/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "fspr_general.h" #include "fspr_shm.h" #include "fspr_errno.h" #include "fspr_lib.h" #include "fspr_strings.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <kernel/OS.h> #include "fspr_portable.h" struct fspr_shm_t { fspr_pool_t *pool; void *memblock; void *ptr; fspr_size_t reqsize; fspr_size_t avail; area_id aid; }; APR_DECLARE(fspr_status_t) fspr_shm_create(fspr_shm_t **m, fspr_size_t reqsize, const char *filename, fspr_pool_t *p) { fspr_size_t pagesize; area_id newid; char *addr; char shname[B_OS_NAME_LENGTH]; (*m) = (fspr_shm_t *)fspr_pcalloc(p, sizeof(fspr_shm_t)); /* we MUST allocate in pages, so calculate how big an area we need... */ pagesize = ((reqsize + B_PAGE_SIZE - 1) / B_PAGE_SIZE) * B_PAGE_SIZE; if (!filename) { int num = 0; snprintf(shname, B_OS_NAME_LENGTH, "fspr_shmem_%ld", find_thread(NULL)); while (find_area(shname) >= 0) snprintf(shname, B_OS_NAME_LENGTH, "fspr_shmem_%ld_%d", find_thread(NULL), num++); } newid = create_area(filename ? filename : shname, (void*)&addr, B_ANY_ADDRESS, pagesize, B_LAZY_LOCK, B_READ_AREA|B_WRITE_AREA); if (newid < 0) return errno; (*m)->pool = p; (*m)->aid = newid; (*m)->memblock = addr; (*m)->ptr = (void*)addr; (*m)->avail = pagesize; /* record how big an area we actually created... */ (*m)->reqsize = reqsize; return APR_SUCCESS; } APR_DECLARE(fspr_status_t) fspr_shm_destroy(fspr_shm_t *m) { delete_area(m->aid); m->avail = 0; m->memblock = NULL; return APR_SUCCESS; } APR_DECLARE(fspr_status_t) fspr_shm_remove(const char *filename, fspr_pool_t *pool) { area_id deleteme = find_area(filename); if (deleteme == B_NAME_NOT_FOUND) return APR_EINVAL; delete_area(deleteme); return APR_SUCCESS; } APR_DECLARE(fspr_status_t) fspr_shm_attach(fspr_shm_t **m, const char *filename, fspr_pool_t *pool) { area_info ai; thread_info ti; fspr_shm_t *new_m; area_id deleteme = find_area(filename); if (deleteme == B_NAME_NOT_FOUND) return APR_EINVAL; new_m = (fspr_shm_t*)fspr_palloc(pool, sizeof(fspr_shm_t*)); if (new_m == NULL) return APR_ENOMEM; new_m->pool = pool; get_area_info(deleteme, &ai); get_thread_info(find_thread(NULL), &ti); if (ti.team != ai.team) { area_id narea; narea = clone_area(ai.name, &(ai.address), B_CLONE_ADDRESS, B_READ_AREA|B_WRITE_AREA, ai.area); if (narea < B_OK) return narea; get_area_info(narea, &ai); new_m->aid = narea; new_m->memblock = ai.address; new_m->ptr = (void*)ai.address; new_m->avail = ai.size; new_m->reqsize = ai.size; } (*m) = new_m; return APR_SUCCESS; } APR_DECLARE(fspr_status_t) fspr_shm_detach(fspr_shm_t *m) { delete_area(m->aid); return APR_SUCCESS; } APR_DECLARE(void *) fspr_shm_baseaddr_get(const fspr_shm_t *m) { return m->memblock; } APR_DECLARE(fspr_size_t) fspr_shm_size_get(const fspr_shm_t *m) { return m->reqsize; } APR_POOL_IMPLEMENT_ACCESSOR(shm) APR_DECLARE(fspr_status_t) fspr_os_shm_get(fspr_os_shm_t *osshm, fspr_shm_t *shm) { return APR_ENOTIMPL; } APR_DECLARE(fspr_status_t) fspr_os_shm_put(fspr_shm_t **m, fspr_os_shm_t *osshm, fspr_pool_t *pool) { return APR_ENOTIMPL; }