/* -*- text -*- */ /**@mainpage Sofia SIP User Agent Library - sofia-sip-ua @section Introduction This document contains automatically generated reference documentation for Sofia-SIP components. Some introductory material and pointers to the example code are also included. For a list of module specific pages, see @ref subdirs "source tree structure" or direct links to submodules:<br> <a href="nua/index.html">nua</a> <a href="su/index.html">su</a> <a href="features/index.html">features</a> <a href="soa/index.html">soa</a> <a href="sdp/index.html">sdp</a> <a href="nta/index.html">nta</a> <a href="tport/index.html">tport</a> <a href="sresolv/index.html">sresolv</a> <a href="sip/index.html">sip</a> <a href="msg/index.html">msg</a> <a href="url/index.html">url</a> <a href="stun/index.html">stun</a> <a href="iptsec/index.html">iptsec</a> <a href="nea/index.html">nea</a> <a href="nth/index.html">nth</a> <a href="http/index.html">http</a> <a href="bnf/index.html">bnf</a> <a href="ipt/index.html">ipt</a> @section who Contact Information You can download latest Sofia SIP from the project <a href="http://sofia-sip.sf.net">home page</a> at <a href="sf.net">Sourceforge.net</a>. Please contact us if you have questions regarding this software: <ul> <li>Pekka Pessi <Pekka.Pessi@nokia.com></li> <li>Kai Vehmanen <Kai.Vehmanen@nokia.com></li> </ul> Or post to the Sofia-SIP mailing list: <ul> <li>mailto:sofia-sip-devel@lists.sourceforge.net</li> <li>http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/sofia-sip-devel</li> </ul> */ /**@page building Source Tree Structure @section subdirs Directory Structure In libsofia-sip-ua, there are subdirectories Terminal and high-level libraries utilizing for both signaling and media: Common runtime library: - <a href="su/index.html">"su" - sockets, memory management, threads</a> - <a href="sresolv/index.html">"sresolv" - Asynchronous DNS resolver</a> - <a href="ipt/index.html">"ipt" - IPT utility library</a> SIP Signaling: - <a href="nua/index.html">"nua" - SIP User Agent library</a> - <a href="nea/index.html">"nea" - SIP Event API</a> - <a href="iptsec/index.html">"iptsec" - Digest authentication for HTTP and SIP</a> - <a href="nta/index.html">"nta" - SIP transaction engine</a> - <a href="tport/index.html">"tport" - Message transport</a> - <a href="sip/index.html">"sip" - SIP messages and headers</a> - <a href="msg/index.html">"msg" - Message handling </a> - <a href="url/index.html">"url" - URL handling</a> - <a href="bnf/index.html">"url" - low level parsing</a> HTTP subsystem: - <a href="nth/index.html">"nth" - HTTP protocol engine</a> - <a href="http/index.html">"http" - HTTP messages and headers</a> SDP processing: - <a href="soa/index.html">"soa" - SDP Offer/Answer engine for SIP</a> - <a href="sdp/index.html">"sdp" - SDP parser</a> Other: - <a href="stun/index.html">"stun" - STUN library</a> Features provided by Sofia-SIP library: - <a href="features/index.html">"features" - Features provided by Sofia SIP</a> Documentation: - "docs" - Doxygen reference documentation */ /** @page styleguide C Style Guide This document gives general guidelines on generic C style and code formatting within Sofia-SIP. The guidelines include identifier naming conventions, indenting convention, and tool usage directions. Please note that C style is always a matter of taste. @section naming Naming Conventions Generally, identifiers within each module are prefixed with the name of that module. For instance, the functions within http parser module @b http have prefix @c http_. Identifiers composed of multiple words have an underscore "_" between the words, the words themselves are in lower case. For instance, http_request_create(). Macros should be in upper case. File names should be in lower case using underscore as delimiter if needed. Normal typedefs have suffix @c _t, however, function types have suffix @c _f. The enum names also sometimes have @c _e, struct names have @c _s and union names @c _u. It is recommended that type itself is typedef'ed, not a pointer to the type. It should be clear from variable declaration if the variable is a pointer or not. @code typedef struct foo_s foo_t; typedef int f_fun(foo_t *f, char const *s); @endcode Struct and union members should have common prefix. For instance, @code struct foo_s { int f_len; char *f_name; fun_f *f_fun; }; @endcode This prefix makes it easier to find where members are used. @section formatting Indenting and Formatting code Indentation in Sofia-SIP C code generally follows the @e K&R style with indent of 2 characters (so you can use the default "GNU" c-style in Emacs). The maximum line length should be 80 characters. For example, @code void kluge(int foo) { if (foo) { bar(); } else { switch (baz()) { case a: eeny(); break; case b: meeny(); break; default: moe(); break; } } } @endcode The default indentation can be achieved with GNU indent with options @code -nbad -bap -bbo -nbc -br -brs -c33 -cd33 -ncdb -ce -ci2 -cli0 -cp33 -cs -d0 -di1 -nfc1 -nfca -hnl -i2 -ip0 -l79 -lp -npcs -nprs -npsl -saf -sai -saw -nsc -nsob -nss @endcode Loops without condition use @c for @c (;;) instead of @c while @c (1). @code for (;;) { foo(); if (bar()) break; baz(); } @endcode There should be whitespace on both sides of infix operators, except <code>.