/* ** Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Erik de Castro Lopo <erikd@mega-nerd.com> ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <math.h> #include <sndfile.h> #define BUFFER_LEN (1 << 16) #if (defined (WIN32) || defined (_WIN32)) #define snprintf _snprintf #endif static void print_version (void) ; static void print_usage (const char *progname) ; static void info_dump (const char *filename) ; static void instrument_dump (const char *filename) ; static void broadcast_dump (const char *filename) ; int main (int argc, char *argv []) { int k ; print_version () ; if (argc < 2 || strcmp (argv [1], "--help") == 0 || strcmp (argv [1], "-h") == 0) { char *progname ; progname = strrchr (argv [0], '/') ; progname = progname ? progname + 1 : argv [0] ; print_usage (progname) ; return 1 ; } ; if (strcmp (argv [1], "-i") == 0) { instrument_dump (argv [2]) ; return 0 ; } ; if (strcmp (argv [1], "-b") == 0) { broadcast_dump (argv [2]) ; return 0 ; } ; for (k = 1 ; k < argc ; k++) info_dump (argv [k]) ; return 0 ; } /* main */ /*============================================================================== ** Print version and usage. */ static double data [BUFFER_LEN] ; static void print_version (void) { char buffer [256] ; sf_command (NULL, SFC_GET_LIB_VERSION, buffer, sizeof (buffer)) ; printf ("\nVersion : %s\n\n", buffer) ; } /* print_version */ static void print_usage (const char *progname) { printf ("Usage :\n %s <file> ...\n", progname) ; printf (" Prints out information about one or more sound files.\n\n") ; printf (" %s -i <file>\n", progname) ; printf (" Prints out the instrument data for the given file.\n\n") ; printf (" %s -b <file>\n", progname) ; printf (" Prints out the broadcast WAV info for the given file.\n\n") ; #if (defined (_WIN32) || defined (WIN32)) printf ("This is a Unix style command line application which\n" "should be run in a MSDOS box or Command Shell window.\n\n") ; printf ("Sleeping for 5 seconds before exiting.\n\n") ; fflush (stdout) ; /* This is the officially blessed by microsoft way but I can't get ** it to link. ** Sleep (15) ; ** Instead, use this: */ _sleep (5 * 1000) ; #endif } /* print_usage */ /*============================================================================== ** Dumping of sndfile info. */ static double data [BUFFER_LEN] ; static double get_signal_max (SNDFILE *file) { double max, temp ; int readcount, k, save_state ; save_state = sf_command (file, SFC_GET_NORM_DOUBLE, NULL, 0) ; sf_command (file, SFC_SET_NORM_DOUBLE, NULL, SF_FALSE) ; max = 0.0 ; while ((readcount = sf_read_double (file, data, BUFFER_LEN))) { for (k = 0 ; k < readcount ; k++) { temp = fabs (data [k]) ; if (temp > max) max = temp ; } ; } ; sf_command (file, SFC_SET_NORM_DOUBLE, NULL, save_state) ; return max ; } /* get_signal_max */ static double calc_decibels (SF_INFO * sfinfo, double max) { double decibels ; switch (sfinfo->format & SF_FORMAT_SUBMASK) { case SF_FORMAT_PCM_U8 : case SF_FORMAT_PCM_S8 : decibels = max / 0x80 ; break ; case SF_FORMAT_PCM_16 : decibels = max / 0x8000 ; break ; case SF_FORMAT_PCM_24 : decibels = max / 0x800000 ; break ; case SF_FORMAT_PCM_32 : decibels = max / 0x80000000 ; break ; case SF_FORMAT_FLOAT : case SF_FORMAT_DOUBLE : decibels = max / 1.0 ; break ; default : decibels = max / 0x8000 ; break ; } ; return 20.0 * log10 (decibels) ; } /* calc_decibels */ static const char * generate_duration_str (SF_INFO *sfinfo) { static char str [128] ; int seconds ; memset (str, 0, sizeof (str)) ; if (sfinfo->samplerate < 1) return NULL ; if (sfinfo->frames / sfinfo->samplerate > 0x7FFFFFFF) return "unknown" ; seconds = sfinfo->frames / sfinfo->samplerate ; snprintf (str, sizeof (str) - 1, "%02d:", seconds / 60 / 60) ; seconds = seconds % (60 * 60) ; snprintf (str + strlen (str), sizeof (str) - strlen (str) - 1, "%02d:", seconds / 60) ; seconds = seconds % 60 ; snprintf (str + strlen (str), sizeof (str) - strlen (str) - 1, "%02d.", seconds) ; seconds = ((1000 * sfinfo->frames) / sfinfo->samplerate) % 1000 ; snprintf (str + strlen (str), sizeof (str) - strlen (str) - 1, "%03d", seconds) ; return str ; } /* generate_duration_str */ static void info_dump (const char *filename) { static char strbuffer [BUFFER_LEN] ; SNDFILE *file ; SF_INFO sfinfo ; double signal_max, decibels ; memset (&sfinfo, 0, sizeof (sfinfo)) ; if ((file = sf_open (filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo)) == NULL) { printf ("Error : Not able to open input file %s.