PROGRAM prohst(input,output); {$debug- $line- $symtab+} {**********************************************************************} {* *} {* prohst *} {* *} {* This program produces a histogram from the profile file produced *} {* by the MS-DOS profile utility. It optionally reads the map file *} {* generated when the program being profiled was linked, and writes *} {* either the module address or, if available, the line number as *} {* a prefix to the line of the graph which describes a particular *} {* bucket. *} {* *} {* After using filbm (derived from the Pascal and Fortran front end *} {* command scanner) to parse its parameters, prohst opens the map *} {* file if specified, searches for the heading line, and then reads *} {* the lines giving the names and positions of the modules. It builds *} {* a linked list of module names and start addresses. *} {* *} {* It then reads the bucket file header and and bucket array elements *} {* into a variable created on the heap. It simultaneously calculates *} {* a normalization factor. It writes the profile listing header and *} {* starts to write the profile lines. For each bucket, the address *} {* is calculated. The first entry in the address/name linked list *} {* is the lowest addressed module. This is initially the 'current' *} {* module. The bucket address is compared with the current module *} {* address. When it becomes the greater, the module name is written *} {* to the listing and the next entry in the address/name list becomes *} {* the current module. If line numbers are available, the bucket *} {* address is also compared to the current line/address. This is *} {* read and calculated directly from the file. Since there may be *} {* more than one line per bucket, several entries may be read until *} {* the addresses compare within the span of addresses encompassed by *} {* a bucket (its 'width'). Note that the idiosyncracies of Pascal i/o *} {* make it necessary to continually check for the end of the map file *} {* and the complexity of this code is mainly due to an attempt to *} {* make it reasonably resilient to changes in the format of the map *} {* file. *} {* *} {**********************************************************************} CONST max_file = 32; TYPE filenam = LSTRING (max_file); sets = SET OF 0..31; address_pointer = ^address_record; address_record = RECORD next: address_pointer; name: STRING (15); address: WORD; END; VAR i: INTEGER; bucket: FILE OF WORD; hist: TEXT; map: TEXT; first_address, this_address: address_pointer; current_base: WORD; bucket_name, hist_name, map_name: filenam; switches: sets; line: LSTRING (100); map_avail: BOOLEAN; line_nos_avail: BOOLEAN; norm: REAL; per_cent: INTEGER; real_bucket, norm_bucket: REAL; cum_per_cent, real_per_cent: REAL; bucket_num, clock_grain, bucket_size, prog_low_pa, prog_high_pa, dos_pa, hit_io, hit_dos, hit_high: WORD; seg, offset, parcel: WORD; address: WORD; new_line_no, line_no: WORD; dummy : LSTRING (8); name: LSTRING (20); line_no_part: LSTRING (17); start: LSTRING (6); buckets: ^SUPER ARRAY [1 .. *] OF REAL; this_bucket: WORD; LABEL 1; PROCEDURE filbm (VAR prffil, hstfil, mapfil: filenam; VAR switches: sets); EXTERN; FUNCTION realword (w: WORD): REAL; BEGIN IF ORD (w) < 0 THEN BEGIN realword := FLOAT (maxint) + FLOAT (ORD (w - maxint)); END ELSE BEGIN realword := FLOAT (ORD(w)); END {IF}; END {realword}; PROCEDURE skip_spaces; BEGIN WHILE NOT eof(map) AND THEN map^ = ' ' DO BEGIN get (map); END {WHILE}; END {skip_spaces}; FUNCTION hex_char (ch: CHAR): WORD; BEGIN IF ch >= '0' AND THEN ch <= '9' THEN BEGIN hex_char := WRD (ch) - WRD ('0'); END ELSE IF ch >= 'A' AND THEN ch <= 'F' THEN BEGIN hex_char := WRD (ch) - WRD ('A') + 10; END ELSE BEGIN WRITELN ('Invalid hex character'); hex_char := 0; END {IF}; END {hex_char}; FUNCTION read_hex (i :WORD): WORD; VAR hex_val: WORD; BEGIN skip_spaces; hex_val := 0; WHILE NOT eof (map) AND THEN i <> 0 DO BEGIN hex_val := hex_val * 16 + hex_char (map^); GET (map); i := i - 1; END {WHILE}; read_hex := hex_val; END {read_hex}; FUNCTION read_h: WORD; BEGIN read_h := read_hex (4); get (map); get (map); END; FUNCTION read_word: WORD; VAR int_value: WORD; BEGIN int_value := 0; IF NOT EOF (map) THEN BEGIN READ (map, int_value); END {IF}; read_word := int_value; END {read_word}; FUNCTION map_digit: BOOLEAN; BEGIN map_digit := (map^ >= '0') OR (map^ <= '9'); END {map_digit}; BEGIN {prohst} writeln (output, ' Profile Histogram Utility - Version 