</code> or <code>-></code>, which require no space, or <code>,</code> (comma) which requires space only after). There should be whitespace between a keyword and parenthesis following it, but no whitespace between an identifier and parenthesis following it. E.g., @code while (i++ < n) baz(); for (;;) { x->x_foo(); if (bar()) break; z.z_baz++; } return (13 * i); @endcode */ /** @page programming Programming Guide @section porting Writing Portable Code Most of Sofia-SIP software is written as portable. All core modules are (or at least should be) written in ANSI C 89 with some ANSI C 99 features. If there are platform specific parts, they are collected to separate C files and isolated from the rest of the software with a wrapper interface. SU module handles abstraction to OS specific functionality such as memory management, sockets, threads and time functions. @subsection ansi_99 ANSI C 99 features The following ANSI C 99 features are to be used in Sofia-SIP software: - Integer types - functions va_copy() and snprintf() The following ANSI C 99 features shall not be used in Sofia-SIP software: - definition of a variable in the middle of function code. (so always define your variables in the beginning of the block) @subsection port_ints Integer Types As you should know, the length of native storage size depends on hardware, OS and compiler. This means in practice that the length of int or long is not necessarily 32 bits. As a consequence, you need to make sure that the value you intend to store in the int, can actually fit in int on different platforms. As a rule of thumb, if the integer value can exceed 8 bits, you should use types that have a defined length. Nevertheless its OK to use native integer types if you bear in mind what was said above. The original reason for having only native data type was performance. The int type is always stored in the fastest (and usually biggest size) possible. Never assume anything on the length of the type. Alway use sizeof() operator to find out the length. C 99 standard defines the following fixed length data types: - int64_t - uint64_t - int32_t - uint32_t - int16_t - uint16_t - int8_t - uint8_t To use these data types you must include the <su_types.h> header, which takes care of including correct file. If @b su includes are not available, you must include the following code segment to each file where you plan to use them: @code #if HAVE_STDINT_H #include <stdint.h> #elif HAVE_INTTYPES_H #include <inttypes.h> #else #error Define HAVE_STDINT_H as 1 if you have <stdint.h>, \ or HAVE_INTTYPES_H if you have <inttypes.h> #endif @endcode @subsection port_byte_sex Byte order The host byte order on different platforms vary. When you do only local processing, need not to worry about the byte order. But as soon as you start writing code that send or receives anything to the network, you need to start worrying. If you wish to convert the byte order, it is simply done by calling one the following functions: The htonl() function converts the unsigned integer hostlong from host byte order to network byte order. The htons() function converts the unsigned short integer hostshort from host byte order to network byte order. The ntohl() function converts the unsigned integer netlong from network byte order to host byte order. The ntohs() function converts the unsigned short integer netshort from network byte order to host byte order. You need to include <netinet/in.h> or <su.h> to use these functions. @subsection port_struct Packing structures By default, compilers usually arrange structures so that they are quick to access. This means that most fields in the structure start at the 32 bit boundary. If you need to conserve memory, you may use structure packing. To tell the compiler that you only need certain amount of bits to store a variable, you can use bit-fields. Compiler may or may not pack the bit-fields. @code struct foo { unsigned bar:5; unsigned foo:2; unsigned :0; int something; } @endcode If compiler decides to pack this structure, this code generates a structure that has @a bar and @a foo in the first seven bits, and then @a something beginning from the next 32 bit boundary. One problem arises when using packed bit-fields: on ARM it is generally not possible to access a 32 bit field that does not start from the 32-bit boundary. Hence the example has the :0 padding member in the structure. Seems handy but beware: initialization of this structure fails on some ARM gcc compilers. (Ask Kai Vehmanen for details). A way to force packing of a structure is to use preprocessor directive @c @#pragma(pack). This directive is compiler specific, so if you plan to write truly portable code, you cannot use it. We have used it in some parts of the Sofia-SIP though. Only alternative is to write functions that fetch the desired bits from a 32 bit field with bit operations; not very handy and error