Jaon EarlWolf
FS-8030 [verto_communicator] added ngSanitize as a dependency, vertoFilters module and picturify filter.
2015-10-16 18:24:55 -03:00 |
Ken Rice
FS-8183 #resolve #comment add google api logins to Verto Communicator
2015-09-21 16:01:15 -05:00 |
Joao Mesquita
FS-8009 Now we are using grunt for building as well and replace contrib-connect for browser-sync because we like use the new kids on the block.
2015-08-21 18:17:14 -03:00 |
João Mesquita
FS-8013 #resolve Make use of bower to manage dependencies and use wiredep to inject them on the main index.html file.
2015-08-21 02:09:36 -03:00 |