diff --git a/docs/ChangeLog b/docs/ChangeLog index 6271f5f74a..eb93bd70ff 100644 --- a/docs/ChangeLog +++ b/docs/ChangeLog @@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ freeswitch (1.0.5) build: Disable rpath checking in freeswitch.spec (FSBUILD-217/r:16037) build: Remove libuuid from tree (r:16072) build: Avoid building static version of modules (e.g. mod_enum.a) by adding the "-shared" libtool option. (r:16225) + build: Fix pidfile path in debian init script (FSBUILD-264/r:17040) config: improvements to French language handling (MODASRTTS-20/r:14911) config: Add valet_parking to default config (r:15124) config: Add valet macros (r:15156) @@ -247,6 +248,11 @@ freeswitch (1.0.5) group_confirm_file= group_confirm_error_file= group_confirm_key= + core: add uuid_bridge_continue_on_cancel var to move on in dialplan if uuid_bridged channel hits a bad b-leg (r:17044) + core: switch_core_service_thread() causes crash in Windows (FSCORE-576/r:17065) + core: Break the loop in switch_ivr_parse_all_events() if CF_BREAK flag has been set (FSCORE-577/r:17074) + core: Fix memory leak caused by the function switch_core_codec_copy (FSCORE-579/r:17105) + core: add sanity check to project size of decoded codec data (r:17108) docs: Add large Doxygen update (thanks Muhammed Shahzad) (r:14973) docs: update es phrase file (MODAPP-317/r:15575) embedded_languages: Prevent unloading of embedded languages modules (also fixes MODLANG-121/r:14491) @@ -284,6 +290,7 @@ freeswitch (1.0.5) libsofiasip: make sofia not auto-respond to SUBSCRIBE refresh requests (r:16273) libsofiasip: Assertion fails in nua_bye_server_report (SFSIP-197/r:16534) libsofiasip: Fix segfault in stun_encode_message (FSCORE-551/r:16635) + libsofiasip: fix typo in sofia that causes endless loop when you have a challenge with 2 auth headers in it (r:17114) libspandsp: update to spandsp snapshot 20091005 (r:15084) libspandsp: update to spandsp-20091006 snapshot (r:15093) libspandsp: fix spandsp build on 32 bit 10.6 OS X builds (LBCODEC-4,MODAPP-351/r:15631) @@ -299,6 +306,7 @@ freeswitch (1.0.5) mod_bv32: add support for BroadVoice32 codec (r:15464) mod_bv32: add plc (r:15466) mod_cdr_csv: try to rotate on failed write to cdr file (r:14948) + mod_cdr_pg_csv: postgresql cdr module, requires some adjustments to make it more platform agnostic, good for solaris and centos (Cypromis) (r:17100) mod_celt: bring CELT up to the latest build we need more testers (r:15278) mod_celt: add CELT for Windows (r:16414) mod_cidlookup: Fix segfault on no DSN (MODAPP-346/r:15019) @@ -334,6 +342,7 @@ freeswitch (1.0.5) mod_commands: fsctl add shutdown now for debugging (r:16220) mod_commands: add uuid_simplify and sip_auto_simplify (r:16420) mod_commands: switch_channel_expand_variables value escape enhancement (MODAPP-354/r:16465) + mod_commands: Add missing show modules to mod_commands (FSCORE-468/r:17015) mod_conference: Fix conference floor ownership being ceded too easily (MODAPP-323/r:14703) mod_conference: Display callers' rates (r:14992) mod_conference: Don't start conf auto record until a second party arrives (MODAPP-348/r:15029) @@ -359,6 +368,8 @@ freeswitch (1.0.5) mod_dialplan_xml: Add optional loops attr to xml dp extension (thanks MOC) (r:16886) mod_dingaling: fix segfault on unload (MODENDP-243/r:14588) mod_dingaling: Fix mod_dingaling does not reads profile information from configuration file at runtime till whole module is reloaded (LBDING-15/r:14917) + mod_dingaling: force marked answer on dingaling outbound calls when accept is received (r:17043) + mod_dingaling: Fix STUN-related core dump (MODENDP-299/r:17049) mod_directory: initial commit of real code (MODAPP-325/r:14981) mod_directory: fix segfault on failure (r:15076) mod_distributor: Initial commit (r:15421) @@ -375,6 +386,7 @@ freeswitch (1.0.5) mod_dptools: make bridge_terminate_key work in bypass