prone. The same aligment problem also arises if you cast for example char buffer to a int32_t. You can only read int32_t from the 32bit boundary on ARM platform. So be careful. As a conclusion, when using bit-fields and stucture packing, beware of the pitfalls. If you don't really need to use them (as in parsing binary protocols), don't use them. @section file_organization File and Directory Structure A Sofia-SIP library module can be defined as a subdirectory under the libsofia-sip-ua directory hierarchy that contains a file \<modulename\>.docs (where the \<modulename\> of course referes to the actual name of the module). In case you like to start developing a new module, please contact Sofia-SIP development team so that they can help you to set up the basic module for you. An overview of the contents of a module directory: - file \<modulename\>.docs \n Main documentation file for the module. See @ref module_docs for more information - subdirectory pictures \n Contains any pictures/images that are needed by the module documentation. The file formats to use are GIF (for html pages) and EPS (for latex). If some program (e.g. MS Visio) is used to create the pictures, also the original files must be stored here.\n (Note that old modules may have "images" subdirectory instead of "pictures") - files Makefile.am \n See section @ref build "dealing with GNU Autotools" below. - (optionally) source code file(s) of the module and module tests. The source code file(s) can also be located in subdirectories if necesary. @section oo_with_c Writing Object-Oriented Code While C does not provide any special object-oriented features on its own, it is possible to program in object-oriented way using C, too. Sofia code make use of many object-oriented features while being written entirely in C. @subsection oo_hiding Data Hiding Data hiding is a practice that makes separation between two modules very clear. Outside code cannot directly access the data within a module, but it has to use functions provided for that purpose. Data hiding also makes it easier to define a protocol between two objects - all communication happens using function calls. How to implement data hiding in C? Easiest answer is to only declare data structures in the header files, not to define them. We have a typedef #msg_t for @link msg_s struct msg_s @endlink in <sofia-sip/msg.h>, but the actual structure is defined in "msg_internal.h". Programs outside @b msg module does not have access to the @link msg_s struct msg_s @endlink, but they have to to access the #msg_t object through method functions provided in <sofia-sip/msg.h>. The @b msg implementation is also free to change the internal layout of the structure, only keeping the function interface unmodified. @subsection oo_interface Interfaces Abstract interface is another object-oriented practice used in Sofia. Parser headers, defined in <sofia-sip/msg_types.h>, is a good example of abstract interface. The type for message headers, #msg_header_t, is defined using two C structures @link msg_common_s struct msg_common_s @endlink (#msg_common_t), and @link msg_hclass_s struct msg_hclass_s @endlink (#msg_hclass_t). Abstract interface is achieved using virtual function table in #msg_hclass_t structure, bit like C++ typically implements abstract classes and virtual functions. For implemenation of each header, the function table is initialized with functions responsible for decoding, encoding and manipulating the header structure. Unlike C++, the class of the object (#msg_hclass_t) is represented by a real data structure which also contains header-specific data, like header name. @dontinclude sip_basic.c @skipline msg_hclass_t sip_contact_class @skip {{ @until }}; @subsection oo_derived Inheritance and Derived Objects Inheritance is a object-oriented practice that has limited use in Sofia. Most common example of inheritance is use of #su_home_t. Many objects are derived from #su_home_t, which means that they can use the various home-based memory management functions from <su_alloc.h>. In this sence, inheritance means that a pointer to a derived object can be casted as a pointer to a base object. In other words, the derived object must have the base object at the beginning of its memory area: @code struct derived { struct base base[1]; int extra; char *data; }; @endcode There are three alternatives to cast a pointer to derived to a pointer to base: @code struct base *base1 = (struct base *)derived; struct base *base2 = &derived->base; struct base *base3 = derived->base; @endcode The third alternative works because base was used as a 1-element array. @subsection oo_templates Templates There are a few template types implemented as macros in Sofia libraries. They include hash table, defined in <sofia-sip/htable.h>, which can be used to define hash tables types and accessor functions for different object, and red-black tree, defined in <sofia-sip/rbtree.h>. @section memory Memory Management The home-based memory management is useful when a lot of memory blocks are allocated for given task. The allocations are