\n", filename) ; fflush (stdout) ; memset (data, 0, sizeof (data)) ; sf_command (file, SFC_GET_LOG_INFO, strbuffer, BUFFER_LEN) ; puts (strbuffer) ; puts (sf_strerror (NULL)) ; return ; } ; printf ("========================================\n") ; sf_command (file, SFC_GET_LOG_INFO, strbuffer, BUFFER_LEN) ; puts (strbuffer) ; printf ("----------------------------------------\n") ; if (file == NULL) { printf ("Error : Not able to open input file %s.\n", filename) ; fflush (stdout) ; memset (data, 0, sizeof (data)) ; puts (sf_strerror (NULL)) ; } else { printf ("Sample Rate : %d\n", sfinfo.samplerate) ; if (sfinfo.frames > 0x7FFFFFFF) printf ("Frames : unknown\n") ; else printf ("Frames : %ld\n", (long) sfinfo.frames) ; printf ("Channels : %d\n", sfinfo.channels) ; printf ("Format : 0x%08X\n", sfinfo.format) ; printf ("Sections : %d\n", sfinfo.sections) ; printf ("Seekable : %s\n", (sfinfo.seekable ? "TRUE" : "FALSE")) ; printf ("Duration : %s\n", generate_duration_str (&sfinfo)) ; /* Do not use sf_signal_max because it doesn work for non-seekable files . */ signal_max = get_signal_max (file) ; decibels = calc_decibels (&sfinfo, signal_max) ; printf ("Signal Max : %g (%4.2f dB)\n\n", signal_max, decibels) ; } ; sf_close (file) ; } /* info_dump */ /*============================================================================== ** Dumping of SF_INSTRUMENT data. */ static const char * str_of_type (int mode) { switch (mode) { case SF_LOOP_NONE : return "none" ; case SF_LOOP_FORWARD : return "fwd " ; case SF_LOOP_BACKWARD : return "back" ; case SF_LOOP_ALTERNATING : return "alt " ; default : break ; } ; return "????" ; } /* str_of_mode */ static void instrument_dump (const char *filename) { SNDFILE *file ; SF_INFO sfinfo ; SF_INSTRUMENT inst ; int got_inst, k ; memset (&sfinfo, 0, sizeof (sfinfo)) ; if ((file = sf_open (filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo)) == NULL) { printf ("Error : Not able to open input file %s.\n", filename) ; fflush (stdout) ; memset (data, 0, sizeof (data)) ; puts (sf_strerror (NULL)) ; return ; } ; got_inst = sf_command (file, SFC_GET_INSTRUMENT, &inst, sizeof (inst)) ; sf_close (file) ; if (got_inst == SF_FALSE) { printf ("Error : File '%s' does not contain instrument data.\n\n", filename) ; return ; } ; printf ("Instrument : %s\n\n", filename) ; printf (" Gain : %d\n", inst.gain) ; printf (" Base note : %d\n", inst.basenote) ; printf (" Velocity : %d - %d\n", (int) inst.velocity_lo, (int) inst.velocity_hi) ; printf (" Key : %d - %d\n", (int) inst.key_lo, (int) inst.key_hi) ; printf (" Loop points : %d\n", inst.loop_count) ; for (k = 0 ; k < inst.loop_count ; k++) printf (" %-2d Mode : %s Start : %6d End : %6d Count : %6d\n", k, str_of_type (inst.loops [k].mode), inst.loops [k].start, inst.loops [k].end, inst.loops [k].count) ; putchar ('\n') ; } /* instrument_dump */ static void broadcast_dump (const char *filename) { SNDFILE *file ; SF_INFO sfinfo ; SF_BROADCAST_INFO bext ; int got_bext ; memset (&sfinfo, 0, sizeof (sfinfo)) ; if ((file = sf_open (filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo)) == NULL) { printf ("Error : Not able to open input file %s.\n", filename) ; fflush (stdout) ; memset (data, 0, sizeof (data)) ; puts (sf_strerror (NULL)) ; return ; } ; memset (&bext, 0, sizeof (SF_BROADCAST_INFO)) ; got_bext = sf_command (file, SFC_GET_BROADCAST_INFO, &bext, sizeof (bext)) ; sf_close (file) ; if (got_bext == SF_FALSE) { printf ("Error : File '%s' does not contain broadcast information.\n\n", filename) ; return ; } ; printf ("Description : %.*s\n", (int) sizeof (bext.description), bext.description) ; printf ("Originator : %.*s\n", (int) sizeof (bext.originator), bext.originator) ; printf ("Origination ref : %.*s\n", (int) sizeof (bext.originator_reference), bext.originator_reference) ; printf ("Origination date : %.*s\n", (int) sizeof (bext.origination_date), bext.origination_date) ; printf ("Origination time : %.*s\n", (int) sizeof (bext.origination_time), bext.origination_time) ; printf ("BWF version : %d\n", bext.version) ; printf ("UMID : %.*s\n", (int) sizeof (bext.umid), bext.umid) ; printf ("Coding history : %.*s\n", bext.coding_history_size, bext.coding_history) ; } /* broadcast_dump */ /* ** Do not edit or modify anything in this comment block. ** The arch-tag line is a file identity tag for the GNU Arch ** revision control system. ** ** arch-tag: f59a05db-a182-41de-aedd-d717ce2bb099 */