/* * This file is part of the Sofia-SIP package * * Copyright (C) 2005 Nokia Corporation. * * Contact: Pekka Pessi <pekka.pessi@nokia.com> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA * */ /**@CFILE auth_digest.c * * Implementation for digest authentication. * * @author Pekka Pessi <Pekka.Pessi@nokia.com> * * @date Created: Thu Feb 22 12:10:37 2001 ppessi */ #include "config.h" #include <sofia-sip/su_md5.h> #include "sofia-sip/auth_common.h" #include "sofia-sip/auth_digest.h" #include "sofia-sip/msg_header.h" #include "sofia-sip/auth_common.h" #include "iptsec_debug.h" #include <string.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <limits.h> #include <assert.h> /**Get digest-challenge parameters. * * The function digest_challenge_get() searches for the digest authentication * parameters in @a params. The parameters are assigned to the appropriate * fields in @a ac structure. * * @return * * The function digest_challenge_get() returns number of parameters * found, or -1 upon an error. */ issize_t auth_digest_challenge_get(su_home_t *home, auth_challenge_t *ac0, char const * const params[]) { ssize_t n; auth_challenge_t ac[1] = {{ 0 }}; char const *md5 = NULL, *md5sess = NULL, *sha1 = NULL, *stale = NULL, *qop_auth = NULL, *qop_auth_int = NULL; ac->ac_size = sizeof(ac); assert(ac0); assert(ac0->ac_size >= (int) sizeof(*ac)); if (ac0 == NULL || params == NULL) return -1; n = auth_get_params(home, params, "realm=", &ac->ac_realm, "domain=", &ac->ac_domain, "nonce=", &ac->ac_nonce, "opaque=", &ac->ac_opaque, "algorithm=", &ac->ac_algorithm, "qop=", &ac->ac_qop, "algorithm=md5", &md5, "algorithm=md5-sess", &md5sess, "algorithm=sha1", &sha1, "stale=true", &stale, "qop=auth", &qop_auth, "qop=auth-int", &qop_auth_int, NULL); if (n < 0) return n; ac->ac_stale = stale != NULL; ac->ac_md5 = md5 != NULL || ac->ac_algorithm == NULL; ac->ac_md5sess = md5sess != NULL; ac->ac_sha1 = sha1 != NULL; ac->ac_auth = qop_auth != NULL; ac->ac_auth_int = qop_auth_int != NULL; auth_struct_copy(ac0, ac, sizeof(ac)); SU_DEBUG_5(("%s(): got "MOD_ZD"\n", "auth_digest_challenge_get", n)); return n; } /** Free challenge parameters */ void auth_digest_challenge_free_params(su_home_t *home, auth_challenge_t *ac) { if (ac->ac_realm) su_free(home, (void *)ac->ac_realm), ac->ac_realm = NULL; if (ac->ac_domain) su_free(home, (void *)ac->ac_domain), ac->ac_domain = NULL; if (ac->ac_nonce) su_free(home, (void *)ac->ac_nonce), ac->ac_nonce = NULL; if (ac->ac_opaque) su_free(home, (void *)ac->ac_opaque), ac->ac_opaque = NULL; if (ac->ac_algorithm) su_free(home, (void *)ac->ac_algorithm), ac->ac_algorithm = NULL; if (ac->ac_qop) su_free(home, (void *)ac->ac_qop), ac->ac_qop = NULL; } /**Get digest-response parameters. * * The function auth_response_get() searches for the digest authentication * parameters in @a params. The parameters are assigned to the appropriate * fields in @a ar structure. * * @return * * The function auth_response_get() returns number of parameters * found, or -1 upon an error. */ issize_t auth_digest_response_get(su_home_t *home, auth_response_t *ar0, char const *const params[]) { ssize_t n; auth_response_t ar[1] = {{ 0 }}; char const *md5 = NULL, *md5sess = NULL, *sha1 = NULL, *qop_auth = NULL, *qop_auth_int = NULL; ar->ar_size = sizeof(ar); assert(ar0); assert(params); assert(ar0->ar_size >= (int) sizeof(ar)); if (ar0 == NULL || params == NULL) return -1; n = auth_get_params(home, params, "username=", &ar->ar_username, "realm=", &ar->ar_realm, "nonce=", &ar->ar_nonce, "uri=", &ar->ar_uri, "response=", &ar->ar_response, "algorithm=", &ar->ar_algorithm, "opaque=", &ar->ar_opaque, "cnonce=", &ar->ar_cnonce, "qop=", &ar->ar_qop, "nc=", &ar->ar_nc, "algorithm=md5", &md5, "algorithm=md5-sess", &md5sess, "algorithm=sha1", &sha1, "qop=auth", &qop_auth, "qop=auth-int", &qop_auth_int, NULL); if (n < 0) return n; ar->ar_md5 = md5 != NULL || ar->ar_algorithm == NULL; ar->ar_md5sess = md5sess != NULL; ar->ar_sha1 = sha1 != NULL; ar->ar_auth = qop_auth != NULL; ar->ar_auth_int = qop_auth_int != NULL; auth_struct_copy(ar0, ar, sizeof(ar)); SU_DEBUG_7(("%s: "MOD_ZD"\n", "auth_digest_response_get", n)); return n; } static void unquote_update(su_md5_t md5[1], char const *quoted) { if (!quoted) /*xyzzy*/; else if (quoted[0] == '"') { char const *q; size_t n; for (q = quoted + 1; *q; q += n + 2) { n = strcspn(q, "\"\\"); su_md5_update(md5, q, n); if (q[n] == '"' || q[n] == '\0') break; su_md5_update(md5, q + n + 1, 1); } } else su_md5_strupdate(md5, quoted); } /** Generate A1 hash for digest authentication. */ int auth_digest_a1(auth_response_t *ar, auth_hexmd5_t ha1, char const *secret) { su_md5_t md5[1]; /* Calculate A1 */ su_md5_init(md5); su_md5_strupdate(md5, ar->ar_username); su_md5_update(md5, ":", 1); unquote_update(md5, ar->ar_realm); su_md5_update(md5, ":", 1); su_md5_strupdate(md5, secret); su_md5_hexdigest(md5, ha1); SU_DEBUG_5(("auth_digest_a1() has A1 = MD5(%s:%s:%s) = %s\n", ar->ar_username, ar->ar_realm, secret, ha1)); return 0; } int auth_digest_a1sess(auth_response_t *ar, auth_hexmd5_t ha1sess, char const *ha1) { su_md5_t md5[1]; su_md5_init(md5); su_md5_strupdate(md5, ha1); su_md5_update(md5, ":", 1); unquote_update(md5, ar->ar_nonce); su_md5_update(md5, ":", 1); unquote_update(md5, ar->ar_cnonce); su_md5_hexdigest(md5, ha1sess); SU_DEBUG_5(("auth_sessionkey has A1' = MD5(%s:%s:%s) = %s\n", ha1, ar->ar_nonce, ar->ar_cnonce, ha1sess)); return 0; } /** Generate MD5 session key for digest authentication. */ int auth_digest_sessionkey(auth_response_t *ar, auth_hexmd5_t ha1, char const *secret) { if (ar->ar_md5sess) ar->ar_algorithm = "MD5-sess"; else if (ar->ar_md5) ar->ar_algorithm = "MD5"; else return -1; if (ar->ar_md5sess) { auth_hexmd5_t base_ha1; auth_digest_a1(ar, base_ha1, secret); auth_digest_a1sess(ar, ha1, base_ha1); } else { auth_digest_a1(ar, ha1, secret); } return 0; } /** Generate response for digest authentication. * */ int auth_digest_response(auth_response_t *ar, auth_hexmd5_t response, auth_hexmd5_t const ha1, char const *method_name, void const *data, isize_t dlen) { su_md5_t md5[1]; auth_hexmd5_t Hentity, HA2; if (ar->ar_auth_int) ar->ar_qop = "auth-int"; else if (ar->ar_auth) ar->ar_qop = "auth"; else ar->ar_qop = NULL; /* Calculate Hentity */ if (ar->ar_auth_int) { if (data && dlen) { su_md5_init(md5); su_md5_update(md5, data, dlen); su_md5_hexdigest(md5, Hentity); } else { strcpy(Hentity, "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"); } } /* Calculate A2 */ su_md5_init(md5); su_md5_strupdate(md5, method_name); su_md5_update(md5, ":", 1); unquote_update(md5, ar->ar_uri); if (ar->ar_auth_int) { su_md5_update(md5, ":", 1); su_md5_update(md5, Hentity, sizeof(Hentity) - 1); } su_md5_hexdigest(md5, HA2); SU_DEBUG_5(("A2 = MD5(%s:%s%s%s)\n", method_name, ar->ar_uri, ar->ar_auth_int ? ":" : "", ar->ar_auth_int ? Hentity : "")); /* Calculate response */ su_md5_init(md5); su_md5_update(md5, ha1, 32); su_md5_update(md5, ":", 1); unquote_update(md5, ar->ar_nonce); if (ar->ar_auth || ar->ar_auth_int) { su_md5_update(md5, ":", 1); su_md5_strupdate(md5, ar->ar_nc); su_md5_update(md5, ":", 1); unquote_update(md5, ar->ar_cnonce); su_md5_update(md5, ":", 1); su_md5_strupdate(md5, ar->ar_qop); } su_md5_update(md5, ":", 1); su_md5_update(md5, HA2, 32); su_md5_hexdigest(md5, response); SU_DEBUG_5(("auth_response: %s = MD5(%s:%s%s%s%s%s%s%s:%s) (qop=%s)\n", response, ha1, ar->ar_nonce, ar->ar_auth || ar->ar_auth_int ? ":" : "", ar->ar_auth || ar->ar_auth_int ? ar->ar_nc : "", ar->ar_auth || ar->ar_auth_int ? ":" : "", ar->ar_auth || ar->ar_auth_int ? ar->ar_cnonce : "", ar->ar_auth || ar->ar_auth_int ? ":" : "", ar->ar_auth || ar->ar_auth_int ? ar->ar_qop : "", HA2, ar->ar_qop ? ar->ar_qop : "NONE")); return 0; }