/* * This file is part of the Sofia-SIP package * * Copyright (C) 2006 Nokia Corporation. * * Contact: Pekka Pessi <pekka.pessi@nokia.com> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA * */ /**@CFILE nua_event_server.c * @brief Easy event server * * @author Pekka Pessi <Pekka.Pessi@nokia.com> * * @date Created: Wed Mar 8 11:48:49 EET 2006 ppessi */ #include "config.h" #include <stddef.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <limits.h> #include <assert.h> #include <sofia-sip/string0.h> #include <sofia-sip/sip_protos.h> #include <sofia-sip/sip_status.h> #include <sofia-sip/su_tagarg.h> #define NEA_SMAGIC_T struct nua_handle_s #define NEA_EMAGIC_T struct nua_handle_s #include "nua_stack.h" /* ======================================================================== */ /* Event server */ static nea_event_t *nh_notifier_event(nua_handle_t *nh, su_home_t *home, sip_event_t const *event, tagi_t const *tags); static void authorize_watcher(nea_server_t *nes, nua_handle_t *nh, nea_event_t *ev, nea_subnode_t *sn, sip_t const *sip); void nua_stack_notifier(nua_t *nua, nua_handle_t *nh, nua_event_t e, tagi_t const *tags) { su_home_t home[1] = { SU_HOME_INIT(home) }; sip_event_t const *event = NULL; sip_content_type_t const *ct = NULL; sip_payload_t const *pl = NULL; url_string_t const *url = NULL; char const *event_s = NULL, *ct_s = NULL, *pl_s = NULL; nea_event_t *ev; int status = 900; char const *phrase = nua_internal_error; nua_stack_init_handle(nua, nh, TAG_NEXT(tags)); tl_gets(tags, NUTAG_URL_REF(url), SIPTAG_EVENT_REF(event), SIPTAG_EVENT_STR_REF(event_s), SIPTAG_CONTENT_TYPE_STR_REF(ct_s), SIPTAG_PAYLOAD_REF(pl), SIPTAG_PAYLOAD_STR_REF(pl_s), TAG_END()); if (!event && !event_s) status = 400, phrase = "Missing Event"; else if (!ct && !ct_s) status = 400, phrase = "Missing Content-Type"; else if (!nh->nh_notifier && !(nh->nh_notifier = nea_server_create(nua->nua_nta, nua->nua_root, url->us_url, NH_PGET(nh, max_subscriptions), NULL, nh, TAG_NEXT(tags)))) status = 900, phrase = nua_internal_error; else if (!event && !(event = sip_event_make(home, event_s))) status = 900, phrase = "Could not create an event header"; else if (!(ev = nh_notifier_event(nh, home, event, tags))) status = 900, phrase = "Could not create an event view"; else if (nea_server_update(nh->nh_notifier, ev, TAG_NEXT(tags)) < 0) status = 900, phrase = "No content for event"; else if (nea_server_notify(nh->nh_notifier, ev) < 0) status = 900, phrase = "Error when notifying watchers"; else nua_stack_tevent(nua, nh, NULL, e, status = SIP_200_OK, SIPTAG_EVENT(event), SIPTAG_CONTENT_TYPE(ct), TAG_END()); if (status != 200) nua_stack_event(nua, nh, NULL, e, status, phrase, NULL); su_home_deinit(home); } /* Create a event view for notifier */ static nea_event_t *nh_notifier_event(nua_handle_t *nh, su_home_t *home, sip_event_t const *event, tagi_t const *tags) { nea_event_t *ev = nea_event_get(nh->nh_notifier, event->o_type); sip_accept_t const *accept = NULL; char const *accept_s = NULL; sip_content_type_t const *ct = NULL; char const *ct_s = NULL; if (ev == NULL) { char *o_type = su_strdup(home, event->o_type); char *o_subtype = strchr(o_type, '.'); if (o_subtype) *o_subtype++ = '\0'; tl_gets(tags, SIPTAG_ACCEPT_REF(accept), SIPTAG_ACCEPT_STR_REF(accept_s), SIPTAG_CONTENT_TYPE_REF(ct), SIPTAG_CONTENT_TYPE_STR_REF(ct_s), TAG_END()); /* * XXX - We really should build accept header when we add new content * types */ if (accept_s == NULL && accept) accept_s = sip_header_as_string(home, (sip_header_t *)accept); if (accept_s == NULL && ct) accept_s = ct->c_type; if (accept_s == NULL && ct_s) accept_s = ct_s; ev = nea_event_create(nh->nh_notifier, authorize_watcher, nh, o_type, o_subtype, ct ? ct->c_type : ct_s, accept_s); } return ev; } /* Callback from nea_server asking nua to authorize subscription */ static void authorize_watcher(nea_server_t *nes, nua_handle_t *nh, nea_event_t *ev, nea_subnode_t *sn, sip_t const *sip) { nua_t *nua = nh->nh_nua; msg_t *msg = NULL; nta_incoming_t *irq = NULL; int substate = sn->sn_state; int status; char const *phrase; SET_STATUS1(SIP_200_OK); /* OK. In nhp (nua_handle_preferences_t) structure we have the current default action (or state) for incoming subscriptions. Action can now be modified by the application with NUTAG_SUBSTATE(). */ irq = nea_sub_get_request(sn->sn_subscriber); msg = nta_incoming_getrequest(irq); if (sn->sn_state == nea_embryonic) { char const *what; substate = NH_PGET(nh, substate); if (substate == nua_substate_embryonic) substate = nua_substate_pending; if (substate == nua_substate_terminated) { what = "rejected"; SET_STATUS1(SIP_403_FORBIDDEN); } else if (substate == nua_substate_pending) { what = "pending"; SET_STATUS1(SIP_202_ACCEPTED); } else { what = "active"; } SU_DEBUG_7(("nua(%p): authorize_watcher: %s\n", (void *)nh, what)); nea_sub_auth(sn->sn_subscriber, substate, TAG_IF(substate == nua_substate_pending, NEATAG_FAKE(1)), TAG_IF(substate == nua_substate_terminated, NEATAG_REASON("rejected")), TAG_END()); } else if (sn->sn_state == nea_terminated || sn->sn_expires == 0) { substate = nua_substate_terminated; nea_server_flush(nes, NULL); SU_DEBUG_7(("nua(%p): authorize_watcher: %s\n", (void *)nh, "watcher is removed")); } nua_stack_tevent(nua, nh, msg, nua_i_subscription, status, phrase, NUTAG_SUBSTATE(substate), NEATAG_SUB(sn->sn_subscriber), TAG_END()); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Authorization of watchers by application */ void nua_stack_authorize(nua_t *nua, nua_handle_t *nh, nua_event_t e, tagi_t const *tags) { nea_sub_t *sub = NULL; int state = nea_extended; tl_gets(tags, NEATAG_SUB_REF(sub), NUTAG_SUBSTATE_REF(state), TAG_END()); if (sub && state > 0) { nea_sub_auth(sub, state, TAG_NEXT(tags)); nua_stack_event(nua, nh, NULL, e, SIP_200_OK, NULL); } else { nua_stack_event(nua, nh, NULL, e, NUA_INTERNAL_ERROR, NULL); } } /** @internal Shutdown notifier object */ int nh_notifier_shutdown(nua_handle_t *nh, nea_event_t *ev, tag_type_t t, tag_value_t v, ...) { nea_server_t *nes = nh->nh_notifier; nea_subnode_t const **subs; int busy = 0; if (nes == NULL) return 0; subs = nea_server_get_subscribers(nes, ev); if (subs) { int i; ta_list ta; ta_start(ta, t, v); for (i = 0; subs[i]; i++) nea_sub_auth(subs[i]->sn_subscriber, nea_terminated, ta_tags(ta)); ta_end(ta); busy++; } nea_server_free_subscribers(nes, subs); nea_server_flush(nh->nh_notifier, NULL); if (ev == NULL) nea_server_destroy(nh->nh_notifier), nh->nh_notifier = NULL; return busy; } /** @internal Terminate notifier. */ void nua_stack_terminate(nua_t *nua, nua_handle_t *nh, nua_event_t e, tagi_t const *tags) { sip_event_t const *event = NULL; sip_content_type_t const *ct = NULL; sip_payload_t const *pl = NULL; char const *event_s = NULL, *ct_s = NULL, *pl_s = NULL; nea_event_t *nev = NULL; if (nh->nh_notifier == NULL) { UA_EVENT2(e, 900, "No event server to terminate"); return; } tl_gets(tags, SIPTAG_EVENT_REF(event), SIPTAG_EVENT_STR_REF(event_s), SIPTAG_CONTENT_TYPE_REF(ct), SIPTAG_CONTENT_TYPE_STR_REF(ct_s), SIPTAG_PAYLOAD_REF(pl), SIPTAG_PAYLOAD_STR_REF(pl_s), TAG_END()); nev = nea_event_get(nh->nh_notifier, event ? event->o_type : event_s); if (nev && (pl || pl_s) && (ct || ct_s)) { nea_server_update(nh->nh_notifier, nev, TAG_NEXT(tags)); } nh_notifier_shutdown(nh, NULL, NEATAG_REASON("noresource"), TAG_NEXT(tags)); nua_stack_event(nua, nh, NULL, e, SIP_200_OK, NULL); }