#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # Some constants. my $crlf = "\015\012"; # Try to load our external libraries, but fail gracefully. eval { require Frontier::Client; require MIME::Base64; }; if ($@) { print STDERR <<"EOD"; This script requires Ken MacLeod\'s Frontier::RPC2 module. You can get this from CPAN or from his website at http://bitsko.slc.ut.us/~ken/xml-rpc/ . For installation instructions, see the XML-RPC HOWTO at: http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/XML-RPC-HOWTO/index.html This script also requires MIME::Base64. You can get this from CPAN. EOD exit 1; } # Parse our command-line arguments. if (@ARGV != 0) { print STDERR "Usage: binmode-rpc2xml-rpc < data.binmode > data.xml\n"; exit 1; } # Perform our I/O in binary mode (hence the name of the protocol). binmode STDIN; # Because we're reading raw binary data. binmode STDOUT; # Because we want our XML left unmolested. # Just suck all our input into one string and glom it together. my $binmode_data = join('', <STDIN>); # Check for the mandatory header. unless ($binmode_data =~ /^binmode-rpc:/) { die "$0: No 'binmode-rpc:' header present, stopping"; } # Set our decoding-position counter to point just past the header, and # our end pointer to just beyond the end of the entire message. my $position = length('binmode-rpc:'); my $end = length($binmode_data); # Set our starting output indentation to zero (for the pretty-printer). my $indentation = 0; # Build an empty codebook of strings. my @codebook; # Begin the hard work. decode_call_or_response(); # Print a warning if there's leftover data. if ($position != $end) { printf STDERR "binmode-rpc2xml-rpc: warning: Trailing data ignored\n"; } # We're done! exit (0); #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Pretty-printing #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub escape_string ($) { my ($string) = @_; $string =~ s/&/&/g; $string =~ s/</</g; $string =~ s/\"/"/g; return $string; } sub push_indentation_level () { $indentation += 2; } sub pop_indentation_level () { $indentation -= 2; } sub print_xml_line ($) { my ($xml) = @_; print STDOUT (' ' x $indentation) . $xml . $crlf; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Raw input routines #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # These routines read raw input from our string, advance the current # position, and return something in a Perl-friendly format. # # This is all icky binary I/O using Perl's built-in unpack function. sub read_byte () { die "Unexpected end of input" unless ($position + 1 <= $end); my $byte = unpack('C', substr($binmode_data, $position, 1)); $position += 1; die "Weird error decoding byte" unless (defined $byte); return $byte; } sub peek_character () { die "Unexpected end of input" unless ($position + 1 <= $end); my $byte = chr(unpack('c', substr($binmode_data, $position, 1))); die "Weird error decoding character" unless (defined $byte); return $byte; } sub read_character () { my $byte = peek_character(); $position += 1; return $byte; } sub read_unsigned_lsb () { die "Unexpected end of input" unless ($position + 4 <= $end); my $integer = unpack('V', substr($binmode_data, $position, 4)); $position += 4; die "Weird error decoding integer" unless (defined $integer); unless ($integer >= 0) { die "Perl can't handle 32-bit unsigned integers portably, stopping"; } return $integer; } sub read_signed_lsb () { die "Unexpected end of input" unless ($position + 4 <= $end); my $integer = unpack('V', substr($binmode_data, $position, 4)); $position += 4; die "Weird error decoding integer" unless (defined $integer); return $integer; } sub read_data ($) { my ($length) = @_; die "Unexpected end of input" unless ($position + $length <= $end); my $data = unpack("a$length", substr($binmode_data, $position, $length)); $position += $length; die "Weird error decoding data" unless (defined $data); die "Wrong data length" unless (length($data) == $length); return $data; } sub read_data_w_byte_length () { my $length = read_byte(); return read_data($length); } sub read_data_w_unsigned_lsb_length () { my $length = read_unsigned_lsb(); return read_data($length) } sub read_string_data () { my $string = read_data_w_unsigned_lsb_length(); validate_utf8($string); return $string; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # High-level input routines #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # These use the low-level input routines to read data from the buffer, # and then convert it into Frontier::RPC2 objects. sub read_value () { my $type = read_character(); #print STDERR "DEBUG: Reading from '$type'\n"; if ($type eq 'I') { return _read_int_value(); } elsif ($type eq 't') { return