TITLE COMMAND COPY routines. INCLUDE COMSW.ASM .xlist .xcref INCLUDE DOSSYM.ASM INCLUDE DEVSYM.ASM INCLUDE COMSEG.ASM .list .cref INCLUDE COMEQU.ASM DATARES SEGMENT PUBLIC EXTRN VERVAL:WORD DATARES ENDS TRANDATA SEGMENT PUBLIC EXTRN BADARGS:BYTE,BADCD:BYTE,BADSWT:BYTE,COPIED_PRE:BYTE EXTRN COPIED_POST:BYTE EXTRN INBDEV:BYTE,OVERWR:BYTE,FULDIR:BYTE,LOSTERR:BYTE EXTRN NOSPACE:BYTE,DEVWMES:BYTE,NOTFND:BYTE TRANDATA ENDS TRANSPACE SEGMENT PUBLIC EXTRN MELCOPY:BYTE,SRCPT:WORD,MELSTART:WORD,SCANBUF:BYTE EXTRN DESTFCB2:BYTE,SDIRBUF:BYTE,SRCTAIL:WORD,CFLAG:BYTE EXTRN NXTADD:WORD,DESTCLOSED:BYTE,ALLSWITCH:WORD,ARGC:BYTE EXTRN PLUS:BYTE,BINARY:BYTE,ASCII:BYTE,FILECNT:WORD EXTRN WRITTEN:BYTE,CONCAT:BYTE,DESTBUF:BYTE,SRCBUF:BYTE EXTRN SDIRBUF:BYTE,DIRBUF:BYTE,DESTFCB:BYTE,FRSTSRCH:BYTE EXTRN FIRSTDEST:BYTE,DESTISDIR:BYTE,DESTSWITCH:WORD,STARTEL:WORD EXTRN DESTTAIL:WORD,DESTSIZ:BYTE,DESTINFO:BYTE,INEXACT:BYTE EXTRN CURDRV:BYTE,DESTVARS:BYTE,RESSEG:WORD,SRCSIZ:BYTE EXTRN SRCINFO:BYTE,SRCVARS:BYTE,USERDIR1:BYTE,NOWRITE:BYTE EXTRN RDEOF:BYTE,SRCHAND:WORD,CPDATE:WORD,CPTIME:WORD EXTRN SRCISDEV:BYTE,BYTCNT:WORD,TPA:WORD,TERMREAD:BYTE EXTRN DESTHAND:WORD,DESTISDEV:BYTE,DIRCHAR:BYTE TRANSPACE ENDS ; ************************************************** ; COPY CODE ; TRANCODE SEGMENT PUBLIC BYTE EXTRN RESTUDIR:NEAR,CERROR:NEAR,SWITCH:NEAR,DISP32BITS:NEAR EXTRN PRINT:NEAR,TCOMMAND:NEAR,ZPRINT:NEAR,ONESPC:NEAR EXTRN RESTUDIR1:NEAR,FCB_TO_ASCZ:NEAR,CRLF2:NEAR,SAVUDIR1:NEAR EXTRN SETREST1:NEAR,BADCDERR:NEAR,STRCOMP:NEAR,DELIM:NEAR EXTRN UPCONV:NEAR,PATHCHRCMP:NEAR,SCANOFF:NEAR EXTRN CPARSE:NEAR EXTRN SEARCH:NEAR,SEARCHNEXT:NEAR,DOCOPY:NEAR,CLOSEDEST:NEAR EXTRN FLSHFIL:NEAR,SETASC:NEAR,BUILDNAME:NEAR,COPERR:NEAR PUBLIC COPY,BUILDPATH,COMPNAME,ENDCOPY ASSUME CS:TRANGROUP,DS:TRANGROUP,ES:TRANGROUP,SS:NOTHING DOMELCOPY: cmp [MELCOPY],0FFH jz CONTMEL mov SI,[SRCPT] mov [MELSTART],si mov [MELCOPY],0FFH CONTMEL: xor BP,BP mov si,[SRCPT] mov bl,'+' SCANSRC2: mov di,OFFSET TRANGROUP:SCANBUF call CPARSE test bh,80H jz NEXTMEL ; Go back to start test bh,1 ; Switch ? jnz SCANSRC2 ; Yes call SOURCEPROC call RESTUDIR1 mov di,OFFSET TRANGROUP:DESTFCB2 mov ax,PARSE_FILE_DESCRIPTOR SHL 8 INT int_command mov bx,OFFSET TRANGROUP:SDIRBUF + 1 mov si,OFFSET TRANGROUP:DESTFCB2 + 1 mov di,[SRCTAIL] call BUILDNAME jmp MELDO NEXTMEL: call CLOSEDEST xor ax,ax mov [CFLAG],al mov [NXTADD],ax mov [DESTCLOSED],al mov si,[MELSTART] mov [SRCPT],si call SEARCHNEXT jz SETNMELJ jmp ENDCOPY2 