/*============================================================================= response =============================================================================== This module contains callbacks from and services for a request handler. Copyright information is at the end of the file =============================================================================*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "xmlrpc_config.h" #include "bool.h" #include "version.h" #include "mallocvar.h" #include "xmlrpc-c/string_int.h" #include "xmlrpc-c/abyss.h" #include "server.h" #include "session.h" #include "file.h" #include "conn.h" #include "token.h" #include "date.h" #include "data.h" #include "abyss_info.h" #include "http.h" void ResponseError2(TSession * const sessionP, const char * const explanation) { const char * errorDocument; ResponseAddField(sessionP, "Content-type", "text/html"); ResponseWriteStart(sessionP); xmlrpc_asprintf(&errorDocument, "Error %d" "" "

Error %d

" "


" SERVER_HTML_INFO "" "", sessionP->status, sessionP->status, explanation); ConnWrite(sessionP->conn, errorDocument, strlen(errorDocument)); xmlrpc_strfree(errorDocument); } void ResponseError(TSession * const sessionP) { ResponseError2(sessionP, HTTPReasonByStatus(sessionP->status)); } abyss_bool ResponseChunked(TSession * const sessionP) { /* This is only a hope, things will be real only after a call of ResponseWriteStart() */ assert(!sessionP->responseStarted); sessionP->chunkedwrite = (sessionP->version.major > 1) || (sessionP->version.major == 1 && (sessionP->version.minor >= 1)); sessionP->chunkedwritemode = TRUE; return TRUE; } void ResponseStatus(TSession * const sessionP, unsigned short const code) { sessionP->status = code; } xmlrpc_uint16_t ResponseStatusFromErrno(int const errnoArg) { uint16_t code; switch (errnoArg) { case EACCES: code=403; break; case ENOENT: code=404; break; default: code=500; } return code; } void ResponseStatusErrno(TSession * const sessionP) { ResponseStatus(sessionP, ResponseStatusFromErrno(errno)); } abyss_bool ResponseAddField(TSession * const sessionP, const char * const name, const char * const value) { return TableAdd(&sessionP->response_headers, name, value); } static void addConnectionHeader(TSession * const sessionP) { struct _TServer * const srvP = ConnServer(sessionP->conn)->srvP; if (HTTPKeepalive(sessionP)) { const char * keepaliveValue; ResponseAddField(sessionP, "Connection", "Keep-Alive"); xmlrpc_asprintf(&keepaliveValue, "timeout=%u, max=%u", srvP->keepalivetimeout, srvP->keepalivemaxconn); ResponseAddField(sessionP, "Keep-Alive", keepaliveValue); xmlrpc_strfree(keepaliveValue); } else ResponseAddField(sessionP, "Connection", "close"); } static void addDateHeader(TSession * const sessionP) { if (sessionP->status >= 200) { const char * dateValue; DateToString(sessionP->date, &dateValue); if (dateValue) { ResponseAddField(sessionP, "Date", dateValue); xmlrpc_strfree(dateValue); } } } static void addServerHeader(TSession * const sessionP) { const char * serverValue; xmlrpc_asprintf(&serverValue, "XMLRPC_ABYSS/%s", XMLRPC_C_VERSION); ResponseAddField(sessionP, "Server", serverValue); xmlrpc_strfree(serverValue); } void ResponseWriteStart(TSession * const sessionP) { struct _TServer * const srvP = ConnServer(sessionP->conn)->srvP; unsigned int i; assert(!sessionP->responseStarted); if (sessionP->status == 0) { /* Handler hasn't set status. That's an error */ sessionP->status = 500; } sessionP->responseStarted = TRUE; { const char * const reason = HTTPReasonByStatus(sessionP->status); const char * line; xmlrpc_asprintf(&line,"HTTP/1.1 %u %s\r\n", sessionP->status, reason); ConnWrite(sessionP->conn, line, strlen(line)); xmlrpc_strfree(line); } addConnectionHeader(sessionP); if (sessionP->chunkedwrite && sessionP->chunkedwritemode) ResponseAddField(sessionP, "Transfer-Encoding", "chunked"); addDateHeader(sessionP); if (srvP->advertise) addServerHeader(sessionP); /* send all the fields */ for (i = 0; i < sessionP->response_headers.size; ++i) { TTableItem * const ti = &sessionP->response_headers.item[i]; const char * line; xmlrpc_asprintf(&line, "%s: %s\r\n", ti->name, ti->value); ConnWrite(sessionP->conn, line, strlen(line)); xmlrpc_strfree(line); } ConnWrite(sessionP->conn, "\r\n", 