/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "cpr.h" #include "cpr_stdlib.h" #include "cpr_stdio.h" #include #include #include #include #define LINUX_MIN_THREAD_PRIORITY (-20) /* tbd: check MV linux: current val from Larry port */ #define LINUX_MAX_THREAD_PRIORITY (+19) /* tbd: check MV linux. current val from Larry port */ /** * cprCreateThread * * @brief Create a thread * * The cprCreateThread function creates another execution thread within the * current process. If the input parameter "name" is present, then this is used * for debugging purposes. The startRoutine is the address of the function where * the thread execution begins. The start routine prototype is defined as * follows * @code * int32_t (*cprThreadStartRoutine)(void* data) * @endcode * * @param[in] name - name of the thread created (optional) * @param[in] startRoutine - function where thread execution begins * @param[in] stackSize - size of the thread's stack * @param[in] priority - thread's execution priority * @param[in] data - parameter to pass to startRoutine * * Return Value: Thread handle or NULL if creation failed. */ cprThread_t cprCreateThread (const char *name, cprThreadStartRoutine startRoutine, uint16_t stackSize, uint16_t priority, void *data) { static const char fname[] = "cprCreateThread"; static uint16_t id = 0; cpr_thread_t *threadPtr; pthread_t threadId; pthread_attr_t attr; CPR_INFO("%s: creating '%s' thread\n", fname, name); /* Malloc memory for a new thread */ threadPtr = (cpr_thread_t *)cpr_malloc(sizeof(cpr_thread_t)); if (threadPtr != NULL) { if (pthread_attr_init(&attr) != 0) { CPR_ERROR("%s - Failed to init attribute for thread %s\n", fname, name); cpr_free(threadPtr); return (cprThread_t)NULL; } if (pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr, stackSize) != 0) { CPR_ERROR("%s - Invalid stacksize %d specified for thread %s\n", fname, stackSize, name); cpr_free(threadPtr); return (cprThread_t)NULL; } if (pthread_create(&threadId, &attr, startRoutine, data) != 0) { CPR_ERROR("%s - Creation of thread %s failed: %d\n", fname, name, errno); cpr_free(threadPtr); return (cprThread_t)NULL; } /* Assign name to CPR if one was passed in */ if (name != NULL) { threadPtr->name = name; } /* * TODO - It would be nice for CPR to keep a linked * list of running threads for debugging purposes * such as a show command or walking the list to ensure * that an application does not attempt to create * the same thread twice. */ threadPtr->u.handleInt = (uint64_t)threadId; threadPtr->threadId = ++id; return (cprThread_t)threadPtr; } /* Malloc failed */ CPR_ERROR("%s - Malloc for thread %s failed.\n", fname, name); errno = ENOMEM; return (cprThread_t)NULL; } /** * cprDestroyThread * * @brief Destroys the thread passed in. * * The cprDestroyThread function is called to destroy a thread. The thread * parameter may be any valid thread including the calling thread itself. * * @param[in] thread - thread to destroy. * * @return CPR_SUCCESS or CPR_FAILURE. errno should be set for FAILURE case. * * @note In Linux there will never be a success indication as the * calling thread will have been terminated. */ cprRC_t cprDestroyThread (cprThread_t thread) { static const char fname[] = "cprDestroyThread"; cpr_thread_t *cprThreadPtr; cprThreadPtr = (cpr_thread_t *) thread; if (cprThreadPtr != NULL) { /* * Make sure thread is trying to destroy itself. */ if (cprThreadPtr->u.handlePtr == (void*) pthread_self()) { cprThreadPtr->threadId = 0; cpr_free(cprThreadPtr); pthread_exit(NULL); return CPR_SUCCESS; } CPR_ERROR("%s: Thread attempted to destroy another thread, not itself.\n", fname); errno = EINVAL; return CPR_FAILURE; } /* Bad application! */ CPR_ERROR("%s - NULL pointer passed in.\n", fname); errno = EINVAL; return CPR_FAILURE; } /** * cprAdjustRelativeThreadPriority * * @brief The function sets the relative thread priority up or down by the given value. * * This function is used pSIPCC to set up the thread priority. The values of the * priority range from -20 (Maximum priority) to +19 (Minimum priority). * * @param[in] relPri - nice value of the thread -20 is MAX and 19 is MIN * * @return CPR_SUCCESS or CPR_FAILURE */ cprRC_t cprAdjustRelativeThreadPriority (int relPri) { const char *fname = "cprAdjustRelativeThreadPriority"; if (setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, relPri) == -1) { CPR_ERROR("%s: could not set the nice..err=%d\n", fname, errno); return CPR_FAILURE; } return CPR_SUCCESS; } /** * @} * @addtogroup ThreadInternal Helper functions for implementing threads in CPR * @ingroup Threads * @brief Helper functions used by CPR for thread implementation * * @{ */ /** * cprGetThreadId * * @brief Return the pthread ID for the given CPR thread. * * @param[in] thread - thread to query * * @return Thread's Id or zero(0) * */ pthread_t cprGetThreadId (cprThread_t thread) { if (thread) { return (pthread_t)(long) ((cpr_thread_t *)thread)->u.handleInt; } return 0; }