SETNMELJ: jmp SETNMEL COPY: ; First order of buisness is to find out about the destination ASSUME DS:TRANGROUP,ES:TRANGROUP xor ax,ax mov [ALLSWITCH],AX ; no switches mov [ARGC],al ; no arguments mov [PLUS],al ; no concatination mov [BINARY],al ; Binary not specifically specified mov [ASCII],al ; ASCII not specifically specified mov [FILECNT],ax ; No files yet mov [WRITTEN],al ; Nothing written yet mov [CONCAT],al ; No concatination mov [MELCOPY],al ; Not a Mel Hallerman copy mov word ptr [SCANBUF],ax ; Init buffer mov word ptr [DESTBUF],ax ; Init buffer mov word ptr [SRCBUF],ax ; Init buffer mov word ptr [SDIRBUF],ax ; Init buffer mov word ptr [DIRBUF],ax ; Init buffer mov word ptr [DESTFCB],ax ; Init buffer dec ax mov [FRSTSRCH],al ; First search call mov [FIRSTDEST],al ; First time mov [DESTISDIR],al ; Don't know about dest mov si,81H mov bl,'+' ; include '+' as a delimiter DESTSCAN: xor bp,bp ; no switches mov di,offset trangroup:SCANBUF call CPARSE PUSHF ; save flags test bh,80H ; A '+' argument? jz NOPLUS ; no mov [PLUS],1 ; yes NOPLUS: POPF ; get flags back jc CHECKDONE ; Hit CR? test bh,1 ; Switch? jz TESTP2 ; no or [DESTSWITCH],BP ; Yes, assume destination or [ALLSWITCH],BP ; keep tabs on all switches jmp short DESTSCAN TESTP2: test bh,80H ; Plus? jnz GOTPLUS ; Yes, not a separate arg inc [ARGC] ; found a real arg GOTPLUS: push SI mov ax,[STARTEL] mov SI,offset trangroup:SCANBUF ; Adjust to copy sub ax,SI mov DI,offset trangroup:DESTBUF add ax,DI mov [DESTTAIL],AX mov [DESTSIZ],cl ; Save its size inc cx ; Include the NUL rep movsb ; Save potential destination mov [DESTINFO],bh ; Save info about it mov [DESTSWITCH],0 ; reset switches pop SI jmp short DESTSCAN ; keep going CHECKDONE: mov al,[PLUS] mov [CONCAT],al ; PLUS -> Concatination shl al,1 shl al,1 mov [INEXACT],al ; CONCAT -> inexact copy mov dx,offset trangroup:BADARGS mov al,[ARGC] or al,al ; Good number of args? jz CERROR4J ; no, not enough cmp al,2 jbe ACOUNTOK CERROR4J: jmp CERROR ; no, too many ACOUNTOK: mov bp,offset trangroup:DESTVARS cmp al,1 jnz GOT2ARGS mov al,[CURDRV] ; Dest is default drive:*.* add al,'A' mov ah,':' mov [bp.SIZ],2 mov di,offset trangroup:DESTBUF stosw mov [DESTSWITCH],0 ; no switches on dest mov [bp.INFO],2 ; Flag dest is ambig mov [bp.ISDIR],0 ; Know destination specs file call SETSTARS GOT2ARGS: cmp [bp.SIZ],2 jnz NOTSHORTDEST cmp [DESTBUF+1],':' jnz NOTSHORTDEST ; Two char file name or [bp.INFO],2 ; Know dest is d: mov di,offset trangroup:DESTBUF + 2 mov [bp.ISDIR],0 ; Know destination specs file call SETSTARS NOTSHORTDEST: mov di,[bp.TTAIL] cmp byte ptr [DI],0 jnz CHKSWTCHES mov dx,offset trangroup:BADCD cmp byte ptr [DI-2],':' jnz CERROR4J ; Trailing '/' error mov [bp.ISDIR],2 ; Know destination is d:/ or [bp.INFO],6 call SETSTARS CHKSWTCHES: mov dx,offset trangroup:BADSWT mov ax,[ALLSWITCH] cmp ax,GOTSWITCH jz CERROR4J ; Switch specified which is not known ; Now know most of the information needed about the destination TEST AX,VSWITCH ; Verify requested? JZ NOVERIF ; No MOV AH,GET_VERIFY_ON_WRITE INT int_command ; Get current setting PUSH DS MOV DS,[RESSEG] ASSUME DS:RESGROUP XOR AH,AH MOV [VERVAL],AX ; Save current setting POP DS ASSUME DS:TRANGROUP MOV AX,(SET_VERIFY_ON_WRITE SHL 8) OR 1 ; Set verify INT int_command NOVERIF: xor bp,bp ; no switches mov si,81H mov bl,'+' ; include '+' as a delimiter SCANFSRC: mov di,offset trangroup:SCANBUF call CPARSE ; Parse first source name test bh,1 ; Switch? jnz SCANFSRC ; Yes, try again or [DESTSWITCH],bp ; Include copy wide switches on DEST test bp,BSWITCH jnz NOSETCASC ; Binary explicit cmp [CONCAT],0 JZ NOSETCASC ; Not Concat mov [ASCII],ASWITCH ; Concat -> ASCII copy if no B switch NOSETCASC: push SI mov ax,[STARTEL] mov SI,offset trangroup:SCANBUF ; Adjust to copy sub ax,SI mov DI,offset trangroup:SRCBUF add ax,DI mov [SRCTAIL],AX mov [SRCSIZ],cl ; Save its size inc cx ; Include the NUL rep movsb ; Save this source mov [SRCINFO],bh ; Save info about it pop SI mov ax,bp ; Switches so far call SETASC ; Set A,B switches accordingly call SWITCH ; Get any more switches on this arg call SETASC ; Set call FRSTSRC jmp FIRSTENT ENDCOPY: CALL CLOSEDEST ENDCOPY2: MOV DX,OFFSET TRANGROUP:COPIED_PRE CALL PRINT MOV SI,[FILECNT] XOR DI,DI CALL DISP32BITS MOV DX,OFFSET TRANGROUP:COPIED_POST CALL PRINT JMP TCOMMAND ; Stack could be messed up SRCNONEXIST: cmp [CONCAT],0 jnz NEXTSRC ; If in concat mode, ignore error mov dx,offset trangroup:SRCBUF call zprint CALL ONESPC mov dx,offset trangroup:NOTFND jmp COPERR SOURCEPROC: push SI mov ax,[STARTEL] mov SI,offset trangroup:SCANBUF ; Adjust to copy sub ax,SI mov DI,offset trangroup:SRCBUF add ax,DI mov [SRCTAIL],AX mov [SRCSIZ],cl ; Save its size inc cx ; Include the NUL rep movsb ; Save this sorce mov [SRCINFO],bh ; Save info about it pop SI mov ax,bp ; Switches so far call SETASC ; Set A,B switches accordingly call SWITCH ; Get any more switches on this arg call SETASC ; Set cmp [CONCAT],0 