/* * Copyright (c) 2010, Sangoma Technologies * Moises Silva * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of the original author; nor the names of any contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * Sample program for the boost signaling absraction. * Usage: boostsample * The span name must be a valid span defined in freetdm.conf * compile this program linking to the freetdm library (ie -lfreetdm) **/ #ifndef __linux__ #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS 1 #endif #include #include "freetdm.h" #include #include #include /* arbitrary limit for max calls in this sample program */ #define MAX_CALLS 255 /* some timers (in seconds) to fake responses in incoming calls */ #define PROGRESS_TIMER 1 #define ANSWER_TIMER 5 #define HANGUP_TIMER 15 /* simple variable used to stop the application */ static int app_running = 0; typedef void (*expired_function_t)(ftdm_channel_t *channel); typedef struct dummy_timer_s { int time; ftdm_channel_t *channel; expired_function_t expired; } dummy_timer_t; /* dummy second resolution timers */ static dummy_timer_t g_timers[MAX_CALLS]; /* mutex to protect the timers (both, the test thread and the signaling thread may modify them) */ static ftdm_mutex_t *g_schedule_mutex; /* unique outgoing channel */ static ftdm_channel_t *g_outgoing_channel = NULL; static void interrupt_requested(int signal) { app_running = 0; } static void schedule_timer(ftdm_channel_t *channel, int sec, expired_function_t expired) { int i; ftdm_mutex_lock(g_schedule_mutex); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(g_timers)/sizeof(g_timers[0]); i++) { /* check the timer slot is free to use */ if (!g_timers[i].time) { g_timers[i].time = sec; g_timers[i].channel = channel; g_timers[i].expired = expired; ftdm_mutex_unlock(g_schedule_mutex); return; } } ftdm_log(FTDM_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to schedule timer\n"); ftdm_mutex_unlock(g_schedule_mutex); } static void run_timers(void) { int i; void *channel; expired_function_t expired_func = NULL; ftdm_mutex_lock(g_schedule_mutex); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(g_timers)/sizeof(g_timers[0]); i++) { /* if there's time left, decrement */ if (g_timers[i].time) { g_timers[i].time--; } /* if time expired and we have an expired function, call it */ if (!g_timers[i].time && g_timers[i].expired) { expired_func = g_timers[i].expired; channel = g_timers[i].channel; memset(&g_timers[i], 0, sizeof(g_timers[i])); expired_func(channel); } } ftdm_mutex_unlock(g_schedule_mutex); } static void release_timers(ftdm_channel_t *channel) { int i; ftdm_mutex_lock(g_schedule_mutex); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(g_timers)/sizeof(g_timers[0]); i++) { /* clear any timer belonging to the given channel */ if (g_timers[i].channel == channel) { memset(&g_timers[i], 0, sizeof(g_timers[i])); } } ftdm_mutex_unlock(g_schedule_mutex); } /* hangup the call */ static void send_hangup(ftdm_channel_t *channel) { int spanid = ftdm_channel_get_span_id(channel); int chanid = ftdm_channel_get_id(channel); ftdm_log(FTDM_LOG_NOTICE, "-- Requesting hangup in channel %d:%d\n", spanid, chanid); ftdm_channel_call_hangup(channel); } /* send answer for an incoming call */ static void send_answer(ftdm_channel_t *channel) { /* we move the channel signaling state machine to UP (answered) */ int spanid = ftdm_channel_get_span_id(channel); int chanid = ftdm_channel_get_id(channel); ftdm_log(FTDM_LOG_NOTICE, "-- Requesting answer in channel %d:%d\n", spanid, chanid); ftdm_channel_call_answer(channel); schedule_timer(channel, HANGUP_TIMER, send_hangup); } /* send progress for an incoming */ static void send_progress(ftdm_channel_t *channel) { /* we move the channel signaling state machine to UP (answered) */ int spanid = ftdm_channel_get_span_id(channel); int chanid = ftdm_channel_get_id(channel); ftdm_log(FTDM_LOG_NOTICE, "-- Requesting progress\n", spanid, chanid); ftdm_channel_call_indicate(channel, FTDM_CHANNEL_INDICATE_PROGRESS); schedule_timer(channel, ANSWER_TIMER, send_answer); } /* This function will be called in an undetermined signaling thread, you must not do * any blocking operations here or the signaling stack may delay other call event processing * The arguments for this function are defined in FIO_SIGNAL_CB_FUNCTION prototype, I just * name them here for your convenience: * ftdm_sigmsg_t *sigmsg * - The sigmsg structure contains the ftdm_channel structure that represents the channel where * the event occurred and the event_id of the signaling event that just occurred. * */ static FIO_SIGNAL_CB_FUNCTION(on_signaling_event) { switch (sigmsg->event_id) { /* This event signals the start of an incoming call */ case FTDM_SIGEVENT_START: ftdm_log(FTDM_LOG_NOTICE, "Incoming call received in channel %d:%d\n", sigmsg->span_id, sigmsg->chan_id); schedule_timer(sigmsg->channel, PROGRESS_TIMER, send_progress); break; /* This event signals progress on an outgoing call */ case FTDM_SIGEVENT_PROGRESS_MEDIA: ftdm_log(FTDM_LOG_NOTICE, "Progress message received in channel %d:%d\n", sigmsg->span_id, sigmsg->chan_id); break; /* This event signals answer in an outgoing call */ case FTDM_SIGEVENT_UP: ftdm_log(FTDM_LOG_NOTICE, "Answer received in channel %d:%d\n", sigmsg->span_id, sigmsg->chan_id); /* now the channel is answered and we can use * ftdm_channel_wait() to wait for input/output in a channel (equivalent to poll() or select()) * ftdm_channel_read() to read available data in a channel * ftdm_channel_write() to write to the channel */ break; /* This event signals hangup from the other end */ case FTDM_SIGEVENT_STOP: ftdm_log(FTDM_LOG_NOTICE, "Hangup received in channel %d:%d\n", sigmsg->span_id, sigmsg->chan_id); if (g_outgoing_channel == sigmsg->channel) { g_outgoing_channel = NULL; } /* release any timer for this channel */ release_timers(sigmsg->channel); /* acknowledge the hangup */ ftdm_channel_call_hangup(sigmsg->channel); break; default: ftdm_log(FTDM_LOG_WARNING, "Unhandled event %s in channel %d:%d\n", ftdm_signal_event2str(sigmsg->event_id), sigmsg->span_id, sigmsg->chan_id); break; } return FTDM_SUCCESS; } static void place_call(const ftdm_span_t *span, const char *number) { ftdm_channel_t *ftdmchan = NULL; ftdm_caller_data_t caller_data = {{ 0 }}; ftdm_status_t status = FTDM_FAIL; /* set destiny number */ ftdm_set_string(caller_data.dnis.digits, number); /* set callerid */ ftdm_set_string(caller_data.cid_name, "testsangomaboost"); ftdm_set_string(caller_data.cid_num.digits, "1234"); /* request to search for an outgoing channel top down with the given caller data. * it is also an option to use ftdm_channel_open_by_group to let freetdm hunt * an available channel in a given group instead of per span * */ status = ftdm_channel_open_by_span(ftdm_span_get_id(span), FTDM_TOP_DOWN, &caller_data, &ftdmchan); if (status != FTDM_SUCCESS) { ftdm_log(FTDM_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to originate call\n"); return; } g_outgoing_channel = ftdmchan; /* set the caller data for the outgoing channel */ ftdm_channel_set_caller_data(ftdmchan, &caller_data); status = ftdm_channel_call_place(ftdmchan); if (status != FTDM_SUCCESS) { ftdm_log(FTDM_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to originate call\n"); return; } /* this is required to initialize the outgoing channel */ ftdm_channel_init(ftdmchan); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ftdm_conf_parameter_t parameters[20]; ftdm_span_t *span; char *todial = NULL; int32_t ticks = 0; if (argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [number to dial if any]\n", argv[0]); exit(-1); } /* register a handler to shutdown things properly */ if (signal(SIGINT, interrupt_requested) == SIG_ERR) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not set the SIGINT signal handler: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(-1); } if (argc >= 3) { todial = argv[2]; if (!strlen(todial)) { todial = NULL; } } /* clear any outstanding timers */ memset(&g_timers, 0, sizeof(g_timers)); /* set the logging level to use */ ftdm_global_set_default_logger(FTDM_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG); /* Initialize the FTDM library */ if (ftdm_global_init() != FTDM_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Error loading FreeTDM\n"); exit(-1); } /* create the schedule mutex */ ftdm_mutex_create(&g_schedule_mutex); /* Load the FreeTDM configuration */ if (ftdm_global_configuration() != FTDM_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Error configuring FreeTDM\n"); exit(-1); } /* At this point FreeTDM is ready to be used, the spans defined in freetdm.conf have the basic I/O board configuration * but no telephony signaling configuration at all. */ printf("FreeTDM loaded ...\n"); /* Retrieve a span by name (according to freetdm.conf) */ if (ftdm_span_find_by_name(argv[1], &span) != FTDM_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Error finding FreeTDM span %s\n", argv[1]); goto done; } /* prepare the configuration parameters that will be sent down to the signaling stack, the array of paramters must be terminated by an * array element with a null .var member */ /* for sangoma_boost signaling (abstraction signaling used by Sangoma for PRI, BRI and SS7) the first parameter you must send * is sigmod, which must be either sangoma_prid, if you have the PRI stack available, or sangoma_brid for the BRI stack */ parameters[0].var = "sigmod"; parameters[0].val = "sangoma_prid"; /* following parameters are signaling stack specific, this ones are for PRI */ parameters[1].var = "switchtype"; parameters[1].val = "national"; parameters[2].var = "signalling"; parameters[2].val = "pri_cpe"; /* * parameters[3].var = "nfas_primary"; * parameters[3].val = "4"; //span number * * parameters[4].var = "nfas_secondary"; * parameters[4].val = "2"; //span number * * parameters[5].var = "nfas_group"; * parameters[5].val = "1"; * */ /* the last parameter .var member must be NULL! */ parameters[3].var = NULL; /* send the configuration values down to the stack */ if (ftdm_configure_span_signaling(span, "sangoma_boost", on_signaling_event, parameters) != FTDM_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Error configuring sangoma_boost signaling abstraction in span %s\n", ftdm_span_get_name(span)); goto done; } /* configuration succeeded, we can proceed now to start the span * This step will launch at least 1 background (may be more, depending on the signaling stack used) * to handle *ALL* signaling events for this span, your on_signaling_event callback will be called always * in one of those infraestructure threads and you MUST NOT block in that handler to avoid delays and errors * in the signaling processing for any call. * */ ftdm_span_start(span); app_running = 1; /* The application thread can go on and do anything else, like waiting for a shutdown signal */ while(ftdm_running() && app_running) { ftdm_sleep(1000); run_timers(); ticks++; if (!(ticks % 10) && todial && !g_outgoing_channel) { ftdm_log(FTDM_LOG_NOTICE, "Originating call to number %s\n", todial); place_call(span, todial); } } printf("Shutting down FreeTDM ...\n"); done: ftdm_mutex_destroy(&g_schedule_mutex); /* whenever you're done, this function will shutdown the signaling threads in any span that was started */ ftdm_global_destroy(); return 0; } /* For Emacs: * Local Variables: * mode:c * indent-tabs-mode:t * tab-width:4 * c-basic-offset:4 * End: * For VIM: * vim:set softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4: */