<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Changes in TIFF v3.5.7 </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR=white> <FONT FACE="Helvetica, Arial, Sans"> <FONT FACE="Helvetica, Arial, Sans"> <BASEFONT SIZE=4> <B><FONT SIZE=+3>T</FONT>IFF <FONT SIZE=+2>C</FONT>HANGE <FONT SIZE=+2>I</FONT>NFORMATION</B> <BASEFONT SIZE=3> <UL> <HR SIZE=4 WIDTH=65% ALIGN=left> <B>Current Version</B>: v3.5.7<BR> <B>Previous Version</B>: <A HREF=v3.5.6-beta.html>v3.5.6 Beta</a><BR> <B>Master FTP Site</B>: <A HREF="ftp://ftp.remotesensing.org/pub/libtiff">ftp.remotesensing.org</a>, directory pub/libtiff</A><BR> <B>Master HTTP Site</B>: <A HREF="http://www.remotesensing.org/libtiff/">http://www.remotesensing.org/libtiff</a> <HR SIZE=4 WIDTH=65% ALIGN=left> </UL> <P> This document describes the changes made to the software between the <I>previous</I> and <I>current</I> versions (see above). If you don't find something listed here, then it was not done in this timeframe, or it was not considered important enough to be mentioned. The following information is located here: <UL> <LI><A HREF="#configure">Changes in the software configuration</A> <LI><A HREF="#libtiff">Changes in libtiff</A> <LI><A HREF="#tools">Changes in the tools</A> <LI><A HREF="#lzwkit">Changes in the LZW compression kit</A> </UL> <p> <P><HR WIDTH=65% ALIGN=left> <!---------------------------------------------------------------------------> <A NAME="configure"><B><FONT SIZE=+3>C</FONT>HANGES IN THE SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION:</B></A> <UL> <li> libtiff/libtiff.def: Brent Roman submitted new version adding serveral missing entry points. Also add a few other entry points later. <li> configure, Makefile.in, etc: added support for OPTIMIZER being set from config.site. <li> config.guess: updated wholesale to an FSF version apparently from 1998 (as opposed to 1994). This is mainly inspired by providing for MacOS X support. <li> configure/config.site: modified to check if -lm is needed for MACHDEPLIBS if not supplied by config.site. Needed for Darwin. <li> libtiff/tiff.h: Applied hac to try and resolve the problem with the inttypes.h include file on AIX. (Bug 39) <li> configure, *Makefile.in: Various changes to improve configuration for HP/UX specifically, and also in general. (Bug 40) They include: <ul> <li> Try to handle /usr/bin/sh instead of /bin/sh where necessary. <li> Upgrade to HP/UX 10.x+ compiler, linker and dso options. <li> Fixed mmap() test to avoid MMAP_FIXED ... it isn't available on HP <li> Use -${MAKEFLAGS} in sub makes from makefiles. <li> Fixed SCRIPT_SH/SHELL handling. </ul> <li> configure: Changes for DSO generation on AIX provided by John Marquart <jomarqua@indiana.edu>. <li> configure, libtiff/Makefile.in: Modified to build DSOs properly on Darwin thanks to Robert Krajewski (rpk@alum.mit.edu) and Keisuke Fujii (fujiik@jlcuxf.kek.jp). <li> configure, libtiff/Makefile.in: applied OpenBSD patches as per bug 61. <li> Makefile.in: added DESTDIR support as per bug 60. <li> libtiff/tif_jpeg.c: Define HAVE_BOOLEAN on windows if RPCNDR.H has been included. <li> man/Makefile.in: add TIFFClientOpen link as per debian submitted bug 66. <li> libtiff/Makefile.in: Fixed @DSOSUB_VERSION to be @DSOSUF_VERSION@ in two places. </UL> <P><HR WIDTH=65% ALIGN=left> <!---------------------------------------------------------------------------> <A NAME="libtiff"><B><FONT SIZE=+3>C</FONT>HANGES IN LIBTIFF:</B></A> <UL> <li> tif_fax3.c: keep rw_mode flag internal to fax3 state to remember whether we are encoding or decoding. This is to ensure graceful recovery if TIFFClientOpen() discovers an attempt to open a compressed file for "r+" access, and subsequently close it, as it resets the tif_mode flag to O_RDONLY in this case to avoid writes, confusing the compressor's concept of whether it is in encode or decode mode. <li> tif_luv.c/tiff.h/tiffio.h: New version of TIFF LogLuv (SGILOG) modules contributed by Greg Ward (greg@shutterfly.com). He writes: <ol> <li> I improved the gamut-mapping function in tif_luv.c for imaginary colors, because some images were being super-saturated on the input side and this resulted in some strange color shifts in the output. <li> I added a psuedotag in tiff.h to control random dithering during LogLuv encoding. This is turned off by default for 32-bit LogLuv and on for 24-bit LogLuv output. Dithering improves the average color accuracy over the image. <li> I added a #define for LOG_LUV_PUBLIC, which is enabled by default in tiffio.h, to expose internal routines for converting between LogLuv and XYZ coordinates. This is helpful for writing more efficient, specialized conversion routines, especially for reading LogLuv files. </ol> <li> libtiff/tif_dirinfo.c: don't declare tiffFieldInfo static on VMS. <li> Added TIFFTAG_COPYRIGHT support. <li> tif_getimage.c: Added support for 16bit minisblack/miniswhite images in RGBA interface. <li> libtiff/tif_dirinfo.c: removed