done via the memory home, which keeps a reference to each allocated memory block. When the memory home is then freed, it will free all memory blocks to which it has reference. This simplifies application logic because application code does not need to keep track of the allocated memory and free every allocated block separately. See documentation of <su_alloc.h> and @ref su_alloc "memory managment tutorial" for more information of memory management services. @subsection contextdata Memory management of context data A typical example of use of a memory home is to have a memory home structure (#su_home_t) as part of operation context information structure. @code /* context info structure */ struct context { su_home_t ctx_home[1]; /* memory home */ other_t *ctx_other_stuff; /* example of memory areas */ ... }; /* context pointer */ struct context *ctx; /* Allocate memory for context structure and initialize memory home */ ctx = su_home_clone(NULL, sizeof (struct context)); /* Allocate memory and register it with memory home */ ctx->ctx_other_stuff = su_zalloc(ctx->ctx_home, sizeof(other_t)); ... processing and allocating more memory ... /* Release registered memory areas, home, and context structure */ su_home_zap(ctx->ctx_home); @endcode @subsection combining Combining allocations Another place where home-based memory management makes programmers life easier is case where a sub-procedure makes multiple memory allocations and, in case the sub-procedure fails, all the allocations must be released and, in case the sub-procedure is succesfull, all allocations must be controlled by upper level memory management. @code /* example sub-procedure. top_home is upper-level memory home */ int sub_procedure( su_home_t *top_home, ... ) { su_home_t temphome[1] = { SU_HOME_INIT(temphome) }; ... allocations and other processing ... /* was processing successfull ? */ if (success) { /* ok -> move registered allocated memory to upper level memory home */ su_home_move( top_home, temphome ); } /* destroy temporary memory home (and registered allocations) */ /* Note than in case processing was succesfull the memory */ /* registrations were already moved to upper level home. */ su_home_deinit(temphome); /* return ok/not-ok */ return success; } @endcode @section testing Testing Your Code See <tstdef.h> for example of how to write module tests with macros provided by Sofia. Here are some ideas of what you should test: - "Smoke test" \n See that the module compiles, links and executes. - Module API functions should be tested with\n - valid args - not valid args - Aim for 100% line coverage\n (If there is a line of code that you have not tested, you don't know if its working.) \n For selected part of code you should also aim for 100% branch/path coverage.\n But be anyway reasonable with these because in practise complete coverage is next to impossible to achive (so 80% is ok in practise). - Create test to check assumptions and/or tricks used in code.\n For example if you rely on some compiler feature, create a test that will fail with a compiler that does not have that feature. @subsection check Running Module Tests Automake, which is used to build Sofia SIP, has builtin support for unit tests. To add an automatically run test to your module, you just have to add the following few lines to your module's Makefile.am (of course, you have to write the test programs, too): @code TESTS = test_foo test_bar check_PROGRAMS = test_foo test_bar test_foo_SOURCES = foo.c foo.h test_foo_LDADD = -L. -lmy test_bar_SOURCES = bar.c bar.h test_foo_LDADD = -L. -lmy @endcode Each test program should either return zero for success or a non-zero error code in its main function. Now when you run "make check", @b my_test_foo and @b my_test_bar will be built and then run. Make will print a summary of how the tests went. As these tests are run from the build system, the tests must be non-interactive (no questions asked) and not rely on any files that are not in version control system. Sofia SIP's top-level makefile contains a recursive check target, so you can use "cd sofia-sip ; make check" to run all the existing tests with a single command. @section build Dealing with GNU Autotools Sofia-SIP build system is based on the GNU tools automake, autoconf and libtool. This toolset has become the de-facto way of building Linux software. Because of this there is a lot of publicly available documentation about these tools, and of course, lots and lots of examples. A good introduction to these tools is available at <a href="http://developer.gnome.org/doc/books/WGA/generating-makefiles.html"> developer.gnome.org</a>. <a href="http://sources.redhat.com/autobook">Autobook</a> provides more detailed documentation for autoconf and automake. The <a href="http://www.gnu.org/manual/make/">GNU make manual</a> is also a good source of information. @subsection autogen_sh autogen.sh At top-level there is a shell script called @b autogen.sh. It calls a convenient tool called @b autoreconf which will generate configure script for you. It also fixes the mode bits: the mode bits are