#!/usr/bin/env python """ FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application Copyright (C) 2005-2014, Anthony Minessale II <anthm@freeswitch.org> Version: MPL 1.1 The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. The Original Code is FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Anthony Minessale II <anthm@freeswitch.org> Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. Contributor(s): Traun Leyden <tleyden@branchcut.com> """ from twisted.internet import reactor, defer from twisted.internet.protocol import ClientFactory import freepy class FsHelper(ClientFactory): def __init__(self, host=None, passwd=None, port=None): if host: self.host = host if passwd: self.passwd = passwd if port: self.port = port self.freepyd = None self.connection_deferred = None def reset(self): self.freepyd = None self.connection_deferred = None def connect(self): if self.freepyd: # if we have a protocol object, we are connected (since we always # null it upon any disconnection) return defer.succeed("Connected") if self.connection_deferred: # we are already connecting, return existing dfrd return self.connection_deferred self.connection_deferred = defer.Deferred() self.connection_deferred.addCallback(self.dologin) self.connection_deferred.addErrback(self.generalError) print "freepy connecting to %s:%s" % (self.host, self.port) reactor.connectTCP(self.host, self.port, self) return self.connection_deferred def conncb(self, freepyd): self.freepyd = freepyd deferred2callback = self.connection_deferred self.connection_deferred = None deferred2callback.callback("Connected") def generalError(self, failure): print "General error: %s" % failure return failure def startedConnecting(self, connector): pass def buildProtocol(self, addr): return freepy.FreepyDispatcher(self.conncb, self.discocb) def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason): print "clientConnectionLost! conn=%s, reason=%s" % (connector, reason) self.connection_deferred = None self.freepyd = None def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason): print "clientConnectionFailed! conn=%s, reason=%s" % (connector, reason) self.freepyd = None deferred2callback = self.connection_deferred self.connection_deferred = None deferred2callback.errback(reason) def discocb(self, reason): print "disconnected. reason: %s" % reason self.freepyd = None def dologin(self, connectmsg): return self.freepyd.login(self.passwd) def originate(self, party2dial, dest_ext_app, bgapi=True): """ party2dial - the first argument to the originate command, eg, sofia/profile_name/1234@domain.com dest_ext_app - the second argument to the originate command, eg, &park() or 4761 returns - a deferred that will be called back with a result like: ([(True, 'Reply-Text: +OK Job-UUID: d07ad7de-2406-11dc-aea3-e3b2e56b7a2c')],) """ def originate_inner(ignored): deferreds = [] deferred = self.freepyd.originate(party2dial, dest_ext_app, bgapi) return deferred d = self.connect() d.addCallback(originate_inner) return d def dialconf(self, people2dial, conf_name, bgapi=True): """ conf_name - name of conf TODO: change to match db people2dial - an array of dictionaries: 'name': name 'number': number returns - a deferred that will be called back with a result like: ([(True, 'Reply-Text: +OK Job-UUID: d07ad7de-2406-11dc-aea3-e3b2e56b7a2c')],) Its a bit ugly because its a deferred list callback. """ def dialconf_inner(ignored): deferreds = [] for person2dial in people2dial: sofia_url = person2dial['number'] deferred = self.freepyd.confdialout(conf_name, sofia_url, bgapi) deferreds.append(deferred) return defer.DeferredList(deferreds) d = self.connect() d.addCallback(dialconf_inner) return d def listconf(self, conf_name): """ conf_name - name of conf returns - a deferred that will be called back with a result like: TODO: add this """ def listconf_inner(ignored): deferred = self.freepyd.listconf(conf_name) return deferred d = self.connect() d.addCallback(listconf_inner) return d def confkick(self, member_id, conf_name, bgapi=True): """ conf_name - name of conf member_id - member id of user to kick, eg, "7" returns - a deferred that will be called back with a result like: TODO: add this """ def confkick_inner(ignored): #if type(member_id) == type(""): # member_id = int(member_id) deferred = self.freepyd.confkick(member_id, conf_name, bgapi) return deferred d = self.connect() d.addCallback(confkick_inner) return d def confdtmf(self, member_id, conf_name, dtmf, bgapi=True): """ Send dtmf(s) to a conference conf_name - name of conf member_id - member id of user to kick, eg, "7", or "all" dtmf - a single dtmf or a string of dtms, eg "1" or "123" returns - a deferred that will be called back with a result like: TODO: add this """ def confdtmf_inner(ignored): print "confdtmf_inner called" deferred = self.freepyd.confdtmf(member_id, conf_name, dtmf, bgapi) return deferred d = self.connect() d.addCallback(confdtmf_inner) return d def confsay(self, conf_name, text2speak, bgapi=True): """ conf_name - name of conf text2speak - text to speak returns - a deferred that will be called back with a result like: TODO: add this """ def confsay_inner(ignored): deferred = self.freepyd.confsay(conf_name, text2speak, bgapi) return deferred d = self.connect() d.addCallback(confsay_inner) return d def confplay(self, conf_name, snd_url, bgapi=True): """ conf_name - name of conf snd_url - url to sound file returns - a deferred that will be called back with a result like: TODO: add this """ def confplay_inner(ignored): deferred = self.freepyd.confplay(conf_name, snd_url, bgapi) return deferred