2); } abyss_bool ResponseWriteBody(TSession * const sessionP, const char * const data, xmlrpc_uint32_t const len) { return HTTPWriteBodyChunk(sessionP, data, len); } abyss_bool ResponseWriteEnd(TSession * const sessionP) { return HTTPWriteEndChunk(sessionP); } abyss_bool ResponseContentType(TSession * const serverP, const char * const type) { return ResponseAddField(serverP, "Content-type", type); } abyss_bool ResponseContentLength(TSession * const sessionP, xmlrpc_uint64_t const len) { char contentLengthValue[32]; sprintf(contentLengthValue, "%" PRIu64, len); return ResponseAddField(sessionP, "Content-length", contentLengthValue); } /********************************************************************* ** MIMEType *********************************************************************/ struct MIMEType { TList typeList; TList extList; TPool pool; }; static MIMEType * globalMimeTypeP = NULL; MIMEType * MIMETypeCreate(void) { MIMEType * MIMETypeP; MALLOCVAR(MIMETypeP); if (MIMETypeP) { ListInit(&MIMETypeP->typeList); ListInit(&MIMETypeP->extList); PoolCreate(&MIMETypeP->pool, 1024); } return MIMETypeP; } void MIMETypeDestroy(MIMEType * const MIMETypeP) { PoolFree(&MIMETypeP->pool); } void MIMETypeInit(void) { if (globalMimeTypeP != NULL) abort(); globalMimeTypeP = MIMETypeCreate(); } void MIMETypeTerm(void) { if (globalMimeTypeP == NULL) abort(); MIMETypeDestroy(globalMimeTypeP); globalMimeTypeP = NULL; } static void mimeTypeAdd(MIMEType * const MIMETypeP, const char * const type, const char * const ext, bool * const successP) { uint16_t index; void * mimeTypesItem; bool typeIsInList; assert(MIMETypeP != NULL); typeIsInList = ListFindString(&MIMETypeP->typeList, type, &index); if (typeIsInList) mimeTypesItem = MIMETypeP->typeList.item[index]; else mimeTypesItem = (void*)PoolStrdup(&MIMETypeP->pool, type); if (mimeTypesItem) { bool extIsInList; extIsInList = ListFindString(&MIMETypeP->extList, ext, &index); if (extIsInList) { MIMETypeP->typeList.item[index] = mimeTypesItem; *successP = TRUE; } else { void * extItem = (void*)PoolStrdup(&MIMETypeP->pool, ext); if (extItem) { bool addedToMimeTypes; addedToMimeTypes = ListAdd(&MIMETypeP->typeList, mimeTypesItem); if (addedToMimeTypes) { bool addedToExt; addedToExt = ListAdd(&MIMETypeP->extList, extItem); *successP = addedToExt; if (!*successP) ListRemove(&MIMETypeP->typeList); } else *successP = FALSE; if (!*successP) PoolReturn(&MIMETypeP->pool, extItem); } else *successP = FALSE; } } else *successP = FALSE; } abyss_bool MIMETypeAdd2(MIMEType * const MIMETypeArg, const char * const type, const char * const ext) { MIMEType * MIMETypeP = MIMETypeArg ? MIMETypeArg : globalMimeTypeP; bool success; if (MIMETypeP == NULL) success = FALSE; else mimeTypeAdd(MIMETypeP, type, ext, &success); return success; } abyss_bool MIMETypeAdd(const char * const type, const char * const ext) { return MIMETypeAdd2(globalMimeTypeP, type, ext); } static const char * mimeTypeFromExt(MIMEType * const MIMETypeP, const char * const ext) { const char * retval; uint16_t extindex; bool extIsInList; assert(MIMETypeP != NULL); extIsInList = ListFindString(&MIMETypeP->extList, ext, &extindex); if (!extIsInList) retval = NULL; else retval = MIMETypeP->typeList.item[extindex]; return retval; } const char * MIMETypeFromExt2(MIMEType * const MIMETypeArg, const char * const ext) { const char * retval; MIMEType * MIMETypeP = MIMETypeArg ? MIMETypeArg : globalMimeTypeP; if (MIMETypeP == NULL) retval = NULL; else retval = mimeTypeFromExt(MIMETypeP, ext); return retval; } const char * MIMETypeFromExt(const char * const ext) { return MIMETypeFromExt2(globalMimeTypeP, ext); } static void findExtension(const char * const fileName, const char ** const extP) { unsigned int extPos = 0; /* stifle unset variable warning */ /* Running estimation of where in fileName[] the extension starts */ bool extFound; unsigned int i; /* We're looking for the last dot after the last slash */ for (i = 0, extFound = FALSE; fileName[i]; ++i) { char const c = fileName[i]; if (c == '.') { extFound = TRUE; extPos = i + 1; } if (c == '/') extFound = FALSE; } if (extFound) *extP = &fileName[extPos]; else *extP = NULL; } static const char * mimeTypeFromFileName(MIMEType * const MIMETypeP, const char * const