/* * This file is part of the Sofia-SIP package * * Copyright (C) 2005 Nokia Corporation. * * Contact: Pekka Pessi <pekka.pessi@nokia.com> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA * */ /** * @file torture_rbtree.c * @brief Test red-black tree * * @author Pekka Pessi <Pekka.Pessi@nokia.com> * * @date Created: Wed Mar 10 17:05:23 2004 ppessi * */ #include "config.h" #include <stddef.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include <errno.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "sofia-sip/rbtree.h" typedef struct node Node; struct node { Node *left, *right, *parent; int black; int value; int inserted; }; int tstflags; #define TSTFLAGS tstflags #include <stdio.h> #include <sofia-sip/tstdef.h> char const *name = "torture_rbtree"; /* Define accessor macros */ #define LEFT(node) ((node)->left) #define RIGHT(node) ((node)->right) #define PARENT(node) ((node)->parent) #define SET_RED(node) ((node)->black = 0) #define SET_BLACK(node) ((node)->black = 1) #define CMP(a, b) ((a)->value - (b)->value) #define IS_RED(node) ((node) && (node)->black == 0) #define IS_BLACK(node) (!(node) || (node)->black == 1) #define COPY_COLOR(dst, src) ((dst)->black = (src)->black) #define INSERT(node) ((void)0) #define REMOVE(node) ((node)->left = (node)->right = (node)->parent = NULL) RBTREE_PROTOS(su_inline, redblack, Node); RBTREE_BODIES(su_inline, redblack, Node, LEFT, RIGHT, PARENT, IS_RED, SET_RED, IS_BLACK, SET_BLACK, COPY_COLOR, CMP, INSERT, REMOVE); #include <sofia-sip/su_alloc.h> static Node *node_new(su_home_t *home, int value) { Node *n = su_zalloc(home, sizeof (*n)); n->value = value; return n; } /** ceil of log2 */ unsigned log2ceil(unsigned k) { unsigned result = 0; #if 0 if (k > (1 << 32)) result += 32, k = (k >> 32) + ((k & ((1 << 32) - 1)) != 0); #endif if (k > (1 << 16)) result += 16, k = (k >> 16) + ((k & ((1 << 16) - 1)) != 0); if (k > (1 << 8)) result += 8, k = (k >> 8) + ((k & ((1 << 8) - 1)) != 0); if (k > (1 << 4)) result += 4, k = (k >> 4) + ((k & 15) != 0); if (k > (1 << 2)) result += 2, k = (k >> 2) + ((k & 3) != 0); if (k > (1 << 1)) result += 1, k = (k >> 1) + (k & 1); if (k > 1) result += 1; return result; } static Node *node_find(Node *tree, int value) { while (tree) { if (tree->value == value) break; else if (tree->value < value) tree = tree->right; else tree = tree->left; } return tree; } /** Check consistency */ static int redblack_check(Node const *n) { Node const *l, *r; if (!n) return 1; l = n->left, r = n->right; if (n->black || ((!l || l->black) && (!r || r->black))) return (!l || redblack_check(l)) && (!r || redblack_check(r)); else return 0; } int test_insert(void) { su_home_t *home; Node *tree = NULL, *o, *old; Node *one, *three, *five, *six, *seven; BEGIN(); home = su_home_clone(NULL, sizeof(*home)); TEST_1(home); one = node_new(home, 1); three = node_new(home, 3); five = node_new(home, 5); six = node_new(home, 6); seven = node_new(home, 7); TEST_1(one); TEST_1(three); TEST_1(five); TEST_1(six); TEST_1(seven); /* Check single node */ TEST(redblack_insert(&tree, five, &o), 0); TEST_P(o, NULL); TEST_P(tree, five); TEST_P(five->left, NULL); TEST_P(five->right, NULL); TEST_P(five->parent, NULL); TEST(five->black, 1); /* Check after another node: * * 5b * / * 3r */ TEST(redblack_insert(&tree, three, &o), 0); TEST_P(o, NULL); TEST_P(tree->left, three); TEST(tree->black, 1); TEST_P(three->left, NULL); TEST_P(three->right, NULL); TEST_P(three->parent, tree); TEST(three->black, 0); /* Check third node * 5b * / \ * 3r 7r */ TEST(redblack_insert(&tree, seven, &o), 0); TEST_P(o, NULL); TEST_P(tree->right, seven); TEST(tree->black, 1); TEST_P(seven->left, NULL); TEST_P(seven->right, NULL); TEST_P(seven->parent, tree); TEST(seven->black, 0); /* Check after fourth node: * 5b * / \ * 3b 7b * / * 1r */ TEST(redblack_insert(&tree, one, &o), 0); TEST_P(o, NULL); TEST_P(tree->left->left, one); TEST(tree->black, 1); TEST(tree->left->black, 1); TEST(tree->right->black, 1); TEST_P(one->left, NULL); TEST_P(one->right, NULL); TEST_P(one->parent, tree->left); TEST(one->black, 0); /* Checks that we got after fifth node: * 5b * / \ * 3b 7b * / / * 1r 6r */ TEST(redblack_insert(&tree, six, &o), 0); TEST_P(o, NULL); TEST_P(tree, five); TEST(five->black, 1); TEST_P(tree->left, three); TEST(three->black, 1); TEST_P(tree->left->left, one); TEST(one->black, 0); TEST_P(tree->right, seven); TEST(seven->black, 1); TEST_P(tree->right->left, six); TEST(six->black, 0); /* Insert five second time */ old = five; five = node_new(home, 5); TEST(redblack_insert(&tree, five, &o), 0); TEST_P(o, old); TEST_P(tree, five); TEST(five->black, 1); TEST_P(tree->left, three); TEST(three->black, 1); TEST_P(three->parent, five); TEST_P(tree->left->left, one); TEST(one->black, 0); TEST_P(tree->right, seven); TEST(seven->black, 1); TEST_P(seven->parent, five); TEST_P(tree->right->left, six); TEST(six->black, 0); su_home_check(home); su_home_zap(home); END(); } int test_rotate(void) { su_home_t *home; Node *tree = NULL; Node *x, *y, *o; BEGIN(); home = su_home_clone(NULL, sizeof(*home)); TEST_1(home); x = node_new(home, 1); y = node_new(home, 2); TEST_1(x); TEST_1(y); /* * x y x * Checks that \ transforms to / and back to \ * y x y */ TEST(redblack_insert(&tree, x, &o), 0); TEST_P(o, NULL); TEST(redblack_insert(&tree, y, &o), 0); TEST_P(o, NULL); TEST_P(tree, x); TEST_P(x->right, y); redblack_left_rotate(&tree, x); TEST_P(tree, y); TEST_P(y->left, x); redblack_right_rotate(&tree, y); TEST_P(tree, x); TEST_P(x->right, y); su_home_check(home); su_home_zap(home); END(); } int test_simple(void) { su_home_t *home; Node *tree = NULL, *o; int i; Node *um, *um103, *um497, *um995; BEGIN(); home = su_home_clone(NULL, sizeof(*home)); TEST_1(home); for (i = 3; i < 1000; i += 3) { um = node_new(home, i); TEST_1(um); o = (void *)-1; TEST(redblack_insert(&tree, um, &o), 0); TEST_P(o, NULL); } um103 = node_new(home, 103); TEST_1(um103); um497 = node_new(home, 497); TEST_1(um497); um995 = node_new(home, 995); TEST_1(um995); o = (void *)-1; TEST(redblack_insert(&tree, um995, &o), 0); TEST_P(o, NULL); o = (void *)-1; TEST(redblack_insert(&tree, um497, &o), 0); TEST_P(o, NULL); o = (void *)-1; TEST(redblack_insert(&tree, um103, &o), 0); TEST_P(o, NULL); um = node_find(tree, 103); TEST_P(um, um103); um = node_find(tree, 497); TEST_P(um, um497); um = node_find(tree, 995); TEST_P(um, um995); um = node_find(tree, 994); TEST_P(um, NULL); um = node_find(tree, 1); TEST_P(um, NULL); su_home_check(home); su_home_zap(home); END(); } int test_balance(void) { su_home_t *home; Node *tree = NULL, *o = NULL; Node *node, **nodes; int i, j; int const N = 1000; BEGIN(); home = su_home_clone(NULL, sizeof(*home)); TEST_1(home); nodes = su_zalloc(home, (N + 2) * (sizeof *nodes)); TEST_1(nodes); nodes++; for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { nodes[i] = node = node_new(home, i); TEST_1(node); TEST(redblack_insert(&tree, node, &o), 0); TEST_P(o, NULL); TEST_1(redblack_height(tree) <= 2 * (int)log2ceil(i + 1 + 1)); TEST_1(redblack_check(tree)); } for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { node = node_find(tree, i); TEST_1(node); TEST(node->value, i); TEST_P(nodes[i], node); } node = node_find(tree, 0); for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { TEST_1(node); TEST(node->value, i); node = redblack_succ(node); } TEST_1(node == NULL); for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { TEST_P(redblack_succ(nodes[i]), nodes[i + 1]); TEST_P(redblack_prec(nodes[i]), nodes[i - 1]); } for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { node = node_find(tree, i); TEST_1(node); TEST(node->value, i); redblack_remove(&tree, node); TEST_1(node->parent == NULL && node->left == NULL && node->right == NULL); TEST_1(redblack_height(tree) <= 2 * (int)log2ceil(N - i + 1)); TEST_1(redblack_check(tree)); } TEST_P(tree, NULL); for (i = N - 1; i >= 0; i--) { o = (void *)-1; TEST(redblack_insert(&tree, nodes[i], &o), 0); TEST_P(o, NULL); TEST_1(redblack_height(tree) <= 2 * (int)log2ceil(N - i + 1)); TEST_1(redblack_check(tree)); } for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { TEST_P(redblack_succ(nodes[i]), nodes[i + 1]); TEST_P(redblack_prec(nodes[i]), nodes[i - 1]); } for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { redblack_remove(&tree, nodes[i]); TEST_1(redblack_height(tree) <= 2 * (int)log2ceil(N - i + 1)); TEST_1(redblack_check(tree)); } TEST_P(tree, NULL); for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { int sn = (i * 57) % N; o = (void *)-1; TEST(nodes[sn]->inserted, 0); TEST(redblack_insert(&tree, nodes[sn], &o), 0); nodes[sn]->inserted = 1; TEST_P(o, NULL); TEST_1(redblack_height(tree) <= 2 * (int)log2ceil(i + 1 + 1)); TEST_1(redblack_check(tree)); } for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { TEST(nodes[i]->inserted, 1); TEST_P(redblack_succ(nodes[i]), nodes[i + 1]); TEST_P(redblack_prec(nodes[i]), nodes[i - 1]); } for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { int sn = (i * 23) % N; /* 23 is relative prime to N */ TEST(nodes[sn]->inserted, 1); redblack_remove(&tree, nodes[sn]); nodes[sn]->inserted = 0; TEST_1(redblack_height(tree) <= 2 * (int)log2ceil(N - i + 1)); TEST_1(redblack_check(tree)); } TEST_P(tree, NULL); for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { int sn = (i * 517) % N; /* relative prime to N */ o = (void *)-1; TEST(nodes[sn]->inserted, 0); TEST(redblack_insert(&tree, nodes[sn], &o), 0); nodes[sn]->inserted = 1; TEST_P(o, NULL); TEST_1(redblack_height(tree) <= 2 * (int)log2ceil(i + 1 + 1)); TEST_1(redblack_check(tree)); } for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { TEST(nodes[i]->inserted, 1); TEST_P(redblack_succ(nodes[i]), nodes[i + 1]); TEST_P(redblack_prec(nodes[i]), nodes[i - 1]); } for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { int sn = (i * 497) % N; /* relative prime