1.0'); writeln (output); writeln (output, ' Copyright - Microsoft, 1983'); start := ' '; filbm (bucket_name, hist_name, map_name, switches); IF 31 IN switches THEN BEGIN ABORT ('Map file must not be terminal', 0, 0); END {IF}; IF NOT (28 IN switches) THEN BEGIN ABORT ('No histogram file specified', 0, 0); END {IF}; ASSIGN (bucket, bucket_name); reset (bucket); ASSIGN (hist, hist_name); rewrite (hist); map_avail := 29 IN switches; line_nos_avail := FALSE; IF map_avail THEN BEGIN ASSIGN (map, map_name); RESET (map); WHILE NOT EOF (map) AND THEN start <> ' Start' DO BEGIN READLN (map, start); END {WHILE}; NEW (first_address); this_address := NIL; WHILE NOT EOF(map) DO BEGIN READLN (map, line); IF line.len < 6 OR ELSE line [2] < '0' OR ELSE line [2] > '9' THEN BEGIN BREAK; END {IF}; IF this_address <> NIL THEN BEGIN NEW (this_address^.next); this_address := this_address^.next; END ELSE BEGIN this_address := first_address; END {IF}; this_address^.next := NIL; this_address^.address := (hex_char (line [2]) * 4096) + (hex_char (line [3]) * 256) + (hex_char (line [4]) * 16) + hex_char (line [5]); FOR i := 1 TO 15 DO BEGIN this_address^.name [i] := line [22 + i]; END {FOR}; END {WHILE}; WHILE NOT EOF (map) DO BEGIN READLN (map, line_no_part); IF line_no_part = 'Line numbers for ' THEN BEGIN line_nos_avail := TRUE; BREAK; END {IF}; END {WHILE}; END {IF}; read (bucket, clock_grain, bucket_num, bucket_size, prog_low_pa, prog_high_pa, dos_pa, hit_io, hit_dos, hit_high); NEW (buckets,ORD (bucket_num)); norm := 0.0; norm_bucket := 0.0; FOR i := 1 TO ORD (bucket_num) DO BEGIN read (bucket, this_bucket); real_bucket := realword (this_bucket); IF real_bucket > norm_bucket THEN BEGIN norm_bucket := real_bucket; END {IF}; norm := norm + real_bucket; buckets^[i] := real_bucket; END {FOR}; norm_bucket := 45.0/norm_bucket; norm := 100.0/norm; WRITELN (hist, 'Microsoft Profiler Output Listing'); WRITELN (hist); WRITELN (hist, ORD (bucket_num):6, bucket_size:4,'-byte buckets.'); WRITELN (hist); WRITELN (hist, 'Profile taken between ', prog_low_pa*16::16, ' and ', prog_high_pa*16::16, '.'); WRITELN (hist); WRITELN (hist, 'DOS program address:', dos_pa::16); WRITELN (hist); WRITELN (hist, 'Number of hits in DOS: ', hit_dos:5, ' or ', realword (hit_dos) * norm:4:1, '%.'); WRITELN (hist, 'Number of hits in I/O: ', hit_io:5, ' or ', realword (hit_io) * norm:4:1, '%.'); WRITELN (hist, 'Number of hits high : ', hit_high:5, ' or ', realword (hit_high) * norm:4:1, '%.'); WRITELN (hist); WRITELN (hist, ' Hits Addr. Line/ Cumul. % 0.0 ', ' ', 1.0/norm:1:1); WRITELN (hist, ' Offset +----------------', '----------------------------'); WRITELN (hist, name); i := 0; parcel := 0; current_base := 0; line_no := 0; new_line_no := 0; cum_per_cent := 0.0; WHILE i < ORD (bucket_num) DO BEGIN i := i + 1; IF buckets^[i] < 0.9 THEN BEGIN WRITELN (hist); REPEAT i := i + 1; UNTIL (i = ORD (bucket_num)) OR ELSE buckets^[i] > 0.0; END {IF}; address := bucket_size * (WRD (i) - 1); WHILE map_avail AND THEN address >= first_address^.address DO BEGIN WRITELN (hist, ' ', first_address^.name); current_base := first_address^.address; first_address := first_address^.next; END {WHILE}; WHILE line_nos_avail AND THEN NOT eof (map) AND THEN address >= parcel DO BEGIN skip_spaces; WHILE (map^ < '0') OR (map^ > '9') DO BEGIN IF EOF (map) THEN BEGIN goto 1; END {IF}; READLN (map); skip_spaces; END {WHILE}; line_no := new_line_no; new_line_no := read_word; seg := read_hex (4); IF EOF (map) THEN BEGIN GOTO 1; END {IF}; IF map^ <> ':' THEN BEGIN WRITELN ('Invalid map file'); END {IF}; get (map); IF EOF (map) THEN BEGIN GOTO 1; END {IF}; offset := read_hex (3) + WRD (hex_char (map^) > 0); get (map); IF map^ <> 'H' THEN BEGIN WRITELN ('Invalid map file'); END {IF}; IF EOF (map) THEN BEGIN GOTO 1; END {IF}; get (map); parcel := seg + offset; END {WHILE}; 1: real_per_cent := buckets^[i] * norm; cum_per_cent := cum_per_cent + real_per_cent; per_cent := ROUND ( buckets^[i] * norm_bucket); WRITE (hist, buckets^ [i]:6:0, ' ', address*16:6:16); IF line_no <> 0 THEN BEGIN WRITE (hist, line_no:6); line_no := 0; END ELSE IF map_avail AND THEN first_address <> NIL THEN BEGIN WRITE (hist, ' #', address - first_address^.address:4:16); END ELSE BEGIN WRITE (hist, ' '); END {IF}; WRITELN (hist, ' ', cum_per_cent:5:1, ' ', real_per_cent:4:1, ' |', '*': per_cent); END {WHILE}; WRITELN (hist, ' +-----------------', '------------------'); END. ��������������������������������������