duplicate TIFFTAG_PHOTOSHOP as per bug 44. <li> libtiff/tif_dirwrite.c: Added support for TIFF_VARIABLE2 in the case of writing TIFF_BYTE/TIFF_SBYTE fields as per bug 43. <li> libtiff/tif_dirinfo.c: Modified the TIFF_BYTE definition for TIFFTAG_PHOTOSHOP to use a writecount of TIFF_VARIABLE2 (-3) to force use of uint32 counts instead of short counts. <li> libtiff/tif_dirinfo.c: moved pixar and copyright flags to ensure everything is in order. <li> Integrated experimental OJPEG support from Scott Marovich of HP. <li> libtiff/tif_open.c: Seek back to zero after failed read, before writing header. <li> libtiff/tiff.h, libtiff/tif_fax3.c: added check for __LP64__ when checking for 64 bit architectures as per bugzilla bug 67. <li> libtiff/tif_getimage.c: Use memmove() instead of TIFFmemcpy() in TIFFReadRGBATile() to avoid issues in cases of overlapping buffers. See Bug 69 in Bugzilla. <li> libtiff/tif_getimage.c: Don't complain for CMYK (separated) images with more than four samples per pixel as per bug 73. <li> libtiff/tif_getimage.c: relax handling of contig case where there are extra samples that are supposed to be ignored as per bug 75. This should now work for 8bit greyscale or palletted images. <li> libtiff/tif_packbits.c: fixed memory overrun error as per bug 77. <li> libtiff/tif_getimage.c: Fixed problem with reading strips or tiles that don't start on a tile boundary. Fix contributed by Josep Vallverdu (from HP), and further described in bug 47. <li> libtif/tif_fax3.c: Removed #ifdef PURIFY logic, and modified to always use the "safe" version, even if there is a very slight cost in performance as per bug 54. <li> libtiff/tif_lzw.c: added dummy LZWSetupEncode() to report an error about LZW not being available. <li> libtiff/tif_dir.c: propagate failure to initialize compression back from TIFFSetField() as an error status, so applications can detect failure. <li> libtiff/tif_lzw.c: Avoid MS VC++ 5.0 optimization bug as per bug 78. <li> libtiff/tif_dirwrite.c: added TIFFRewriteDirectory() function. Updated TIFFWriteDirectory man page to include TIFFRewriteDirectory. <li> libtiff/tiff.h: I have created COMPRESSION_CCITT_T4, COMPRESSION_CCITT_T6, TIFFTAG_T4OPTIONS and TIFFTAG_T6OPTIONS aliases in keeping with TIFF 6.0 standard in tiff.h as per bug 83. <li> Added PHOTOMETRIC_ITULAB as per bug 90. </UL> <P><HR WIDTH=65% ALIGN=left> <!--------------------------------------------------------------------------> <A NAME="tools"><B><FONT SIZE=+3>C</FONT>HANGES IN THE TOOLS:</B></A> <UL> <li> Brent Roman contributed updated tiffcp utility (and tiffcp.1) with support for extracting subimages with the ,n syntax, and also adding the -b bias removal flag. <li> tiff2ps.c/tiff2ps.1: Substantial changes to tiff2ps by Bruce A. Mallett, including a faster encoder, fixes for level 2 PostScript, and support for the imagemask operator. <li> fax2ps.c: Helge (libtiff at oldach.net) submitted fix that corrects behaviour for non-Letter paper sizes. (Bug 35) It fixes two problems: <br> Without scaling (-S) the fax is now centered on the page size specified with -H and/or -W. Before, fax2ps was using an obscure and practially useless algorithm to allocate the image relative to Letter sized paper which sometime sled to useless whitespace on the paper, while at the same time cutting of the faxes printable area at the opposite border. <br> Second, scaling now preserves aspect ratio, which makes unusual faxes (in particular short ones) print properly. <li> thumbnail.c: changed default output compression to packbits from LZW since LZW isn't generally available. <li> tiff2rgba.c: added -n flag to avoid emitting alpha component. Also added a man page for tiff2rgba. <li> tiffcmp.c: Fixed multi samples per pixel support for ContigCompare as per bug 53. Updated bug section of tiffcmp.1 to note tiled file issues. <li> libtiff/tif_getimage.c: Fixed so that failure is properly reported by gtTileContig, gtStripContig, gtTileSeparate and gtStripSeparate as per bug 51. </UL> <P><HR WIDTH=65% ALIGN=left> <!---------------------------------------------------------------------------> <A NAME="lzwkit"><B><FONT SIZE=+3>C</FONT>HANGES IN THE LZW COMPRESSION KIT:</B></A> <UL> <LI> Rewrote lzw patching process so that is required to enable full LZW support is to drop the tif_lzw.c from the libtiff-lzw-compression-kit over the one in the libtiff directory. <LI> Some changes were made to make recovery from failure to initialize the LZW compressor more graceful. <LI> Note that as distributed libtiff support LZW decompression, but not LZW compression. </UL> <!---------------------------------------------------------------------------> <A NAME="contrib"><B><FONT SIZE=+3>C</FONT>HANGES IN THE CONTRIB AREA:</B></A> <UL> <li> Fixed distribution to include contrib/addtiffo/tif_ovrcache.{c,h}. </UL> <A HREF="index.html"><IMG SRC="images/back.gif"></A> TIFF home page.<BR> <HR> Last updated $Date: 2004/11/26 14:37:20 $. </BODY> </HTML>