jnz LEAVECFLAG ; Leave CFLAG if concatination FRSTSRC: xor ax,ax mov [CFLAG],al ; Flag destination not created mov [NXTADD],ax ; Zero out buffer mov [DESTCLOSED],al ; Not created -> not closed LEAVECFLAG: mov [SRCPT],SI ; remember where we are mov di,offset trangroup:USERDIR1 mov bp,offset trangroup:SRCVARS call BUILDPATH ; Figure out everything about the source mov si,[SRCTAIL] ; Create the search FCB return NEXTSRC: cmp [PLUS],0 jnz MORECP ENDCOPYJ2: jmp ENDCOPY ; Done MORECP: xor bp,bp ; no switches mov si,[SRCPT] mov bl,'+' ; include '+' as a delimiter SCANSRC: mov di,offset trangroup:SCANBUF call CPARSE ; Parse first source name JC EndCopyJ2 ; if error, then end (trailing + case) test bh,80H jz ENDCOPYJ2 ; If no '+' we're done test bh,1 ; Switch? jnz SCANSRC ; Yes, try again call SOURCEPROC FIRSTENT: mov di,FCB mov ax,PARSE_FILE_DESCRIPTOR SHL 8 INT int_command mov ax,word ptr [SRCBUF] ; Get drive cmp ah,':' jz DRVSPEC1 mov al,'@' DRVSPEC1: sub al,'@' mov ds:[FCB],al mov ah,DIR_SEARCH_FIRST call SEARCH pushf ; Save result of search call RESTUDIR1 ; Restore users dir popf jz NEXTAMBIG0 jmp SRCNONEXIST ; Failed NEXTAMBIG0: xor al,al xchg al,[FRSTSRCH] or al,al jz NEXTAMBIG SETNMEL: mov cx,12 mov di,OFFSET TRANGROUP:SDIRBUF mov si,OFFSET TRANGROUP:DIRBUF rep movsb ; Save very first source name NEXTAMBIG: xor al,al mov [NOWRITE],al ; Turn off NOWRITE mov di,[SRCTAIL] mov si,offset trangroup:DIRBUF + 1 call FCB_TO_ASCZ ; SRCBUF has complete name MELDO: cmp [CONCAT],0 jnz SHOWCPNAM ; Show name if concat test [SRCINFO],2 ; Show name if multi jz DOREAD SHOWCPNAM: mov dx,offset trangroup:SRCBUF call ZPRINT call CRLF2 DOREAD: call DOCOPY cmp [CONCAT],0 jnz NODCLOSE ; If concat, do not close call CLOSEDEST ; else close current destination jc NODCLOSE ; Concat flag got set, close didn't really happen mov [CFLAG],0 ; Flag destination not created NODCLOSE: cmp [CONCAT],0 ; Check CONCAT again jz NOFLUSH CALL FLSHFIL ; Flush output between source files on CONCAT ; so LOSTERR stuff works correctly TEST [MELCOPY],0FFH jz NOFLUSH jmp DOMELCOPY NOFLUSH: call SEARCHNEXT ; Try next match jnz NEXTSRCJ ; Finished with this source spec mov [DESTCLOSED],0 ; Not created or concat -> not closed jmp NEXTAMBIG ; Do next ambig NEXTSRCJ: jmp NEXTSRC BUILDPATH: test [BP.INFO],2 jnz NOTPFILE ; If ambig don't bother with open mov dx,bp add dx,BUF ; Set DX to spec mov ax,OPEN SHL 8 INT int_command jc NOTPFILE mov bx,ax ; Is pure file mov ax,IOCTL SHL 8 INT