diff --git a/.drone.yml b/.drone.yml
index 95fe81a95a..e902094586 100644
--- a/.drone.yml
+++ b/.drone.yml
@@ -10,7 +10,11 @@ steps:
- cat /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern
- ./bootstrap.sh -j
- echo "applications/mod_test" >> modules.conf
- - export ASAN_OPTIONS=log_path=stdout;
+ - sed -i '/applications\/mod_http_cache/s/^#//g' modules.conf
+ - sed -i '/event_handlers\/mod_rayo/s/^#//g' modules.conf
+ - sed -i '/formats\/mod_opusfile/s/^#//g' modules.conf
+ - sed -i '/languages\/mod_lua/s/^#//g' modules.conf
+ - export ASAN_OPTIONS=log_path=stdout:disable_coredump=0:unmap_shadow_on_exit=1;
- ./configure --enable-address-sanitizer
- echo "#!/bin/bash\nmake -j`nproc --all` |& tee ./unit-tests-build-result.txt\nexitstatus=\${PIPESTATUS[0]}\necho \$exitstatus > ./build-status.txt\nmake install\n" > build.sh
- chmod +x build.sh
@@ -45,6 +49,6 @@ trigger:
- push
kind: signature
-hmac: 5ebcc916118f95811470ed7e622a2acb71e84790e33f9b172c04fe3e119d78fe
+hmac: d43f842f682df8328dc4cfbf16051bf8a8e481a051b63349b444447962709435
diff --git a/tests/unit/collect-test-logs.sh b/tests/unit/collect-test-logs.sh
index 7c76c74dd5..fd2a5f9d9a 100755
--- a/tests/unit/collect-test-logs.sh
+++ b/tests/unit/collect-test-logs.sh
@@ -3,17 +3,24 @@
echo "Collecting test logs"
There are failed unit-tests:
-html+=" Unit tests |
-logs=$(find $LOG_DIR -type f -iname "*.html" -print)
+logs=$(find $LOG_DIR -type f -iname "*.html" -print | sort)
for name in $logs
logname=$(basename $name)
testname=$(echo $logname | awk -F 'log_run-tests_' '{print $2}' | awk -F '.html' '{print $1}')
- html+="$testname"
+ testpath="${testname//!/\/}"
+ dirname=$(dirname $testpath)
+ test=$(basename $testpath)
+ if [ "$olddirname" != "$dirname" ]; then
+ html+=" |
$dirname |
" ;
+ olddirname=$dirname ;
+ fi
+ html+="$test"
if test -f "${LOG_DIR}/$backtrace"; then
- html+=". Core dumped, backtrace is available here"
+ html+=". Core dumped, backtrace is available here"
html+=" |
diff --git a/tests/unit/run-tests.sh b/tests/unit/run-tests.sh
index 5f63ff1398..deda30ffff 100755
--- a/tests/unit/run-tests.sh
+++ b/tests/unit/run-tests.sh
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
-TESTS=$(make -f - 2>/dev/null <(ansi2html > $logfilename) ;
+ # Change folder to where the test is
+ currenttestpath="$FSBASEDIR/$i"
+ cd $(dirname "$currenttestpath")
+ # Tests are unique per module, so need to distinguish them by their directory
+ relativedir=$(dirname "$i")
+ echo "Relative dir is $relativedir"
+ file=$(basename -- "$currenttestpath")
+ log="$TESTSUNITPATH/log_run-tests_${relativedir//\//!}!$file.html";
+ # Execute the test
+ $currenttestpath | tee >(ansi2html > $log) ;
exitstatus=${PIPESTATUS[0]} ;
if [ "0" -eq $exitstatus ] ; then
- rm $logfilename ;
+ rm $log ;
echo "*** ./$i exit status is $exitstatus" ;
- if ls /cores/core.*.!drone!src!tests!unit!.libs!$i.* 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
- echo "Coredump found";
- COREDUMP=$(ls /cores/core.*.!drone!src!tests!unit!.libs!$i.*) ;
- echo $COREDUMP;
- gdb -ex "set logging file backtrace_$i.txt" -ex "set logging on" -ex "set pagination off" -ex "bt" -ex "bt full" -ex "info threads" -ex "thread apply all bt" -ex "thread apply all bt full" -ex "quit" /drone/src/tests/unit/.libs/$i $COREDUMP ;
+ corefilesearch=/cores/core.*.!drone!src!${relativedir//\//!}!.libs!$file.* ;
+ echo $corefilesearch ;
+ if ls $corefilesearch 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo "coredump found";
+ coredump=$(ls $corefilesearch) ;
+ echo $coredump;
+ echo "set logging file $TESTSUNITPATH/backtrace_${i//\//!}.txt" ;
+ gdb -ex "set logging file $TESTSUNITPATH/backtrace_${i//\//!}.txt" -ex "set logging on" -ex "set pagination off" -ex "bt full" -ex "bt" -ex "info threads" -ex "thread apply all bt" -ex "thread apply all bt full" -ex "quit" /drone/src/$relativedir/.libs/$file $coredump ;
fi ;
- echo "*** $logfilename was saved" ;
+ echo "*** $log was saved" ;
fi ;
echo "----------------" ;