not stored in <a href="http://darcs.net">darcs</a> version control system. @code $ sh autogen.sh $ ./configure ... with your configure options ... @endcode @subsection configure_ac configure.ac The @b configure.ac file (older autoconf versions used also @b configure.in) contains the primary configuration for autoconf. configure.ac contains checks for all external libraries, non-standard language and compiler features that are needed to build the target module. This file is created by the developer of the module. @subsection sofia_m4 m4 files Sofia-SIP's own autoconf macros are stored in the top-level direcry called @b m4. These macros, along with all other macros used by @b configure.ac, are copied into the module-specific @b aclocal.m4 file by an utility called aclocal. Contact Sofia-SIP development team, if you need changes to these files. @subsection aclocal_m4 aclocal.m4 The aclocal.m4 contains the definitions of the autoconf macros used in @b configure.ac. This file is generated by aclocal command. @subsection Makefile_am Makefile.am Makefile.am is where you define what programs and libraries should be built, and also what source files are needed to create them. When you run automake, it creates the file Makefile.in. This file is created by the developer of the module. @subsection configure configure When you run configure script, it performs all the checks defined in @b configure.ac and then replaces all @b xxx.in files with equivalent @b xxx files. All @c @@FOO@@ variables in the source @b *.in files are replaced with values found during the configuration process. For instance the variable @c @@srcdir@@ in @b Makefile.in is replaced in @b Makefile with the source directory path (useful when compiling outside the main source tree). This file is generated by autoconf command. @subsection config_status config.status This script stores the last parameters given to configre command. If necessary you can rerun the last given configure script (with given parameters) by using command "./config.status -r" or "./config.status --recheck". This file is generated by configure script. @subsection config_cache config.cache This file contains results of the various checks that configure script performed. In case the configure script failed, you might try to delete this file and run the configure script again. This file is generated by configure script. @subsection Makefile Makefile The @b Makefile contains the actual rules how to build the target libraries and program. It is used by the @c make program. @b Makefile is generated from @b Makefile.in when you run @c autoconf command. Ensure that "make dist" and "make install" targets work. This file is generated by config.status and configure scripts. @subsection config_h config.h This file contains C language defines of various confurable issues. This file is generated by config.status and configure script. @subsection sofia_sip_configure_h sofia-sip/su_configure.h This file contains C language defines describing how the Sofia SIP UA library is configured. This file is generated by config.status and configure script. */ /** @page debug_logs Debugging Logs The Sofia-SIP components can output various debugging information. The detail of the debugging output is determined by the debugging level. The level is usually module-specific and it can be modified by module-specific environment variable. There is also a default level for all modules, controlled by environment variable #SOFIA_DEBUG. The environment variables controlling the logging and other debug output are as follows: - #SOFIA_DEBUG Default debug level (0..9) - #NUA_DEBUG User Agent engine (<a href="nua/index.html">nua</a>) debug level (0..9) - #SOA_DEBUG SDP Offer/Answer engine (<a href="soa/index.html">soa</a>) debug level (0..9) - #NEA_DEBUG Event engine (<a href="nea/index.html">nea</a>) debug level (0..9) - #IPTSEC_DEBUG HTTP/SIP autentication module debug level (0..9) - #NTA_DEBUG Transaction engine debug level (0..9) - #TPORT_DEBUG Transport event debug level (0..9) - #TPORT_LOG If set, print out all parsed SIP messages on transport layer - #TPORT_DUMP Filename for dumping unparsed messages from transport - #SU_DEBUG <a href="nea/index.html">su</a> module debug level (0..9) The defined debug output levels are: - 0 SU_DEBUG_0() - fatal errors, panic - 1 SU_DEBUG_1() - critical errors, minimal progress at subsystem level - 2 SU_DEBUG_2() - non-critical errors - 3 SU_DEBUG_3() - warnings, progress messages - 5 SU_DEBUG_5() - signaling protocol actions (incoming packets, ...) - 7 SU_DEBUG_7() - media protocol actions (incoming packets, ...) - 9 SU_DEBUG_9() - entering/exiting functions, very verbatim progress In addition to the macros mentioned above, there is also functions for printing logging messages: - su_llog(), su_vllog() - su_perror(), su_perror2() The log level can be set (to a level defined in a configuration file, for instance) with following functions - su_log_set_level(), su_log_soft_set_level() The log output can be redirected to, e.g., system log or loggin server, with su_log_redirect(). */