Frontier::RPC2::Boolean->new(1); } elsif ($type eq 'f') { return Frontier::RPC2::Boolean->new(0); } elsif ($type eq 'D') { return _read_double_value(); } elsif ($type eq '8') { return _read_dateTime_value(); } elsif ($type eq 'B') { return _read_base64_value(); } elsif ($type eq 'A') { return _read_array_value(); } elsif ($type eq 'S') { return _read_struct_value(); } elsif ($type eq 'U') { return _read_regular_string_value(); } elsif ($type eq '>') { return _read_recorded_string_value(); } elsif ($type eq '<') { return _read_recalled_string_value(); } elsif ($type eq 'O') { die "Type 'O' Binmode RPC data not supported"; } else { die "Type '$type' Binmode RPC data does not exist"; } } sub read_value_and_typecheck ($) { my ($wanted_type) = @_; my $value = read_value(); my $value_type = ref($value); die "$0: Expected $wanted_type, got $value_type, stopping" unless ($wanted_type eq $value_type); return $value; } sub _read_int_value () { return Frontier::RPC2::Integer->new(read_signed_lsb); } sub _read_double_value () { return Frontier::RPC2::Double->new(read_data_w_byte_length); } sub _read_dateTime_value () { return Frontier::RPC2::DateTime::ISO8601->new(read_data_w_byte_length); } sub _read_base64_value () { my $binary = read_data_w_unsigned_lsb_length; my $encoded = MIME::Base64::encode_base64($binary, $crlf); return Frontier::RPC2::Base64->new($encoded); } sub _read_array_value () { my $size = read_unsigned_lsb; my @values; for (my $i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { push @values, read_value; } return \@values; } sub _read_struct_value () { my $size = read_unsigned_lsb; my %struct; for (my $i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { my $key = read_value_and_typecheck('Frontier::RPC2::String'); $struct{$key->value} = read_value; } return \%struct; } sub _read_regular_string_value () { return Frontier::RPC2::String->new(read_string_data); } sub _read_recorded_string_value () { my $codebook_entry = read_byte; my $string = Frontier::RPC2::String->new(read_string_data); $codebook[$codebook_entry] = $string; return $string; } sub _read_recalled_string_value () { my $codebook_entry = read_byte; my $string = $codebook[$codebook_entry]; unless (defined $string) { die "$0: Attempted to use undefined codebook position $codebook_entry"; } return $string; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # High-level output routines #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # We don't use Frontier::RPC2's output routines, because we're looking # for maximum readability. This is a debugging tool, after all. sub print_xml_header () { print_xml_line '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'; } sub get_escaped_string ($) { my ($value) = @_; return escape_string($value->value); } sub print_simple_value ($$) { my ($tag, $value) = @_; my $string = get_escaped_string($value); print_xml_line "<value><$tag>$string</$tag></value>"; } sub print_value ($) { my ($value) = @_; my $type = ref($value); if ($type eq 'Frontier::RPC2::Integer') { print_simple_value("int", $value); } elsif ($type eq 'Frontier::RPC2::Double') { print_simple_value("double", $value); } elsif ($type eq 'Frontier::RPC2::Boolean') { print_simple_value("boolean", $value); } elsif ($type eq 'Frontier::RPC2::String') { print_simple_value("string", $value); } elsif ($type eq 'Frontier::RPC2::DateTime::ISO8601') { print_simple_value("dateTime.iso8601", $value); } elsif ($type eq 'Frontier::RPC2::Base64') { print_base64_data($value); } elsif ($type eq 'ARRAY') { print_array_value($value); } elsif ($type eq 'HASH') { print_struct_value($value); } else { die "Unxpected type '$type', stopping"; } } sub print_params ($) { my ($params) = @_; die "Wanted array" unless (ref($params) eq 'ARRAY'); print_xml_line '<params>'; push_indentation_level; foreach my $item (@$params) { print_xml_line '<param>'; push_indentation_level; print_value($item); pop_indentation_level; print_xml_line '</param>'; } pop_indentation_level; print_xml_line '</params>'; } sub print_base64_data ($) { my ($value) = @_; print_xml_line '<value>'; push_indentation_level; print_xml_line '<base64>'; print $value->value; print_xml_line '</base64>'; pop_indentation_level; print_xml_line '</value>'; } sub print_array_value ($) { my ($array) = @_; print_xml_line '<value>'; push_indentation_level; print_xml_line '<array>'; push_indentation_level; print_xml_line '<data>'; push_indentation_level; foreach my $item (@$array) { print_value($item); } pop_indentation_level; print_xml_line '</data>'; pop_indentation_level; print_xml_line '</array>'; pop_indentation_level; print_xml_line '</value>'; } sub print_struct_value ($) { my ($struct) = @_; print_xml_line '<value>'; push_indentation_level; print_xml_line '<struct>'; push_indentation_level; for my $key (keys %$struct) { print_xml_line '<member>'; push_indentation_level; my $name = escape_string($key); print_xml_line "<name>$name</name>"; print_value($struct->{$key}); pop_indentation_level; print_xml_line '</member>'; } pop_indentation_level; print_xml_line '</struct>'; pop_indentation_level; print_xml_line '</value>'; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # High-level decoder routines #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # These routines convert Binmode RPC data into the corresponding XML-RPC # documents. sub decode_call_or_response () { my $type = read_character(); if ($type eq 'C') { decode_call(); } elsif ($type eq 'R') { decode_response(); } else { die "$0: Unknown binmode-rpc request type '$type', stopping"; } } sub decode_call () { my $namevalue = read_value_and_typecheck('Frontier::RPC2::String'); my $params = read_value_and_typecheck('ARRAY'); print_xml_header; print_xml_line '<methodCall>'; push_indentation_level; my $name = get_escaped_string($namevalue); print_xml_line "<methodName>$name</methodName>"; print_params($params); pop_indentation_level; print_xml_line '</methodCall>'; } sub decode_response () { my $maybe_fault = peek_character; if ($maybe_fault eq 'F') { read_character; my $fault = read_value_and_typecheck('HASH'); print_xml_header; print_xml_line '<methodResponse>'; push_indentation_level; print_xml_line '<fault>'; push_indentation_level; print_value $fault; pop_indentation_level; print_xml_line '</fault>'; pop_indentation_level; print_xml_line '</methodResponse>'; } else { my $value = read_value; print_xml_header; print_xml_line '<methodResponse>'; push_indentation_level; print_params [$value]; pop_indentation_level; print_xml_line '</methodResponse>'; } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # UTF-8 Validation #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is based on the UTF-8 section of the Secure Programs HOWTO. # http://new.linuxnow.com/docs/content/HOWTO/Secure-Programs-HOWTO/ # This code *hasn't* been stress-tested for correctness yet; please see: # http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/ucs/examples/UTF-8-test.txt # This is not yet good enough to be used as part of a UTF-8 decoder or # security validator, but it's OK to make sure nobody is sending Latin-1. BEGIN { use vars qw{@illegal_initial_bytes @sequence_length_info}; # Bytes are represented as data/mask pairs. @illegal_initial_bytes = (# 10xxxxxx illegal as initial byte of char (80..BF) [0x80, 0xC0], # 1100000x illegal, overlong (C0..C1 80..BF) [0xC0, 0xFE], # 11100000 100xxxxx illegal, overlong (E0 80..9F) [0xE0, 0xFF, 0x80, 0xE0], # 11110000 1000xxxx illegal, overlong (F0 80..8F) [0xF0, 0xFF, 0x80, 0xF0], # 11111000 10000xxx illegal, overlong (F8 80..87) [0xF8, 0xFF, 0x80, 0xF8], # 11111100 100000xx illegal, overlong (FC 80..83) [0xFC, 0xFF, 0x80, 0xFC], # 1111111x illegal; prohibited by spec [0xFE, 0xFE]); # Items are byte, mask, sequence length. @sequence_length_info = (# 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx [0xC0, 0xE0, 2], # 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx [0xE0, 0xF0, 3], # 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx [0xF0, 0xF8, 4], # 111110xx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx [0xF8, 0xFC, 5], # 1111110x 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx [0xFC, 0xFE, 6]); } sub validate_utf8 ($) { my ($string) = @_; my $end = length($string); my $i = 0; while ($i < $end) { my $byte = ord(substr($string, $i, 1)); #print STDERR "Checking byte $byte\n"; # Check for illegal bytes at the start of this sequence. NEXT_CANDIDATE: foreach my $illegal_byte_info (@illegal_initial_bytes) { my $offset = 0; for (my $j = 0; $j < @$illegal_byte_info; $j += 2) { my $pattern = $illegal_byte_info->[$j]; my $mask = $illegal_byte_info->[$j+1]; my $data = ord(substr($string, $i+$offset, 1)); #print STDERR " B: $byte P: $pattern M: $mask D: $data\n"; next NEXT_CANDIDATE unless ($data & $mask) == $pattern; $offset++; } die "Illegal UTF-8 sequence (" . substr($string, $i, 2) . ")"; } # Find the length of the sequence, and make sure we have enough data. my $length = 1; foreach my $length_info (@sequence_length_info) { my ($pattern, $mask, $length_candidate) = @$length_info; if (($byte & $mask) == $pattern) { $length = $length_candidate; last; } } die "$0: Unexpected end of UTF-8 sequence, stopping" unless $i + $length <= $end; # Verify the sequence is well-formed. $i++, $length--; while ($length > 0) { die "$0: Malformed UTF-8 sequence, stopping" unless (ord(substr($string, $i, 1)) & 0xC0) == 0x80; $i++, $length--; } } #printf STDERR "DEBUG: Verified $i bytes\n"; }