to N */ TEST(nodes[sn]->inserted, 1); redblack_remove(&tree, nodes[sn]); nodes[sn]->inserted = 0; TEST_1(redblack_height(tree) <= 2 * (int)log2ceil(N - i + 1)); TEST_1(redblack_check(tree)); } TEST_P(tree, NULL); for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { int sn = (i * 1957) % N; /* relative prime to N */ o = (void *)-1; TEST(nodes[sn]->inserted, 0); TEST(redblack_insert(&tree, nodes[sn], &o), 0); nodes[sn]->inserted = 1; TEST_P(o, NULL); TEST_1(redblack_height(tree) <= 2 * (int)log2ceil(i + 1 + 1)); TEST_1(redblack_check(tree)); } for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { TEST(nodes[i]->inserted, 1); TEST_P(redblack_succ(nodes[i]), nodes[i + 1]); TEST_P(redblack_prec(nodes[i]), nodes[i - 1]); } for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { int sn = (i * 1519) % N; /* relative prime to N */ TEST(nodes[sn]->inserted, 1); redblack_remove(&tree, nodes[sn]); nodes[sn]->inserted = 0; TEST_1(redblack_height(tree) <= 2 * (int)log2ceil(N - i + 1)); TEST_1(redblack_check(tree)); } TEST_P(tree, NULL); /* Insert small, big, small, big ... */ for (i = 0; i < N / 2; i++) { int sn = N - i - 1; TEST(nodes[i]->inserted, 0); o = (void *)-1; TEST(redblack_insert(&tree, nodes[i], &o), 0); TEST_P(o, NULL); nodes[i]->inserted = 1; TEST(nodes[sn]->inserted, 0); o = (void *)-1; TEST(redblack_insert(&tree, nodes[sn], &o), 0); TEST_P(o, NULL); nodes[sn]->inserted = 1; } for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { TEST(nodes[i]->inserted, 1); TEST_P(redblack_succ(nodes[i]), nodes[i + 1]); TEST_P(redblack_prec(nodes[i]), nodes[i - 1]); } for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { node = ((i & 1) ? redblack_succ(tree) : redblack_prec(tree)); if (node == NULL) node = tree; TEST(node->inserted, 1); redblack_remove(&tree, node); node->inserted = 0; TEST_1(redblack_height(tree) <= 2 * (int)log2ceil(N - i + 1)); TEST_1(redblack_check(tree)); } TEST_P(tree, NULL); /* Insert small, big, small, big ... */ for (i = 0; i < N / 2; i++) { int sn = N - i - 1; TEST(nodes[i]->inserted, 0); o = (void *)-1; TEST(redblack_insert(&tree, nodes[i], &o), 0); TEST_P(o, NULL); nodes[i]->inserted = 1; TEST(nodes[sn]->inserted, 0); o = (void *)-1; TEST(redblack_insert(&tree, nodes[sn], &o), 0); TEST_P(o, NULL); nodes[sn]->inserted = 1; } for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { TEST(nodes[i]->inserted, 1); TEST_P(redblack_succ(nodes[i]), nodes[i + 1]); TEST_P(redblack_prec(nodes[i]), nodes[i - 1]); } /* Remove last, first, last, first, ... */ for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { node = ((i & 1) ? redblack_first(tree) : redblack_last(tree)); TEST_1(node); TEST(node->inserted, 1); redblack_remove(&tree, node); node->inserted = 0; TEST_1(redblack_height(tree) <= 2 * (int)log2ceil(N - i + 1)); TEST_1(redblack_check(tree)); } TEST_P(tree, NULL); /* Insert small, big, small, big ... */ for (i = 0; i < N / 2; i++) { int sn = N / 2 + i; TEST(nodes[i]->inserted, 0); o = (void *)-1; TEST(redblack_insert(&tree, nodes[i], &o), 0); TEST_P(o, NULL); nodes[i]->inserted = 1; TEST(nodes[sn]->inserted, 0); o = (void *)-1; TEST(redblack_insert(&tree, nodes[sn], &o), 0); TEST_P(o, NULL); nodes[sn]->inserted = 1; } for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { TEST(nodes[i]->inserted, 