/* * @brief Options controlling avmd module. * * @author Eric des Courtis * @par Modifications: Piotr Gregor < piotrek.gregor gmail.com > */ #ifndef __OPTIONS_H__ #define __OPTIONS_H__ /* #define AVMD_DEBUG 1 */ /* define/undef this to enable/disable reporting of beep * detection status after session ended */ #define AVMD_REPORT_STATUS 1 /* define/undefine this to enable/disable faster computation * of arcus cosine - table will be created mapping floats * to integers and returning arc cos values given these integer * indexes into table */ /* #define AVMD_FAST_MATH */ /* define/undefine this to classify avmd beep detection as valid * only when there is required number of consecutive elements * in the SMA buffer without reset */ #define AVMD_REQUIRE_CONTINUOUS_STREAK 1 #endif