#include #include #include #include #ifdef WIN32 #define strdup(src) _strdup(src) #define usleep(time) Sleep(time/1000) #define fileno _fileno #define read _read #include #else #include #include #define HAVE_EDITLINE #endif #include static char prompt_str[512] = ""; static char hostname[512] = ""; #ifdef HAVE_EDITLINE static char *prompt(EditLine * e) { return prompt_str; } static EditLine *el; static History *myhistory; static HistEvent ev; #endif static int running = 1; static int thread_running = 0; static void handle_SIGINT(int sig) { if (sig); return; } #ifdef WIN32 static HANDLE hStdout; static WORD wOldColorAttrs; static CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbiInfo; static WORD #else static const char* #endif COLORS[] = { ESL_SEQ_DEFAULT_COLOR, ESL_SEQ_FRED, ESL_SEQ_FRED, ESL_SEQ_FRED, ESL_SEQ_FMAGEN, ESL_SEQ_FCYAN, ESL_SEQ_FGREEN, ESL_SEQ_FYELLOW }; static void *msg_thread_run(esl_thread_t *me, void *obj) { esl_handle_t *handle = (esl_handle_t *) obj; thread_running = 1; while(thread_running && handle->connected) { esl_status_t status = esl_recv_timed(handle, 10); if (status == ESL_FAIL) { esl_log(ESL_LOG_WARNING, "Disconnected.\n"); running = thread_running = 0; } else if (status == ESL_SUCCESS) { if (handle->last_event) { const char *type = esl_event_get_header(handle->last_event, "content-type"); int known = 0; if (!esl_strlen_zero(type)) { if (!strcasecmp(type, "log/data")) { int level = 0, tchannel = 0; const char *lname = esl_event_get_header(handle->last_event, "log-level"); const char *channel = esl_event_get_header(handle->last_event, "text-channel"); const char *file = esl_event_get_header(handle->last_event, "log-file"); if (channel) { tchannel = atoi(channel); } if (lname) { level = atoi(lname); } if (tchannel == 0 || (file && !strcmp(file, "switch_console.c"))) { #ifdef WIN32 DWORD len = (DWORD) strlen(handle->last_event->body); DWORD outbytes = 0; SetConsoleTextAttribute(hStdout, COLORS[level]); WriteFile(hStdout, handle->last_event->body, len, &outbytes, NULL); SetConsoleTextAttribute(hStdout, wOldColorAttrs); #else printf("%s%s%s", COLORS[level], handle->last_event->body, ESL_SEQ_DEFAULT_COLOR); #endif } known++; } else if (!strcasecmp(type, "text/disconnect-notice")) { running = thread_running = 0; known++; } } if (!known) { printf("INCOMING DATA [%s]\n%s", type, handle->last_event->body); } } } usleep(1000); } thread_running = 0; esl_log(ESL_LOG_DEBUG, "Thread Done\n"); return NULL; } static int process_command(esl_handle_t *handle, const char *cmd) { if ( !strcasecmp(cmd, "exit") || !strcasecmp(cmd, "quit") || !strcasecmp(cmd, "bye") ) { return -1; } if ( !strncasecmp(cmd, "event", 5) || !strncasecmp(cmd, "noevent", 7) || !strncasecmp(cmd, "nixevent", 8) || !strncasecmp(cmd, "log", 3) || !strncasecmp(cmd, "nolog", 5) || !strncasecmp(cmd, "filter", 6) ) { esl_send_recv(handle, cmd); printf("%s\n", handle->last_sr_reply); goto end; } printf("Unknown command [%s]\n", cmd); end: return 0; } typedef struct { char name[128]; char host[128]; esl_port_t port; char pass[128]; } cli_profile_t; static cli_profile_t profiles[128] = {{{0}}}; static int pcount; static int get_profile(const char *name, cli_profile_t **profile) { int x; for (x = 0; x < pcount; x++) { if (!strcmp(profiles[x].name, name)) { *profile = &profiles[x]; return 0; } } return -1; } #ifndef HAVE_EDITLINE static char command_buf[2048] = ""; static const char *basic_gets(int *cnt) { int x = 0; printf("%s", prompt_str); memset(&command_buf, 0, sizeof(command_buf)); for (x = 0; x < (sizeof(command_buf) - 1); x++) { int c = getchar(); if (c < 0) { int y = read(fileno(stdin), command_buf, sizeof(command_buf) - 1); command_buf[y - 1] = '\0'; break; } command_buf[x] = (char) c; if (command_buf[x] == '\n') { command_buf[x] = '\0'; break; } } *cnt = x; return command_buf; } #endif int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { esl_handle_t handle = {{0}}; int count = 0; const char *line = NULL; char cmd_str[1024] = ""; esl_config_t cfg; cli_profile_t *profile = &profiles[0]; int cur = 0; #ifndef WIN32 char hfile[512] = "/tmp/fs_cli_history"; char cfile[512] = "/tmp/fs_cli_config"; char *home = getenv("HOME"); #else char hfile[512] = ".\\fs_cli_history"; char cfile[512] = ".