media when using info dtmf (r:16530) mod_dptools: Fix bypass_media ignored in dial string (DP-14/r:16588) mod_dptools: add param setting function to asr (r:16600) + mod_dptools: add action='user_call' to xml_curl lookups for the user endpoint (r:17115) mod_erlang_event: Add support for simply sending an arbitrary message to an arbitrary registered process at a node (r:14875) mod_erlang_event: Deprecate new_pid message in favor of get_pid which has an extra element, the call's UUID (r:14877) mod_erlang_event: optionally allow compatibility with nodes running older OTP releases (R7 through current) (r:15189) @@ -398,6 +410,8 @@ freeswitch (1.0.5) mod_fifo: skip setting callerid when it's already set (r:15071) mod_fifo: convert mod_fifo to cache_db (r:15971) mod_fifo: Small bug in odbc-dsn settings parsing (MODAPP-383/r:16018) + mod_fifo: Fix core dump on assert fail in switch_core_hash (FSCORE-574/r:17023) + mod_fsv: wait for video before recording in mod_fsv (r:17103) mod_h323: initial commit (r:15223) mod_h323: fix faststart in progress handling (r:15352) mod_h323: remove SWITCH_RTP_FLAG_AUTOADJ because its not work correctly and not do anything reliable in our cases (r:15374) @@ -414,6 +428,7 @@ freeswitch (1.0.5) mod_lang: Change mod_lua so that it registers as a dialplan (MODLANG-140/r:15400) mod_lcr: fix possible null string passed to switch_log_printf (r:14514) mod_lcr: Add support for user_rates which are the (optional) end-user rates (MODAPP-340/r:15022) + mod_lcr: fix potential buffer overflow (r:17051) mod_limit: set more chan vars in limit_function (r:14733) mod_limit: fix counter-only mode in limit_hash_execute (r:14829) mod_limit: add limit_ignore_transfer var (MODAPP-334/r:14830) @@ -423,6 +438,7 @@ freeswitch (1.0.5) mod_limit: remove memcache version, it never worked right and is unworkable w/out a lot of effort. will revisit when pluggable limit implemented (r:15908) mod_limit: mod_limit: use = instead of like (r:16020) mod_limit: Fix stack corruption when calling an empty call-group (MODAPP-407/r:16957) + mod_limit: Improve rate limit support add switch_core_hash_delete_multi (MODAPP-412/r:17085) mod_local_stream: add chime-list to local_stream (r:14966) mod_local_stream: Fix memory leak at mod_local_stream (MODFORM-36/r:15431) mod_logfile: add uuid parameter to prefix log files by the call's uuid (r:15502) @@ -438,6 +454,7 @@ freeswitch (1.0.5) mod_managed: Add XmlSearchBinding (r:15406) mod_memcache: update to libmemcached 0.32 (r:14935) mod_memcache: add --with-memcached=no to libmemcached configure (r:14938) + mod_nibblebill: Support custom sql with var expansion (MODAPP-409/r:17081) mod_opal: Added setting of outgoing number and display name from extension number so H.323/Q.931 fields are set correctly in ALERTING and CONNECT messages sent for incoming calls.(r:14900) mod_opal: Fixed compile issues with latest Opal (r:15545) mod_portaudio: fix compilation failure in mod_portaudio_stream (MODFORM-35/r:14531) @@ -452,11 +469,14 @@ freeswitch (1.0.5) mod_python: Fix infinite recursion in python script causing crash (MODLANG-134/r:14898) mod_python: fix memory leak (MODLANG-136/r:15432) mod_python: Fix input callback with additional argument causes segfault (MODLANG-153/r:16536) + mod_rad_auth: Add RADIUS authentication module (r:17012) mod_radius_cdr: Fix Framed-IP-Address in start and stop having wrong IP (MODEVENT-52/r:15197) mod_radius_cdr: Fix memory leak from large CPS test (MODEVENT-55/r:15198) + mod_sangoma_codec: added to trunk - thanks Moy (r:17110) mod_say: first cut and say interface rework to include gender and put all args into a struct for easier future extension (r:16929) mod_say_es: Improve Spanish lang handling (MODAPP-317/r:15424) mod_say_fr: mod_say_fr: Update for better french support. Will probably have more stuff from FSCORE-528 to complement this patch (r:16933) + mod_say_hr: add Croatian say module (r:17011) mod_say_hu: add mod_say_hu to trunk from csecket branch (r:15622) mod_say_it: Fix italian pronounce in mod_say_it (MODAPP-362/r:15407) mod_say_it: fix hundred pronunciation (MODAPP-367/r:15500) @@ -479,6 +499,7 @@ freeswitch (1.0.5) mod_skypiax: changed audio i/o tcp socket size and timing constant on linux, for better compatibility with virtual machines (r:16330) mod_skypiax: added FS timers, allow for better Virtual Machine (xen, ec2) conference behavior, to be polished (r:16521) mod_snipe_hunt: add mod_snipe_hunt to tree (r:14937) + mod_sndfile: Fix core dump when trying to record ADCPM in stereo (MODFORM-39/r:16999) mod_sofia: allow custom SIP X-headers in 180/183/200 messages (MODSOFIA-20/r:14482) mod_sofia: use switch_mprintf to securely parse the user parameters for the SQL query for reboot in mod_sofia (MODENDP-233/r:14484) mod_sofia: display the profile name on sofia status gateway xxx (r:14520) @@ -595,6 +616,14 @@ freeswitch (1.0.5) mod_sofia: move exception for iLBC hack to sdp up to sofia (see Moc if anything breaks) (r:16898) mod_sofia: Rewrite of the s= line when proxy_media=true (Following MODSOFIA-50) (MODSOFIA-64/r:16919) mod_sofia: Add expires to PRESENCE_PROBE event (MODENDP-298/r:16968) + mod_sofia: add display feature to SCA (r:17054) + mod_sofia: fix it so the Cisco phones will update their display properly in these cases and not show Private for all calls (r:17066) + mod_sofia: only allow barge-in on SCA mode when calls are from their own line (r:17067) + mod_sofia: add sip_local_network_addr var to see the ip of the sip profile a call came in or went out on for cdr (FSCORE-562/r:17073) + mod_sofia: mod_sofia: Add url encode to a var in the xml output to be valid xml. Also changed switch_url_encode to return the pointer of the string rather than the length, same as switch_amp_encode() (r:17087) + mod_sofia: prevent race in killgw followed by an immediate rescan with the same gateway name (r:17096) + mod_sofia: fix telephone-event negotiation with devices that don't do what the rfc says they SHOULD do (r:17097) + mod_sofia: Double @ in To header (MODENDP-300/r:17098) mod_spidermonkey: allow inline javascript, use a ~ as first script character (r:15598) mod_spidermonkey: fix mod_spidermonkey on OSX 10.6 (lets see if this breaks any other platforms) (r:15650) mod_spidermonkey: fix teletone issues in javascript (MODLANG-159/MODLANG-162/r:16909) @@ -651,6 +680,8 @@ freeswitch (1.0.5) mod_voicemail: fix vm to inherit params from domain/group (r:16644) mod_voicemail: that shouldve been wrlock, and its missing an unlock (r:16647) mod_voicemail: add vm_list vm_delete and alias voicemail_inject to vm_inject (r:16673) + mod_voicemail: update vm_list to include timestamps (r:17014) + mod_voicemail: add vm_auto_play=false var if you do not wish the vm to auto-play new messages (r:17055) mod_voipcodecs: move mod_voipcodecs to use spandsp instead of libvoipcodecs (windows build to follow) (r:15036) mod_voipcodecs: move mod_voipcodecs to use spandsp instead of libvoipcodecs - windows (r:15088) mod_voipcodecs: rearrange codecs so we don't have crazy overlap and remove G723-32 and move it up to dynamic cuz people have nothing better to do then write stupid RFC's (r:16251) @@ -661,6 +692,7 @@ freeswitch (1.0.5) mod_xml_curl: Fix crash when using use-dynamic-url (XML-10/r:14850) mod_xml_curl: Allow choice between HTTP Basic and Digest authentication (r:15107) mod_xml_curl: Don't use signals when a timeout is specified (XMLINT-13/r:15997) + mod_xml_curl: change default to disable100continue, we don't acutally handle this case at all anyways, it just causes the request to fail (r:17102) mod_xml_rpc: Fix auth issue (XMLINT-54/r:14580) mod_xml_rpc: Fix crash in xml_rpc web interface (XML-23/r:16941) phrases: Add Recursive phrases support (FSCORE-458/r:15101)