/* Same as xmlrpc_sample_add_client.c, except the call is interruptible, both by timeout and by control-C. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <signal.h> #include <xmlrpc-c/base.h> #include <xmlrpc-c/client.h> #include "config.h" /* information about this build environment */ static int interrupt; /* This is a flag telling libxmlrpc_client to abort whatever it's doing. It's global because we set it with a signal handler. */ static void die_if_fault_occurred (xmlrpc_env * const envP) { if (envP->fault_occurred) { fprintf(stderr, "XML-RPC Fault: %s (%d)\n", envP->fault_string, envP->fault_code); exit(1); } } static void interruptRpc(int const signalClass) { switch (signalClass) { case SIGINT: printf("SIGINT signal received.\n"); break; case SIGALRM: printf("SIGALRM signal received.\n"); break; default: printf("Internal error: signal of class %u caught even though " "we didn't set up a handler for that class\n", signalClass); }; interrupt = 1; } static void setupSignalHandlers(void) { struct sigaction mysigaction; sigemptyset(&mysigaction.sa_mask); mysigaction.sa_flags = 0; /* Usually, this signal indicates the user pressed Ctl-C */ mysigaction.sa_handler = interruptRpc; sigaction(SIGINT, &mysigaction, NULL); /* This signal indicates a timed alarm you requested happened */ sigaction(SIGALRM, &mysigaction, NULL); } static void addInterruptibly(xmlrpc_client * const clientP, const char * const serverUrl, int const addend, int const adder) { const char * const methodName = "sample.add"; xmlrpc_env env; xmlrpc_value * resultP; xmlrpc_int32 sum; xmlrpc_env_init(&env); printf("Making XMLRPC call to server url '%s' method '%s' " "to request the sum " "of %d and %d...\n", serverUrl, methodName, addend, adder); interrupt = 0; /* Global variable */ alarm(2); /* Interrupt the call if it hasn't finished 2 seconds from now */ /* Make the remote procedure call */ xmlrpc_client_call2f(&env, clientP, serverUrl, methodName, &resultP, "(ii)", (xmlrpc_int32) addend, (xmlrpc_int32) adder); die_if_fault_occurred(&env); alarm(0); /* Cancel alarm, if it hasn't happened yet */ /* Get our sum and print it out. */ xmlrpc_read_int(&env, resultP, &sum); die_if_fault_occurred(&env); printf("The sum is %d\n", sum); /* Dispose of our result value. */ xmlrpc_DECREF(resultP); xmlrpc_env_clean(&env); } int main(int const argc, const char ** const argv ATTR_UNUSED) { const char * const serverUrl = "http://localhost:8080/RPC2"; xmlrpc_env env; struct xmlrpc_clientparms clientParms; xmlrpc_client * clientP; if (argc-1 > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "This program has no arguments\n"); exit(1); } setupSignalHandlers(); /* Initialize our error-handling environment. */ xmlrpc_env_init(&env); /* Required before any use of Xmlrpc-c client library: */ xmlrpc_client_setup_global_const(&env); die_if_fault_occurred(&env); clientParms.transport = "curl"; /* Create a client object */ xmlrpc_client_create(&env, 0, NULL, NULL, &clientParms, XMLRPC_CPSIZE(transport), &clientP); die_if_fault_occurred(&env); xmlrpc_client_set_interrupt(clientP, &interrupt); /* If our server is running 'xmlrpc_sample_add_server' normally, the RPC will finish almost instantly. UNLESS the adder is 1, in which case said server is programmed to take 3 seconds to do the computation, thus allowing us to demonstrate a timeout or CTL-C. */ addInterruptibly(clientP, serverUrl, 5, 7); /* Should finish instantly */ addInterruptibly(clientP, serverUrl, 5, 1); /* Should time out after 2 seconds */ xmlrpc_env_clean(&env); xmlrpc_client_destroy(clientP); xmlrpc_client_teardown_global_const(); return 0; }