int_command mov ah,CLOSE INT int_command test dl,devid_ISDEV jnz ISADEV ; If device, done test [BP.INFO],4 jz ISSIMPFILE ; If no path seps, done NOTPFILE: mov dx,word ptr [BP.BUF] cmp dh,':' jz DRVSPEC5 mov dl,'@' DRVSPEC5: sub dl,'@' ; A = 1 call SAVUDIR1 mov dx,bp add dx,BUF ; Set DX for upcomming CHDIRs mov bh,[BP.INFO] and bh,6 cmp bh,6 ; Ambig and path ? jnz CHECKAMB ; jmp if no mov si,[BP.TTAIL] cmp byte ptr [si-2],':' jnz KNOWNOTSPEC mov [BP.ISDIR],2 ; Know is d:/file jmp short DOPCDJ KNOWNOTSPEC: mov [BP.ISDIR],1 ; Know is path/file dec si ; Point to the / DOPCDJ: jmp short DOPCD CHECKAMB: cmp bh,2 jnz CHECKCD ISSIMPFILE: ISADEV: mov [BP.ISDIR],0 ; Know is file since ambig but no path return CHECKCD: call SETREST1 mov ah,CHDIR INT int_command jc NOTPDIR mov di,dx xor ax,ax mov cx,ax dec cx repne scasb dec di mov al,[DIRCHAR] mov [bp.ISDIR],2 ; assume d:/file cmp al,[di-1] jz GOTSRCSLSH stosb mov [bp.ISDIR],1 ; know path/file GOTSRCSLSH: or [bp.INFO],6 call SETSTARS return NOTPDIR: mov [bp.ISDIR],0 ; assume pure file mov bh,[bp.INFO] test bh,4 retz ; Know pure file, no path seps mov [bp.ISDIR],2 ; assume d:/file mov si,[bp.TTAIL] cmp byte ptr [si],0 jz BADCDERRJ2 ; Trailing '/' cmp byte ptr [si],'.' jz BADCDERRJ2 ; If . or .. pure cd should have worked cmp byte ptr [si-2],':' jz DOPCD ; Know d:/file mov [bp.ISDIR],1 ; Know path/file dec si ; Point at last '/' DOPCD: xor bl,bl xchg bl,[SI] ; Stick in a NUL call SETREST1 mov ah,CHDIR INT int_command xchg bl,[SI] retnc BADCDERRJ2: JMP BADCDERR SETSTARS: mov [bp.TTAIL],DI add [bp.SIZ],12 mov ax,('.' SHL 8) OR '?' mov cx,8 rep stosb xchg al,ah stosb xchg al,ah mov cl,3 rep stosb xor al,al stosb return COMPNAME: PUSH CX PUSH AX MOV si,offset trangroup:SRCBUF MOV di,offset trangroup:DESTBUF MOV CL,[CURDRV] MOV CH,CL CMP BYTE PTR [SI+1],':' JNZ NOSRCDRV LODSW SUB AL,'A' MOV CL,AL NOSRCDRV: CMP BYTE PTR [DI+1],':' JNZ NODSTDRV MOV AL,[DI] INC DI INC DI SUB AL,'A' MOV CH,AL NODSTDRV: CMP CH,CL jnz RET81P call STRCOMP jz RET81P mov ax,[si-1] mov cx,[di-1] push ax and al,cl pop ax jnz RET81P ; Niether of the mismatch chars was a NUL ; Know one of the mismatch chars is a NUL ; Check for ".NUL" compared with NUL cmp al,'.' jnz CHECKCL or ah,ah jmp short RET81P ; If NUL return match, else no match CHECKCL: cmp cl,'.' jnz RET81P ; Mismatch or ch,ch ; If NUL return match, else no match RET81P: POP AX POP CX return TRANCODE ENDS END �������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������