d = self.connect() d.addCallback(confplay_inner) return d def confstop(self, conf_name, bgapi=True): """ stop playback of all sounds conf_name - name of conf returns - a deferred that will be called back with a result like: TODO: add this """ def confstop_inner(ignored): deferred = self.freepyd.confstop(conf_name, bgapi) return deferred d = self.connect() d.addCallback(confstop_inner) return d def showchannels(self, bgapi=True): def showchannels_inner(ignored): df = self.freepyd.showchannels(bgapi) return df d = self.connect() d.addCallback(showchannels_inner) return d def killchan(self, uuid, bgapi=True): def killchan_inner(ignored): df = self.freepyd.killchan(uuid, bgapi) return df d = self.connect() d.addCallback(killchan_inner) return d def broadcast(self, uuid, path, legs="both", bgapi=True): """ @legs - one of the following strings: aleg|bleg|both """ def broadcast_inner(ignored): df = self.freepyd.broadcast(uuid, path, legs, bgapi) return df d = self.connect() d.addCallback(broadcast_inner) return d def transfer(self, uuid, dest_ext, legs="-both", bgapi=True): """ @legs -bleg|-both """ def transfer_inner(ignored): df = self.freepyd.transfer(uuid, dest_ext, legs, bgapi) return df d = self.connect() d.addCallback(transfer_inner) return d def sofia_profile_restart(self, profile_name, bgapi=True): def sofia_profile_restart_inner(ignored): df = self.freepyd.sofia_profile_restart(profile_name, bgapi) return df d = self.connect() d.addCallback(sofia_profile_restart_inner) return d def sofia_status_profile(self, profile_name, bgapi=True): def sofia_status_profile_inner(ignored): df = self.freepyd.sofia_status_profile(profile_name, bgapi) return df d = self.connect() d.addCallback(sofia_status_profile_inner) return d class FsHelperTest: def __init__(self, fshelper): self.fshelper = fshelper pass def test_dialconf(self): # the following parties will be dialed out from the conference # called "freeswitch" on the local freeswitch instance. # one party is actually another conference, just to make # the example more confusing. people2dial = [ { 'name': 'freeswitch', 'number': '888@conference.freeswitch.org' }, { 'name': 'mouselike', 'number': ' 904@mouselike.org' } ] d = self.fshelper.dialconf(people2dial, "freeswitch", bgapi=False) def failed(error): print "Failed to dial users!" reactor.stop() return error d.addErrback(failed) def worked(*args): print "Worked! Dialed user result: %s" % str(args) d.addCallback(worked) return d def test_listconf(self): d = self.fshelper.listconf("freeswitch") def failed(failure): print "Failed to list users!" reactor.stop() return failure d.addErrback(failed) def worked(*args): print "List of users in conf: %s" % str(args) return args[0] d.addCallback(worked) return d def test_confkick(self, member_id="6", conf_name="freeswitch"): d = self.fshelper.confkick(member_id, conf_name) def failed(failure): print "Failed to kick user!" reactor.stop() return failure d.addErrback(failed) def worked(*args): print "Kicked user from conf, result: %s" % str(args) d.addCallback(worked) def test1(): kick_everyone = False fshelper = FsHelper(host="", passwd="ClueCon", port=8021) fsht = FsHelperTest(fshelper) fsht.test_dialconf() d = fsht.test_listconf() def kickeveryone(members): print "Kickeveryone called w/ %s (type: %s)" % (members, type(members)) for member in members: fsht.test_confkick(member.member_id) def failed(failure): print "failed: %s" % str(failure) reactor.stop() if kick_everyone: d.addCallback(kickeveryone) d.addErrback(failed) #fsht.test_confkick() #d = fshelper.connect() #def connected(*args): # fsht.test_dialconf() # fsht.test_listconf() #d.addCallback(connected) reactor.run() def test2(): fshelper = FsHelper(host="", passwd="ClueCon", port=8021) fshelper.sofia_profile_restart("mydomain.com") reactor.run() def test3(): fshelper = FsHelper(host="", passwd="ClueCon", port=8021) print "Calling originate.." party2dial="sofia/foo/600@" d = fshelper.originate(party2dial=party2dial, dest_ext_app="101", bgapi=True) def worked(result): print "Originate succeeded: %s" % result reactor.stop() def failed(failure): print "failed: %s" % str(failure) reactor.stop() d.addCallback(worked) d.addErrback(failed) reactor.run() def test4(): fshelper = FsHelper(host="", passwd="ClueCon", port=8021) def worked(result): print "Originate succeeded: %s" % result #reactor.stop() def failed(failure): print "failed: %s" % str(failure) #reactor.stop() dest_ext_app = "101" party2dial="sofia/foo/600@" d = fshelper.originate(party2dial=party2dial, dest_ext_app=dest_ext_app, bgapi=True) d.addCallback(worked) d.addErrback(failed) party2dial="sofia/foo/someone@bar.com" d2 = fshelper.originate(party2dial=party2dial, dest_ext_app=dest_ext_app, bgapi=True) d2.addCallback(worked) d2.addErrback(failed) reactor.run() def test5(): fshelper = FsHelper(host="", passwd="ClueCon", port=8021) def worked(result): print "Originate succeeded: %s" % result #reactor.stop() def failed(failure): print "failed: %s" % str(failure) #reactor.stop() for i in xrange(20): party2dial = "sofia/foo/600@" d = fshelper.originate(party2dial=party2dial, dest_ext_app="700", bgapi=True) d.addCallback(worked) d.addErrback(failed) reactor.run() def test6(): """ show channels for a given sofia profile """ fshelper = FsHelper(host="", passwd="ClueCon", port=8021) from wikipbx import channelsutil def show_chanels(raw_xml): print raw_xml def failure(failure): print failure d = fshelper.showchannels(bgapi=False) d.addCallback(show_chanels) d.addErrback(failure) reactor.run() if __name__ == "__main__": #test1() #test2() #test3() test4() #test5()