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synced 2025-02-19 08:09:14 +00:00
110 lines
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110 lines
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# Watcom / OpenWatcom / Win32 makefile for cURL.
# G. Vanem <giva@bgnett.no>
# $Id: Makefile.Watcom,v 1.5 2005/10/27 12:56:05 giva Exp $
# Set to 1 to use static lib.
# Set to 0 to use DLL and import lib.
CC = wcc386
CFLAGS = -3r -mf -d3 -hc -zff -zgf -zq -zm -s -fr=con -w2 -fpi -oilrtfm &
-I..\include -I..\lib
!ifeq STATIC 0
LIBCURL = ..\lib\libcurl_wc_imp.lib
LIBCURL = ..\lib\libcurl_wc.lib
OBJ_DIR = Watcom_obj
OBJS = $(OBJ_DIR)\getpass.obj $(OBJ_DIR)\homedir.obj $(OBJ_DIR)\hugehelp.obj &
$(OBJ_DIR)\main.obj $(OBJ_DIR)\urlglob.obj $(OBJ_DIR)\writeenv.obj &
$(OBJ_DIR)\writeout.obj $(OBJ_DIR)\timeval.obj
RESOURCE = $(OBJ_DIR)\curl.res
all: hugehelp.c $(OBJ_DIR) curl.exe .SYMBOLIC
@echo Welcome to cURL
hugehelp.c: hugehelp.c.cvs
copy hugehelp.c.cvs hugehelp.c
mkdir $(OBJ_DIR)
curl.exe: $(OBJS) $(RESOURCE)
wlink name $@ system nt file { $(OBJS) } &
option quiet, map, caseexact, eliminate, res=$(RESOURCE) &
libpath $(%watcom)\lib386;$(%watcom)\lib386\nt &
library $(LIBCURL), clib3r.lib, ws2_32.lib
clean: .SYMBOLIC
- rm -f $(OBJS) $(RESOURCE)
vclean realclean: clean .SYMBOLIC
- rm -f curl.exe curl.map
- rmdir $(OBJ_DIR)
$(RESOURCE): curl.rc
wrc -dCURLDEBUG=1 -q -r -zm -I..\include -fo=$@ curl.rc
$(OBJ_DIR)\timeval.obj: ..\lib\timeval.c
$(CC) $[@ $(CFLAGS) -fo=$@
@echo .
$(CC) $[@ $(CFLAGS) -fo=$@
@echo .
# Dependencies based on "gcc -MM .."
$(OBJ_DIR)/getpass.obj: getpass.c setup.h config-win32.h ..\lib\setup.h &
..\lib\config-win32.h getpass.h ..\lib\memdebug.h ..\lib\setup.h &
..\include\curl\curl.h ..\include\curl\curlver.h ..\include\curl\easy.h &
..\include\curl\multi.h ..\include\curl\curl.h
$(OBJ_DIR)/homedir.obj: homedir.c setup.h config-win32.h ..\lib\setup.h &
..\lib\config-win32.h homedir.h ..\lib\memdebug.h ..\lib\setup.h &
..\include\curl\curl.h ..\include\curl\curlver.h ..\include\curl\easy.h &
..\include\curl\multi.h ..\include\curl\curl.h
$(OBJ_DIR)/hugehelp.obj: hugehelp.c setup.h config-win32.h ..\lib\setup.h &
..\lib\config-win32.h hugehelp.h
$(OBJ_DIR)/main.obj: main.c setup.h config-win32.h ..\lib\setup.h &
..\lib\config-win32.h ..\include\curl\curl.h ..\include\curl\curlver.h &
..\include\curl\easy.h ..\include\curl\multi.h ..\include\curl\curl.h &
urlglob.h writeout.h getpass.h homedir.h hugehelp.h version.h &
..\include\curl\curlver.h ..\lib\curlx.h ..\include\curl\mprintf.h &
..\lib\strequal.h ..\lib\strtoofft.h ..\lib\setup.h ..\lib\timeval.h &
$(OBJ_DIR)/urlglob.obj: urlglob.c setup.h config-win32.h ..\lib\setup.h &
..\lib\config-win32.h ..\include\curl\curl.h ..\include\curl\curlver.h &
..\include\curl\easy.h ..\include\curl\multi.h ..\include\curl\curl.h &
..\include\curl\mprintf.h urlglob.h ..\lib\memdebug.h ..\lib\setup.h
$(OBJ_DIR)/writeenv.obj: writeenv.c setup.h config-win32.h ..\lib\setup.h &
$(OBJ_DIR)/writeout.obj: writeout.c setup.h config-win32.h ..\lib\setup.h &
..\lib\config-win32.h ..\include\curl\curl.h ..\include\curl\curlver.h &
..\include\curl\easy.h ..\include\curl\multi.h ..\include\curl\curl.h &
..\include\curl\mprintf.h writeout.h
$(OBJ_DIR)\timeval.obj: ..\lib\timeval.c ..\lib\timeval.h ..\lib\setup.h &