fileName) { const char * retval; const char * ext; assert(MIMETypeP != NULL); findExtension(fileName, &ext); if (ext) retval = MIMETypeFromExt2(MIMETypeP, ext); else retval = "application/octet-stream"; return retval; } const char * MIMETypeFromFileName2(MIMEType * const MIMETypeArg, const char * const fileName) { const char * retval; MIMEType * MIMETypeP = MIMETypeArg ? MIMETypeArg : globalMimeTypeP; if (MIMETypeP == NULL) retval = NULL; else retval = mimeTypeFromFileName(MIMETypeP, fileName); return retval; } const char * MIMETypeFromFileName(const char * const fileName) { return MIMETypeFromFileName2(globalMimeTypeP, fileName); } static bool fileContainsText(const char * const fileName) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return true iff we can read the contents of the file named 'fileName' and see that it appears to be composed of plain text characters. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool retval; bool fileOpened; TFile * fileP; fileOpened = FileOpen(&fileP, fileName, O_BINARY | O_RDONLY); if (fileOpened) { char const ctlZ = 26; unsigned char buffer[80]; int32_t readRc; unsigned int i; readRc = FileRead(fileP, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (readRc >= 0) { unsigned int bytesRead = readRc; bool nonTextFound; nonTextFound = FALSE; /* initial value */ for (i = 0; i < bytesRead; ++i) { char const c = buffer[i]; if (c < ' ' && !isspace(c) && c != ctlZ) nonTextFound = TRUE; } retval = !nonTextFound; } else retval = FALSE; FileClose(fileP); } else retval = FALSE; return retval; } static const char * mimeTypeGuessFromFile(MIMEType * const MIMETypeP, const char * const fileName) { const char * retval; const char * ext; findExtension(fileName, &ext); retval = NULL; if (ext && MIMETypeP) retval = MIMETypeFromExt2(MIMETypeP, ext); if (!retval) { if (fileContainsText(fileName)) retval = "text/plain"; else retval = "application/octet-stream"; } return retval; } const char * MIMETypeGuessFromFile2(MIMEType * const MIMETypeArg, const char * const fileName) { return mimeTypeGuessFromFile(MIMETypeArg ? MIMETypeArg : globalMimeTypeP, fileName); } const char * MIMETypeGuessFromFile(const char * const fileName) { return mimeTypeGuessFromFile(globalMimeTypeP, fileName); } /********************************************************************* ** Base64 *********************************************************************/ void Base64Encode(const char * const chars, char * const base64) { /* Conversion table. */ static char tbl[64] = { 'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H', 'I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P', 'Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X', 'Y','Z','a','b','c','d','e','f', 'g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n', 'o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v', 'w','x','y','z','0','1','2','3', '4','5','6','7','8','9','+','/' }; uint i; uint32_t length; char * p; const char * s; length = strlen(chars); /* initial value */ s = &chars[0]; /* initial value */ p = &base64[0]; /* initial value */ /* Transform the 3x8 bits to 4x6 bits, as required by base64. */ for (i = 0; i < length; i += 3) { *p++ = tbl[s[0] >> 2]; *p++ = tbl[((s[0] & 3) << 4) + (s[1] >> 4)]; *p++ = tbl[((s[1] & 0xf) << 2) + (s[2] >> 6)]; *p++ = tbl[s[2] & 0x3f]; s += 3; } /* Pad the result if necessary... */ if (i == length + 1) *(p - 1) = '='; else if (i == length + 2) *(p - 1) = *(p - 2) = '='; /* ...and zero-terminate it. */ *p = '\0'; } /****************************************************************************** ** ** http.c ** ** Copyright (C) 2000 by Moez Mahfoudh . ** All rights reserved. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ** ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ** ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE ** FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL ** DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS ** OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) ** HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT ** LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY ** OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ** SUCH DAMAGE. ** ******************************************************************************/