\\fs_cli_config"; char *home = ""; //getenv("HOME"); #endif strncpy(profiles[0].host, "", sizeof(profiles[0].host)); strncpy(profiles[0].pass, "ClueCon", sizeof(profiles[0].pass)); strncpy(profiles[0].name, "default", sizeof(profiles[0].name)); profiles[0].port = 8021; pcount++; /* Vars for optargs */ int opt; static struct option options[] = { {"help", 0, 0, 'h'}, {"host", 1, 0, 'H'}, {"port", 1, 0, 'P'}, {"password", 1, 0, 'p'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; if (home) { snprintf(hfile, sizeof(hfile), "%s/.fs_cli_history", home); snprintf(cfile, sizeof(cfile), "%s/.fs_cli_config", home); } signal(SIGINT, handle_SIGINT); gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname)); handle.debug = 0; esl_global_set_default_logger(7); if (esl_config_open_file(&cfg, cfile)) { char *var, *val; char cur_cat[128] = ""; while (esl_config_next_pair(&cfg, &var, &val)) { if (strcmp(cur_cat, cfg.category)) { cur++; esl_set_string(cur_cat, cfg.category); esl_set_string(profiles[cur].name, cur_cat); esl_set_string(profiles[cur].host, "localhost"); esl_set_string(profiles[cur].pass, "ClueCon"); profiles[cur].port = 8021; esl_log(ESL_LOG_INFO, "Found Profile [%s]\n", profiles[cur].name); pcount++; } if (!strcasecmp(var, "host")) { esl_set_string(profiles[cur].host, val); } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "password")) { esl_set_string(profiles[cur].pass, val); } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "port")) { int pt = atoi(val); if (pt > 0) { profiles[cur].port = (esl_port_t)pt; } } } esl_config_close_file(&cfg); } while (1){ int option_index = 0; opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "H:U:P:S:p:h?", options, &option_index); if (opt == -1) break; switch (opt) { case 'H': printf("Host: %s\n", optarg); esl_set_string(profile[0].host, optarg); break; case 'P': printf("Port: %s\n", optarg); profile[0].port= (esl_port_t)atoi(optarg); break; case 'p': printf("password: %s\n", optarg); esl_set_string(profile[0].pass, optarg); break; case 'h': case '?': printf("Usage: %s [-H ] [-P ] [-p ] [profile]\n\n", argv[0]); printf(" -?,-h --help Usage Information\n"); printf(" -H, --host=hostname Host to connect\n"); printf(" -P, --port=port Port to connect\n"); printf(" -p, --password=FILENAME Password\n\n"); return 0; default: opt = 0; } } if (optind < argc) { if (get_profile(argv[optind], &profile)) { esl_log(ESL_LOG_INFO, "Chosen profile %s does not exist using builtin default\n", argv[optind]); profile = &profiles[0]; } else { esl_log(ESL_LOG_INFO, "Chosen profile %s\n", profile->name); } } esl_log(ESL_LOG_INFO, "Using profile %s\n", profile->name); gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname)); snprintf(prompt_str, sizeof(prompt_str), "freeswitch@%s> ", profile->name); if (esl_connect(&handle, profile->host, profile->port, profile->pass)) { esl_log(ESL_LOG_ERROR, "Error Connecting [%s]\n", handle.err); return -1; } esl_thread_create_detached(msg_thread_run, &handle); #ifdef HAVE_EDITLINE el = el_init(__FILE__, stdout, stdout, stdout); el_set(el, EL_PROMPT, &prompt); el_set(el, EL_EDITOR, "emacs"); myhistory = history_init(); if (myhistory == 0) { esl_log(ESL_LOG_ERROR, "history could not be initialized\n"); goto done; } history(myhistory, &ev, H_SETSIZE, 800); el_set(el, EL_HIST, history, myhistory); history(myhistory, &ev, H_LOAD, hfile); #endif #ifdef WIN32 hStdout = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); if (hStdout != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hStdout, &csbiInfo)) { wOldColorAttrs = csbiInfo.wAttributes; } #endif snprintf(cmd_str, sizeof(cmd_str), "log info\n\n"); esl_send_recv(&handle, cmd_str); esl_log(ESL_LOG_INFO, "FS CLI Ready.\n"); while (running) { #ifdef HAVE_EDITLINE line = el_gets(el, &count); #else line = basic_gets(&count); #endif if (count > 1) { if (!esl_strlen_zero(line)) { char *cmd = strdup(line); char *p; #ifdef HAVE_EDITLINE const LineInfo *lf = el_line(el); char *foo = (char *) lf->buffer; #endif if ((p = strrchr(cmd, '\r')) || (p = strrchr(cmd, '\n'))) { *p = '\0'; } assert(cmd != NULL); #ifdef HAVE_EDITLINE history(myhistory, &ev, H_ENTER, line); #endif if (!strncasecmp(cmd, "...", 3)) { goto done; } else if (*cmd == '/') { if (process_command(&handle, cmd + 1)) { running = 0; } } else { snprintf(cmd_str, sizeof(cmd_str), "api %s\n\n", cmd); esl_send_recv(&handle, cmd_str); if (handle.last_sr_event) { printf("%s\n", handle.last_sr_event->body); } } #ifdef HAVE_EDITLINE el_deletestr(el, strlen(foo) + 1); memset(foo, 0, strlen(foo)); #endif free(cmd); } } usleep(1000); } done: #ifdef HAVE_EDITLINE history(myhistory, &ev, H_SAVE, hfile); /* Clean up our memory */ history_end(myhistory); el_end(el); #endif esl_disconnect(&handle); thread_running = 0; return 0; }