# This file generates C code for a character set alias lookup table # from the ccs/charset.aliases and ces/charset.aliases files. # Valid alias definitions must have at least two fields NF > 1 { target = unescape(tolower($1)); for (n = 2; n <= NF; ++n) aliases[unescape(tolower($n))] = target; } # Ignore all other lines { next } # Now generate the sorted alias list and lookup code END { # We'll have to sort the alias list, so that we can later use # bsearch to find an alias. alias_count = 0; for (name in aliases) alias_names[alias_count++] = name; sort(alias_names, alias_count); # Right, now generate the alias array and lookup code print "/* GENERATED CODE -- DO NOT EDIT -*- C -*-"; print " * Use the following command to regenerate this file:"; print " * awk -f ../build/gen_aliases.awk \\"; print " * ../ccs/charset.aliases \\"; print " * ../ces/charset.aliases > charset_alias.h"; print " */"; print "#ifndef API_HAVE_CHARSET_ALIAS_TABLE"; print "#define API_HAVE_CHARSET_ALIAS_TABLE"; print ""; print "#include <stdlib.h>"; print "#include <string.h>"; print ""; print "/* This is a sorted table of alias -> true name mappings. */"; print "static struct charset_alias {"; print " const char *name;"; print " const char *target;"; print "} const charset_alias_list[] = {"; for (i = 0; i < alias_count; ++i) print " {\"" alias_names[i] "\", \"" aliases[alias_names[i]] "\"},"; print " {NULL, NULL} };"; print ""; print "static const size_t charset_alias_count ="; print " sizeof(charset_alias_list)/sizeof(charset_alias_list[0]) - 1;" print ""; print "/* Compare two aliases. */"; print "static int charset_alias_compare (const void *u, const void *v)"; print "{"; print " const struct charset_alias *const a = u;"; print " const struct charset_alias *const b = v;"; print " return strcmp(a->name, b->name);"; print "}"; print ""; print "/* Look up an alias in the sorted table and return its name,"; print " or NULL if it's not in the table. */"; print "static const char *charset_alias_find (const char *name)"; print "{"; print " struct charset_alias key;"; print " struct charset_alias *alias;"; print "#if 'A' == '\\xC1' /* if EBCDIC host */"; print " /* The table is sorted in ASCII collation order, not in EBCDIC order."; print " * At the first access, we sort it automatically"; print " * Criterion for the 1st time initialization is the fact that the"; print " * 1st name in the list starts with a digit (in ASCII, numbers"; print " * have a lower ordinal value than alphabetic characters; while"; print " * in EBCDIC, their ordinal value is higher)"; print " */"; print " if (isdigit(charset_alias_list[0].name[0])) {"; print " qsort((void *)charset_alias_list, charset_alias_count,"; print " sizeof(charset_alias_list[0]),"; print " charset_alias_compare);"; print " }"; #endif print " key.name = name;"; print " alias = bsearch(&key, charset_alias_list, charset_alias_count,"; print " sizeof(charset_alias_list[0]),"; print " charset_alias_compare);"; print " if (alias)"; print " return alias->target;"; print " else"; print " return NULL;" print "}"; print ""; print "#endif /* API_HAVE_CHARSET_ALIAS_TABLE */"; } # Remove shell escapes from charset names function unescape(name) { gsub(/\\\(/, "(", name); gsub(/\\\)/, ")", name); return name; } # Yes, bubblesort. So what? function sort(list, len) { for (i = len; i > 1; --i) { swapped = 0; for (j = 1; j < i; ++j) { if (list[j-1] > list[j]) { temp = list[j]; list[j] = list[j-1]; list[j-1] = temp; swapped = 1; } } if (!swapped) break; } }