/**@MODULEPAGE "sresolv" - Asynchronous DNS Resolver @section sresolv_meta Module Information The Sofia @b sresolv module consists of an asynchronous DNS resolver with EDNS extensions. The interface to library using #su_root_t is declared in <sofia-sip/sresolv.h>. An alternative interface is defined by <sofia-resolv/sres.h>, <sofia-resolv/sres_record.h>, <sofia-resolv/sres_async.h>, and <sofia-resolv/sres_cache.h>. @sa @RFC1034, @RFC1035, @RFC1886, @RFC2671, @RFC2782, @RFC2915 @CONTACT Pekka Pessi <Pekka.Pessi@nokia.com> @STATUS @SofiaSIP Core library @LICENSE LGPL @todo Caching Policy and Cache Poisoning The policy for caching non-authoritave entries should be solved. @section sresolv_overview Why Sofia Resolver? The generally available open source DNS libraries are either synchronous, that is, they block the thread making the query or they resolve only host names. As SIP protocol uses NAPTR and SRV records in addition ot the usual A or AAAA records, these DNS libraries are inadequate for a SIP application. Sofia resolver uses the usual configuration for DNS. In Unix-based systems, the DNS configuration is stored in the file /etc/resolv.conf, on Windows, it is available through the registry. Sofia resolvers reloads the configuration when it detect that it has been changed. In addition to the configuration files, the environment variables #SRES_OPTIONS and #RES_OPTIONS can be used to change the behaviour of the resolver. @section sresolv_interfaces Using Sofia Resolver Sofia resolver works usually asynchronously, in other words, it generates a a query, sends it to DNS server and returns immediately to the caller. When a response is received and the query is completed, sresolv signals application through a callback function. The application can either explicitly poll(2) or select(2) on file descriptors used by resolver and call the driver functions, or it can use @ref su_root_t "su root" a pointer to a #su_root_t object. Third option is to use resolver synchronously with sres_blocking_query(). There is an internal cache used by sresolv. The query functions add records to the cache: using the cache is made similar as if receiving entries directly from DNS server. Please note that you have to create a separate resolver object for each thread using Sofia resolver. The resolver objects can share the cache, however. @section sofia_sip_sresolv_h Interface in <sofia-sip/sresolv.h> The simple use of Sofia resolver driven from #su_root_t is defined in <sofia-sip/sresolv.h>. The resolver object can be created with sres_resolver_create(). The provided @ref su_root_t "root object" takes care of calling the sres_query() and sres_query_sockaddr() callback functions. @code #include <sofia-sip/sresolv.h> sres_resolver_t *sres_resolver_create(su_root_t *root, char const *resolv_conf, tag_type_t, tag_value_t, ...); int sres_resolver_destroy(sres_resolver_t *res); @endcode @section sres_query Sending DNS Queries The second part of interface is used when sending DNS queries: @code sres_query_t *sres_query(sres_resolver_t *res, sres_answer_f *callback, sres_context_t *context, int socket, uint16_t type, char const *domain); sres_query_t *sres_query_sockaddr(sres_resolver_t *res, sres_answer_f *callback, sres_context_t *context, int socket, uint16_t type, struct sockaddr const *addr); void sres_query_bind(sres_query_t *q, sres_answer_f *callback, sres_context_t *context); @endcode @section sres_record Handling DNS Records The third part is used to handle the records which were returned by DNS query or stored into the cache: @code sres_record_t **sres_cached_answers(sres_resolver_t *res, uint16_t type, char const *domain); sres_record_t **sres_cached_answers_sockaddr(sres_resolver_t *res, uint16_t type, struct sockaddr const *addr); int sres_sort_answers(sres_resolver_t *res, sres_record_t **answers); int sres_filter_answers(sres_resolver_t *sres, sres_record_t **answers, uint16_t type); void sres_free_answers(sres_resolver_t *res, sres_record_t **answers); void sres_free_answer(sres_resolver_t *res, sres_record_t *answer); @endcode @section sofia_resolv_sres_h Interface in <sofia-resolv/sres.h> The generic interface to Sofia resolver is defined in <sofia-resolv/sres.h>. The first part of interface consists of functions for handling resolver objects: @code #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <sofia-resolv/sres.h> sres_resolver_t *sres_resolver_new(char const *resolv_conf_path); sres_resolver_t *sres_resolver_new_with_cache(char const *conf_file_path, sres_cache_t *cache, char const *options, ...); sres_resolver_t *sres_resolver_ref(sres_resolver_t *res); void sres_resolver_unref(sres_resolver_t *res); sres_resolver_t *sres_resolver_copy(sres_resolver_t *); void *sres_resolver_set_userdata(sres_resolver_t *res, void *userdata); void *sres_resolver_get_userdata(sres_resolver_t const *res); @endcode @subsection sresolv_blocking Using Sofia Resolver Synchronously The blocking interface defined in <sofia-resolv/sres.h> makes it possible to use Sofia resolver synchronously, that is, the function call making the DNS query does not return until the query is responded or it times out. @code #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <sofia-resolv/sres.h> int sres_blocking_query(sres_resolver_t *res, uint16_t type, char const *domain, sres_record_t ***return_records); int sres_blocking_query_sockaddr(sres_resolver_t *res, uint16_t type, struct sockaddr const *addr, sres_record_t ***return_records); @endcode @subsection sresolv_async Asynchronous Interface in <sofia-resolv/sres_async.h> It is also possible to use resolver asynchronously without #su_root_t object. @code #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <sofia-resolv/sres_async.h> sres_async_t *sres_resolver_set_async(sres_resolver_t *res, sres_update_f *update, sres_async_t *async, int update_all); sres_async_t *sres_resolver_get_async(sres_resolver_t const *res, sres_update_f *update); int sres_resolver_sockets(sres_resolver_t const *res, int *sockets, int n); void sres_resolver_timer(sres_resolver_t *, int socket); int sres_resolver_receive(sres_resolver_t *res, int socket); int sres_resolver_error(sres_resolver_t *res, int socket); @endcode Here is a short code fragment showing how to use resolver driven from #su_root_t: @code #define SRES_CONTEXT_T struct context #include <sofia-sip/sresolv.h> ... struct context { ... su_root_t *root; sres_resolver_t *sres; sres_query_t *query; ... } *context; ... context->sres = sres_resolver_create(context->root, NULL, TAG_END()); ... sres_record_t *results; results = sres_cached_answers(context->sres, sres_type_naptr, domain); if (results) { process_natpr(context, NULL, results); } else { context->query = sres_query(context->sres, process_natpr, context, sres_type_naptr, domain); if (!context->query) process_naptr(context, NULL, NULL); } } ... void process_natpr(sres_context_t *context, sres_query_t *q, sres_record_t *answers[]) { sres_sort_answers(context->sres, answers); ... sres_free_answers(context->sres, answers); } @endcode */ /** @defgroup sresolv_env Environment Variables Used by sresolv Module In addition to the standard #RES_OPTIONS and #LOCALDOMAIN environment variables, the #SRES_OPTIONS and #SRESOLV_DEBUG variables are supported. */