: template value_template: "{{ states('input_boolean.home_mode_away') == 'off' }}" - condition: or conditions: - condition: state entity_id: sensor.trash_day state: "yes" - condition: state entity_id: sensor.recycle_day state: "yes" action: - service: script.notify_me data_template: message: > {% if states.sensor.trash_day.state == "yes" and states.sensor.recycle_day.state == "yes" %} Tomorrow is the Trash AND Recycle Pickup day! {% elif states.sensor.trash_day.state == "yes" %} Attention!: Tomorrow is the Trash Pickup day. Please don't forget to put the Trash bin outside tonight! {% elif states.sensor.recycle_day.state == "yes" %} Attention!: Tomorrow is the Recycle Pickup day. Please don't forget to put the recycle bin outside tonight! {% endif %} - service: script.voice_notify data_template: message: > {% if states.sensor.trash_day.state == "yes" and states.sensor.recycle_day.state == "yes" %} Attention!: Tomorrow is the Trash and Recycle Pickup day. Please don't forget to leave Trash bin and recycle bin outside tonight! {% elif states.sensor.trash_day.state == "yes" %} Attention!: Tomorrow is the Trash Pickup day. Please don't forget to put the Trash bin outside tonight! {% elif states.sensor.recycle_day.state == "yes" %} Attention!: Tomorrow is the Recycle Pickup day. Please don't forget to put the recycle bin outside tonight! {% endif %} - alias: Reset Trash Reminders initial_state: true trigger: - platform: time at: "09:00:00" action: - service: input_boolean.turn_on entity_id: input_boolean.trash_reminders - service: input_select.select_option data_template: entity_id: input_select.trash_pickup_day option: "{{states.sensor.trash_pickup_day.state}}" - service: input_select.select_option data_template: entity_id: input_select.recycle_pickup_day option: "{{states.sensor.recycle_pickup_day.state}}" - service: input_select.select_option data_template: entity_id: input_select.recycle_pickup_week option: "{{states.sensor.recycle_pickup_week.state}}"