1); TEST_P(redblack_succ(nodes[i]), nodes[i + 1]); TEST_P(redblack_prec(nodes[i]), nodes[i - 1]); } /* Remove last, first, last, first, ... */ for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { node = ((i & 1) ? redblack_first(tree) : redblack_last(tree)); TEST_1(node); TEST(node->inserted, 1); redblack_remove(&tree, node); node->inserted = 0; TEST_1(redblack_height(tree) <= 2 * (int)log2ceil(N - i + 1)); TEST_1(redblack_check(tree)); } TEST_P(tree, NULL); /* Insert in perfect order ... */ for (j = N / 2; j > 0; j /= 2) { for (i = N - j; i >= 0; i -= j) { if (nodes[i]->inserted) continue; o = (void *)-1; TEST(redblack_insert(&tree, nodes[i], &o), 0); TEST_P(o, NULL); nodes[i]->inserted = 1; } } for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { TEST(nodes[i]->inserted, 1); TEST_P(redblack_succ(nodes[i]), nodes[i + 1]); TEST_P(redblack_prec(nodes[i]), nodes[i - 1]); } /* Remove such nodes that inserts red uncles into tree */ for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { node = redblack_last(tree); for (o = node; o; o = redblack_prec(o)) { Node *dad, *granddad, *uncle, *to_be_removed; /* We must have a node with black dad, no brother, red granddad and uncle */ if (!(dad = o->parent) || !dad->black) continue; if (dad->left && dad->right) continue; if (!(granddad = dad->parent) || granddad->black) continue; if (granddad->left == dad) uncle = granddad->right; else uncle = granddad->left; if (!uncle || uncle->black) continue; to_be_removed = redblack_prec(o->parent); if (to_be_removed == granddad || to_be_removed == uncle) continue; if (!to_be_removed->left || !to_be_removed->right) continue; node = to_be_removed; break; } TEST(node->inserted, 1); redblack_remove(&tree, node); node->inserted = 0; TEST_1(redblack_height(tree) <= 2 * (int)log2ceil(N - i + 1)); TEST_1(redblack_check(tree)); } TEST_P(tree, NULL); su_home_check(home); su_home_zap(home); END(); } int test_speed(void) { su_home_t *home; Node *tree = NULL, *o = NULL; Node *node; unsigned i; unsigned int const N = 1000000U; BEGIN(); home = su_home_clone(NULL, sizeof(*home)); TEST_1(home); for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { node = node_new(home, i); TEST(redblack_insert(&tree, node, &o), 0); TEST_P(o, NULL); } TEST_1(redblack_height(tree) <= 2 * (int)log2ceil(i + 1)); for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { node = node_find(tree, i); TEST_1(node); TEST(node->value, i); } node = node_find(tree, 0); for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { TEST_1(node); TEST(node->value, i); node = redblack_succ(node); } TEST_1(node == NULL); su_home_check(home); su_home_zap(home); END(); } void usage(int exitcode) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-v] [-a]\n", name); exit(exitcode); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int retval = 0; int i; for (i = 1; argv[i]; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "-v") == 0) tstflags |= tst_verbatim; else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-a") == 0) tstflags |= tst_abort; else usage(1); } retval |= test_insert(); fflush(stdout); retval |= test_rotate(); fflush(stdout); retval |= test_simple(); fflush(stdout); retval |= test_balance(); fflush(stdout); retval |= test_speed(); fflush(stdout); return retval; }